Sunfall is The Father Of Tomaska
This wolf is now level 9!
+1 Max HP, +7 strength, +3 agility, +4 wisdom, +4 smarts
This wolf is now level 10!
+1 Max HP, +7 strength, +2 wisdom, +5 smarts, +4 agility, +2 speed
This wolf is now level 11!
+1 Max HP, +6 strength, +2 wisdom, +8 smarts, +4 speed, +2 agility
This wolf is now level 12!
+1 Max HP, +3 speed, +9 strength, +7 smarts, +3 wisdom, +2 agility
This wolf is now level 13!
+1 Max HP, +4 strength, +6 speed, +8 smarts, +4 wisdom, +4 agility
level 14!
+1 Max HP, +10 strength, +4 wisdom, +3 speed, +10 smarts, +1 agility
level 15!
+1 Max HP, +3 speed, +13 strength, +10 smarts, +1 wisdom, +3 agility
level 16!
+1 Max HP, +14 smarts, +3 speed, +3 agility, +5 wisdom, +7 strength
level 17!
+1 Max HP, +13 strength, +4 agility, +4 wisdom, +11 smarts, +2 speed
level 18!
+1 Max HP, +13 strength, +10 smarts, +6 agility, +2 wisdom, +5 speed
level 19!
+1 Max HP, +5 speed, +12 strength, +7 wisdom, +10 smarts, +4 agility