The first and founding leader of StormFallen. Nordran was a wise and strong leader, unifying lone wolves into the honorable pack it is today. With his mate and beta, Shabiita, by his side, the two raised and guided their packmates through the cruelest of winters and with the power of his ancestors by his side, lead his pack from the mountains that had begun in to the desert, then to the deciduous forest where he spent the rest of his leadership. Soon, the spirits in the stars had blessed Nordran's pack by having him and the leaders and herbalists that would follow after him to have the ability to walk through the Dreamlands. As seasons passed into his golden age, he came across the Chaorainn Pack and assisted them in helping to find lost wolves that have begun disappearing across the territories. After calming the spirit of Bronagh, Nordran assured an alliance between Stormfallen and the Chaorainn Pack for generations to come.