Is the founder of the Demonic HellHounds Clan. As a demon that Clawed his way all the way to the top of the Demon ranks to Demon Lord. Hell Bowed to his paws, he was keeping demons at bay with his power. But all good must come to an end, Satan himself saw this Hound to be a problem so he banished it out of hell by slaying it and cursing it. In his cursed mortal form he walks the earth in a Direwolf form not able to use hell fire and with a body that ages, but this cant stop his demon energy or desire for revenge.
With his rebirth into a Direwolf with unnatural abilities of strength and agility he dominated the living world, also being the FIRST demon in the living mortal realm. Over time his Demonic power became to strong for his own Moral body starting to destroy him from the inside out so he split his soul in 2, creating a Cursed shadow wolf to walk the mortal word and Bless any who are willing to sacrifice their life to become a hellhoud will die and be reborn into a beast of hell.
Cursed Shadow Wolf Bio:
Art my me

Is half of Abaddon's original power. Statue of a wolf as tall as a horse, once you get close to it, black smoke emanate from the statues eyes, nose, and mouth and makes a black smoke spirits form of Abasson.
This spirit can enter your body and burn you from the inside out or make you immortal, cure you or curse you or change you appearance but all needs sacrifice.