Night would sometimes join Hare on scouting forays, the two wolves often meandering off to sniff the bear gouged trees and lie on warm rocks in the sun. On one of these treks, upriver about a mile they found a suitable, hidden, clean, and deserted cave. The desire for more space was itching at them both for weeks - new pups were getting bigger and rowdier, everyone wanted to spread out. Padding around the cave floor they explored the nooks and smelled the corners, both met again outside the entrance and when Night approached Hare she jumped and lolled her tongue in excitement, as the two wolves playfully nipped at eachother on their way back they anticipated the return to this new piece of territory.
The day after Hare and Night had returned from scouting the whole pack had set out with them early in the morning and traversed the scent trails to the new Riverside den. Padding around and sniffing about, Charwood and Hearth approved excitedly of the new den, all of them spending the night and even finding another entrance to a cave a few dozen paces away from the one Hare and Night had found. Over the course of the next few days the Black Twig group had gradually gone back to the main hub to resume life as normal, leaving Hare, Night, and a handful of energetic adolescents at the new den to stretch their legs and establish a routine.
Right away Night fell into the responsibility of scouting from this new epicenter, she had an air of purpose and dedication about her that made Hare feel joyful and happy to relinquish scouting duties. Her strength, experience, and age urged her to pick up the responsibility of leading hunts, she had many new individuals to teach, but the Black Twig wolves had excellent success and experience with hunts and some of the adolescents had ventured out with the adults and witnessed a few hunts and were at least familiar with the basics. Singe especially showed a lot of potential and was naturally adept at judging when to advance and when to pull back, he had attached himself to the two female leads pretty quickly and they enjoyed his company, he was always eager and learned quickly.