In love with Silver
Blue Eyes
Before Moon joined Fortune, she lived in the forest alone and hunted under the moonlight. She blended in best when it was dark, and it made her feel safe. Silver invited her to the pack after spotting her under the light of the full moon, and to him she was stunning. The two grew close quickly and joined the hunting group together. They had a daughter, Keira, but Silver wasn't her father. Unbeknownst to him Silver was incapable of having a pup. So to have a family to raise with Silver she would sneak out to find a strong stud to breed with. This wolf ended up being Dusty, and although only one pup survived, Silver and Moon happily raised Keira, without Silver ever knowing the pup wasn't his. After Keira left the pack to find her own way, the couple retired from hunting and enjoyed the remainder of their days together.