Seagaze was a strange wolf her dreams full of travels and mountains and a black wolf. Many of her pack keeping their distance thinking her to be cursed. She never had many friends in her home pack and never felt she belonged. She felt as though something was pulling her elsewhere like she was destined to be something more than what she was. She often told these things to her mother's sister who was another wolf the pack found strange enough to stay away from. Always cryptic her mother's sister never gave her a straight answer when she asked what to do. Until one fateful day, a storm hit her pack's territory causing a massive forest fire that split her from her pack. She wandered alone after that looking for her pack or any wolf who could help her.
That was when she met Tala. The wolf that looked so familiar to the one in her dreams. Heart full of up she excitedly followed the older wolf's instructions and settled into her new life. She sometimes thinks about her former pack but never lets herself dwell on the past for too long. Though she wonders if they made it out of the fire alive.
There was a little flame between her and Shadestone that resulted in them having two sons: Magpie and Skywatcher. Though the two are friends they never committed to being mates and both are okay with that while still doing what is best for their sons.