Comparable to a shadow, Petra is the wallflower huntress of the Forget-Me-Not Pack. Rather than unfriendly, she is more shy and withdrawn, choosing to spend her time either alone, with her hunting party (where conversation is minimal), or with her best friend, Clementine. Yin and yang, Petra and her compatriot are seen together more often than not. They are the same age, grew up side by side, and even had their first litters of puppies on the same day. Clementine is one of the only wolves who can bring Petra out of her shell, and others often comment that Petra is her shadow. While she enjoys the certainty and safety of her friendship, she understands that as she matures, she needs to branch out in her relationships and learn to open up to others. While she is comfortable with her packmates (except Lykke), she still has a lot of learning to do in terms of letting her walls down around them.
With a pelt like moonlight through the trees, Petra makes for an impressive chaser for her hunting party. She loves the chase with a passion, and truly excels in tracking and stalking prey. Though she is guarded, she is an excellent team player, and understands all of her partners' strengths and weaknesses.