An anxious pup since he arrived carried in the big jaws of Redzenious into the camp to his warrior naming day. He's sweet and shy and has a hard time speaking up about his feelings; most of the time when he talks you can't hear anything just see his lips move and gauge how he's feelings by his body language. Beandew is the type who wants to be by himself but is too scared to be away from the rest of the pack and the other his age.
Beandew has pretty good stats but his skills with communicating with other wolves while on the hunt were far less than a good outing. Since he was no good at hunting Redzenious banished him as a pupsitter, Beandew wasn't completely opposed to the idea as he was a more conservative wolf. He didn't want to hunt, which caused pain and competition between his packmates. Beandew is also vegetarian eating mainly fruits, vegetables, and insects. With his good stats, it left him as a good protector for the younger ones while the hunters and Redzenious were out.
He has a calming effect on others if they aren't the ones who are angry at him for how soft and childish he acts. His favorite food which almost seems like an obsession is grasshoppers and raspberries, and he always talks with his mouth full grossing out the other wolves when they see the still wiggling and twitching legs of his bugs. Though he thinks it's just as gross when blood drips from the chins of his packmates... And this boy has the most innocent gaze...
Beandew has an awkward laugh somewhere between a long gasp and the ba-ing of a mountain goat... He's smaller than his mate Rosemane; a lazy female who doesn't have much interest in doing much of anything except sleeping. He has a crush on his mate, they were more put together by Redzenious but neither of them complained, he liked her thick fur to keep him warm at night, she was a warm pillow. With Beandew his courage never did develop so he tends to hide behind Rosemane and any other female who will stick up for him.