(n.) cyclone conlang for "hawk"
the B E A S T
Despite being the blood of the first Pathfinder, Raer's birth went uncelebrated. Born only a single moon after the Battle of Weaver's Will, Cyclone had more than a single pup litter to worry about. With his mother, Moth Thorn, grieving the loss of her own parents, Raer didn't receive much attention from her growing up. Although she loved him, she was a distant figure in his life. Similar could be said for the rest of the pack: all of them so distracted by the world around them growing colder and more unfamiliar, Raer found most of his time being occupied by Aya and Dra of Ar'Oshikrou, born slightly after him.
As he grew, he found himself becoming more and more drawn to the elder and calmer of the sisters, Aya. Aya was a talented huntress from the start, her mind sharp and her tongue sharper when it came to throwing playful taunts back and forth. When Pondhawk rewarded Aya's progress with a hunting team of her own, Raer was startled to find himself the first selected by her.
However, despite the guidance of their new Pathfinder, Cyclone had a hard time regaining its footing within the mountain territory they called home. The weather, while as unpredictable as ever, stretched out over long days and longer nights, keeping the wolves inside their mountainous home. With prey disappearing and the pack growing ever hungrier, Pondhawk was pressing Aya and her team more and more to bring back food for the starving wolves - but there was simply none to be found. And despite his friend's stoicism in the face of the Pathfinder's criticism, he knew the pressure was beginning to get beneath her skin.
It was in the face of this desperation that he was approached. It was the middle of the night when a voice crept through his mind, awakening him and leading him out of the safety of the cavern system that Cyclone calls home. To this day he cannot be for certain to whom, or what, he spoke with- only that they offered him strength to help his pack, knowledge of where the prey had migrated and how to get them back. The price?
An eternity out of Sky Strider's realm. Never again would he walk beneath the Goddess' light.
He accepted.
Blessed with the knowledge of the dark spirit, he returned eagerly to Cyclone to tell Aya where the elk had gone; together, they managed to return the herd to Cyclone Territories. However, his new strength wouldn't come without scrutiny: under Pondhawk's blessed gaze, Raer was a spot of darkness within the pack. Undetectable. Dangerous.
When Pondhawk discovered what he had done, the Pathfinder stripped him of his title: instead, bestowing upon him the title of 'the Beast'.
However, Pondhawk didn't stop there. From now on, even Raer's children would not outlive their father's curse: they would be stripped of their title: they would be low-born, untrustworthy. of Raer'cyotl.