Akinori is the younger of Lucky Taro's merle twins. When he was a pup, his fur looked like rotting algae, made worse by his tendency to roll in gross dead things. His brothers called him "Rot" and made barfing motions when he came near. Akinori would retaliate by pretending to be a zombie puppy and jumping on them and biting them. That's how brothers are.
Thankfully, his fur cleared up when he got older. He still liked rolling in gross dead things, but doesn't everyone?
As an adult, Akinori followed in his mom's footsteps as scout. With the advent of the Dreaming Moon, he and his mom split up the scouting duties: Taro guarded the waking world, while Akinori patrolled the dreamlands. After Akinori finished his two-year tour of duty and earned his owl talon necklace, he became the pack loremaster.
starting stats: 424 (88/74/90/70/102)
level 20 stats: 914 (+490)
reached level 20 with 232 scouting expeditions at the age of 2 years, 10 months
lifetime achievements: 232 scouting expeditions & 31 lessons taught