Daughter of Redzenious .:Belongs to the Hidden Mists Tribes:.
The last born from the old King Redzenious, Hiddenpaw has the same combative attuite as her father and creepy black eyes that no one knows where she got from. She likes to chase after birds, bluejays are her favorite as is the color blue. During her childhood, she heard tales of other wolves at the Grotto that have caught and trained birds to be their familiars or companions. Hiddenpaw tried multiple times to sneak along with the other to go to the Grotto to see, she always had a disliking for Kiva and her apprentice Mountainsmoke for their choice in families (and Kiva for her past relationship with her father she barely knew).
Redzenious died weeks before she gained her warrior name Hiddenstorm; which was gained from her storm of anger when she found out her father was dead. She ended up running off for a week and lived in the woods completely on her own and untrackable from the rest of the pack members. Hiddenstorm always resented her older siblings for both knowing her father, even hearing the stories on how cruel a King he was, and Ghostrattle for becoming the King. It wasn't like she believed her older sister should run but rather herself.