Gull ✒️
Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 6 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Unknown |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 180 |
Pups Bred | 280 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Sulphur (0.32%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Medium II |
Eyes | Black |
Skin | Fallow |
Nose | Bistre |
Claws | Bone |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Yellow Back (100%) |
Slot 2 | Honey Half Dorsal (63%) |
Slot 3 | Beige Unders (100%) |
Slot 4 | Red Dilution (52%) |
Slot 5 | Honey Dorsal (84%) |
Slot 6 | Cream Neck (89%) |
Slot 7 | Brown Dilution (80%) |
Slot 8 | White Low Bottoms (60%) |
Slot 9 | White Dilution (85%) |
Slot 10 | Beige Eyebrows (75%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Burial place: Mountains
Burial stone inscription:
It is too soon for this, I will miss you forever, but we will not be separated for long. I love you.
After being accepted into Tyr's company he quickly fell in love with the stoic leader. As to show his dedication and interest in her he hunted for her, but once they had pups together he resigned to care for them instead. It turns out his mate was a big softie, adopting most any abandoned pup she could find, despite their small territory. She defended herself by saying that they can leave once they're adults. Gull didn't actually mind, and happily took care of those pups too.
He would be lying if he claimed that he didn't find the scent of a female in heat to be alluring, but he had no plans to seek her out. Tyr however seemed to have become more dedicated to the packs survival than to the love between her and Gull. He didn't like the news of his status as breeding male to the whole pack. He didn't like how Tyr didn't want to love him anymore. But he still loved her and stayed to provide for her pack.
A rumor was spreading through the pack that Tyr found Gull inadequete to be the breeding male of the pack. This hurt him deeply. He wasn't good for being a mate, neither for being the breeding male. So what was he good for? He started sulking and feeling negative, spending most of his free time alone in the dark den, sometimes covered by pups, sometimes not.
"It feels like I'm making no progress at all. I know I am, but it's just taking longer," his packmate Räv came into the den venting at the top of her lungs before plopping down on the floor, tired from her last scout.
"You should calm down, remember why you took the job in the first place", Gull remembered how she talked after coming back from her first scout.
"I guess I'm too impatient. It was easier when Astrid was helping me"
"You're pushing yourself too hard, you should rest more. Especially after you had pups," Gulls mention of pups made Räv shift her ears. Uncomfortable topic for both of them. Rävs face changed expression and looked into his eyes.
"You're coming with me in the morning. I'll show you the way until we reach the grasslands and then we go separate ways", Rävs words confused him and to be honest he didn't quite want to go anywhere, he just wanted to rot as the worthless piece of mold he was.
"You can't just lie here and sulk all the time! It's not making you feel better. You're not being yourself," she paused, looking concerned before moving her gaze away from him "you're sad about Tyr. I don't know what she actually said, Gull, but you're not worthless. If you really think you are, then why not change that? Come with me tomorrow, okay?"
Räv became silent and shuffled into a sleeping position. She was right, joining her as a scout would improve his mood. Maybe he would feel more free then, too. Maybe he would meet someone? He brushed off the thought quickly. Maybe it would help to prove himself useful to the pack. To Tyr? He was still longing for her, but he was scared she had given up completely. Still, a change of pace would only be good for him. He quit the pupsitter job as soon as he woke up the next day.
After months on the job as a scout, Gull had become more confident, self reliant, strong and handsome. He began noticing all the young females of the pack treating him differently. Gull eventually had to switch jobs with Björk, a young male he considered his son, because of the unique challenges in scouting a certain area. On his last day as a scout, he stopped Räv on the forest path. They were far away from their territory, and soon at the place where they'd have to part ways. That was when Gull and Räv passionately confessed their feelings toward eachother.
Once Gull became a hunter and spent more time at the camp, he was relishing in the attention the young females gave him! The first one he bred with had been a young wolf who he was supporting in a hunting team, teaching her how to hunt and being by her side. After that, females from other packs also fell for his charm! Soon enough, many of the females of his own pack were carrying his pups and birthing and nursing his pups. Gull felt very proud of his achievements!
Gull now had many pups from many different biomes. Visiting them and seeing how many there were made him proud of himself! But after a little pup named Blowden was put into his care, and his adoptive son, Björk, had told him off for breeding with his daughter, he became confused. He had wanted to produce as many pups as he could, he wanted to be a good stud. But was one more female really worth losing his bond with Björk for? Was all this making him a good role model for Blowden? He wasn't so sure anymore.. But it was his job, he had to provide for his pack.
Gull knew about Tyr and Rävs relationship, but he couldn't help it, he went to Räv anyway.
"I met my sister."
Räv turned her head to look at him. "Your sister?"
"Yes.. I have a sister, I lost her when I was young, and I found her. She lives in a neighbouring packs territory," he could see Räv looking conflicted, and he wanted to keep himself short, "I have realized my bad behavior, Räv. I have decided to become a good role model to my son. You'll see!"
He left with determination in his heart
The years went, friends died, pups grew up, and Gull finally passed on his stud status to his protege Fjällskymning. He was free of that duty now. Maybe he would find someone to have one last litter with?
One of Gulls many daughters had two pups, and then left the pack. He had word of them looking identical to Räv, who was now dead, but as all motherless pups, the Alpha was taking care of them. He contemplated for a while but he decided he wanted to see the pups, and so had to meet Tyr as well.. It went better than expected, and they started caring for the abandoned pups together, and they started falling in love all over again.
He spent the last years of his life with Tyr, as he had always wanted. They had pups together once more!
"Can we name her Mås?" Tyr asked quietly, as the pups were sleeping. Gull was caught off guard.
7 years ago, by the creek in the decidous forest, Gull was a young lone wolf without a family when he one day was ambushed by what he first had thought was a small bear, but the clear scent of female wolf tattled on her. He fancied the female, who was also a lone wolf, and she let him stick around. He tried to teach her his tongue, but she wouldn't listen, so he started learning hers instead. The female started calling him Gull, a nickname from her part, but she didn't know he had no name before this. Her name was hard to pronounce. Tyr. One day, when communication on both sides was established and the sun was shining on the creek, he had to ask.
"Why do you call me Gull? Do you think I'm loud or something?" Tyr looked amused and confused, and then a little bit embarrassed.
"Gull is different in my tongue," her language came out stilted, but she managed, "It means not that there bird. It means.." she hid her face under her paws, "It means golden, or precious."
Gull felt his heart beat faster and started feeling shy, so he blurted out in her tongue, probably equally as stilted "Vad är fågeln kallas då?" What is the bird called then?
"Mås," she replied and smiled at him, shuffling closer, "But they are not loud and annoying! I love them, they're a sign of summer approaching! Sort of like you."
She laid down her head next to his golden fur and he couldn't help but nuzzling her.
Gull now looked at Tyr all these years and troubles later, confused, wondering if she remembered that moment as well. Tyr looked up at him, happy, and now stating perfectly clear and confident, with her wonderful accent;
"I love gulls"
Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
None equipped!
None equipped!