Ọýenmwen joined the pack early on, quickly getting his way up to be the stud of the group--though some argue this was simply because nobody else particularly wanted to fill the roll. He earned it though, tinted with the otherworldly lunar colors, strong, and charismatic, he was an attractive mate. His unusually dark coat made him a spectacularly sneaky scout for years too, but eventually he got bored with all the attention, flair, and running amok. Now he's settled into a more dormant life as the herbalist, learning from the great Cybil before she passed away.
No melanism:
340 starting stats, 7 marks
Non Carrier x Non Carrier = 100% Non Carrier
Non Carrier x Carrier = 90% Non Carrier, 10% Carrier
Non Carrier x Mutation = 15% Carrier, 85% Non Carrier
Carrier x Carrier = 10% Carrier, 10% Mutation, 80% Non Carrier
Carrier x Mutation = 15% Carrier, 15% Mutation, 70% Non Carrier
Mutation x Mutation = 10% Carrier, 20% Mutation 70% Non Carrier