devotion (n.)

c. 1200, devocioun, "profound religious emotion, awe, reverence," from Old French devocion "devotion, piety" and directly from Latin devotionem (nominative devotio), noun of action from past-participle stem of devovere "dedicate by a vow, sacrifice oneself, promise solemnly."
🏵️ Despite being born into a secular family, Devotion had always had an inkling that there was something...more, out there. Although some of Syndica's wolves were formerly members of religious packs, the pack itself dictated no particular philosophy, upon Lacuna's insistence that no oppressive dogma take hold. (Many have speculated what kind of pack she left behind to found hers; none dare probe.) And so Dev found herself drawn to Numskul, the enigmatic scout who seemed to stand alone in his unwavering belief in the spirits, ghosts, and deities that allegedly inhabited the world around them. She'd overheard him mention strange things to those close to him. Watchful water. Willful wisps. "The god of second chances." What had he seen on his travels? What could she learn?