Roe is a loose canon, a real berserk. She snaps out at anyone coming to close to her, friend or foe alike. If she can't reach you physically, she'll be sure to attack you with as much vulgarity as she can muster. Some marauders speculate she's rather delusional, she keeps blabbering on and on about "needing to take the throne", and how she'll "show them all". Everyone knows she's just talking bullcrap because when she was confronted by Alpha Snake, her mind seemed to clear and she cowered like never before. Being eager to slaughter anyone coming in her path is useful however, she is surprisingly good at the raider role despite her delusions of grandeur. Sure she wears that ridiculous crown she made out of twigs and keep yelling at every marauder to respect her position. No one really pays her any mind and she doesn't even seem to notice.
Roe is always covered in tried blood, flies and fleas follow her every move. It doesn't seem like she knows how to bathe, or care to check if any of that blood is her own. It's hard to tell when everything is a huge dried mess, and there's no way the shaman cares to stick their neck out for a raider who doesn't even want the help. Roe doesn't seem bothered anyway, or maybe she's just too far gone to even feel the pain..
(23g+100s custom decor. 1350s other decor.)