L10: 358 stats
L11: 383
L14: 495
L20: min 705 stats
Special Pups:
Losna (x9), Bronze (x1)
https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/2350941 Meet Calamity, the G1 Losna Stud | 810+ chaser stats | 10M (4 rare, Losna Aurora & Cross | 1
or 200![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/sc.png)
https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/2350941 Calamity, the G1 Losna stud with 810+ chaser stats to pursue your wolf | Los Aurora & Cross | 1
or 200![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/sc.png)