Oak is a strong gray-black wolf, his pelt marked with red and gray. The male wolf seems equally capable of caring and fighting for his packmates.
Oak was a loner for most of his life after his mother- a lone wolf- cast him away. Then he met Ash, a young wolf on a mission, and joined Skyshine. Oak is one of the founding members of Skyshine and the leader of their hunting party. He is level-headed and often acts as a counter-balance to Ash's enthusiasm, helping her make good decisions. He started to have an eye for Ash, but everything went upside-down when Onyx joined the pack. Now, Ash had a mate, and there was no way she could ever love Oak. He is still fair and kind, but he holds a grudge against Onyx.
19/4/21: Oak's fur has turned grayer in his old age. Now the oldest hunter of the pack, he mentors younger wolves with nostalgia to his glory days.
On Ash: "When we were younger, I loved her so much... it tore me apart to learn she had a mate. I still care for her, but in the way that old friends do."