Background needed: [Canada] New Brunswick - Hopewell Rocks
"Wonderful!" Meadow stood up, his legs aching from sitting so long. The puppies looked over at him, their eyes shining. At this point, Meadow was too tired to watch them continue to get it wrong, and he just wanted this session over with.
"That was great Sunshine, now how about you four head on back to the dens and I'll clean up here?" Meadow scanned the puppies faces. They all nodded eagerly, tripping over their own paws as they raced out of the clearing back towards home. Meadow could hear their high pitched voices as they made beats on who would win the race.
Meadow sighed. He knew his training them would mold their futures, but why did they have to do so poorly at it. He bent his head down and picked up a snapped twig.
- Was a hunter before he took on the role as mentor
- Is with his mate Wasp, but many believe that their relationship isn't all that genuine
- Despite being a mentor, he gets impatient rather easily
- Is often one to shoot first and ask questions later