Ouch! You have a massive cut across your pawpad, stupid mountains. You limp for a time, before you hear a snuffling in the bushes beside you. Hackles raised you growl, only to see a male pop his head out of a group of bushes. Leaves in his fur and a mouth full of plants you've never seen. His eyes bright and curious. "Oh no! You've been hurt. Come with me!" He hops out of the bush, sticks his head in and pulls out some more strange plants and some bark. You notice a few butterflies flitting around them. You go to take a bite of one and he rounds on you, snarling and puffing up. "These are my friends. They show me where the herbs grow best. If you eat them I'll leave you to your wound, it'll get infected for sure."
You recoil, surprised by the male's sudden fierceness. You follow, head down. He bounds forward and disappears between two pine trees that grow close together. Upon closer inspection, you see a crack in the rock face behind, and enough room for a wolf to squeeze in. As you do you choke for a moment, the scent of herbs is strong here. He motions for you to settle into a nest made of soft ferns and feathers.
"My mentor Shard would know what to do better than I but, it seems like a simple open wound." He goes into a cleft in the wall and pulls out a strange looking container with a pink substance inside. He applies the medicine carefully, it stings but you feel better almost instantly. "You may rest here tonight, but you should head out in the morning. Our leader is kind but unless you are to join us, you shouldn't overstay your welcome."