mother & father unknown
children burolia and kona
title x
puphood friends with imryll in their birth pack, the offer of new beginnings away from kin promised adventure and freedom, neither of which he could experience there. soon as they turned a year old, eroan and imryll set off to make a claim onto a foreign land, forgetting their pasts and forging new identities. the duo quickly became a quartet following navarre and maescia's joining, where they all settled comfortably in the deciduous forest, but he found himself trying to woo the ever oblivious maescia, who was nearly certain that they were just friends. imryll, observant, clued in on the kindling feelings between the two and asked if they were willing to have a litter solely to provide newblood within the ranks, which led to the resulting children burolia and kona. his treasures, eroan proved to be an outstanding father, his enthusiasm laid in how his children strongly resembled him. he still holds a torch for maescia, however, despite time and circumstances leading them to different paths; he can be found near the nursery striking a conversation with the gold and white she-wolf, his personal sun to whom he rises for.