*Your Traveling Around The Dream Lands Looking At All The Strange Colors And Animals You Travel Up The Mountain Remembering The Strange Pack That Says They're Recreating The Starlight Pack Could It Be True? You Shake Off The Thought And Go Up To The Top Of The Mountain And See Their Camp? It Can't Be You Even See Some Of The Pack Members You Met Before As You Watch In Awe You Get Startled Seeing A Strangely Colored Wolf. She Seems To Be The Only Wolf Here That Isn't Aggressive That Actually Belongs*
"Who Are You What Do You Want?" *You Growl At The Wolf Backing Up a Little*
*The She Wolf Smiles And Backs Up Speaking In A Soft tone*
It's ok no need to growl I mean no threat. You may have heard of me my names Yuki I was the alpha to form this new pack. When I was of age I left my birth pack from my old land place called Yellowstone (she was at first a puppy in one of my first wolf quest play throughs). I traveled a long and found my way here to the birth place of my line. I started the new pack in hope of gaining the same magical powers and returning it to the land and maybe even spread it farther. I lived all my years met my amazing mate Avalanche and had many pups. I was able to raise a successor as well so the packs line could go on hopefully for as long as the past one did if not longer. After about 6 years I died of old age sleeping next to my mates grave under the ancient oak under which we met.
Yuki was from a lost line of powerful wolves she always heard legends of what her ancestors did and in turn she wanted to remake the pack. When she was old enough she left and started her own pack. Tala helped her with the basics and after a bit she fell for a male and they had 2 pups Onal and Tasha. Sadly the father didn't like that so he tried to kill the pups but Yuki chased him off. Thankfully she had the rest of her new pack to help her and she was able to raise the two with there help. After a while she met another male named Avalanche she wasn't very accepting of her feelings because of what happened with her pups father. After a while she knew he was a good wolf and they got closer and her pups were very fond of him as well. They became mates and had many litters together. They stayed together until Avalanche died of old age not long after she was found to be carrying her last litter. She was able to raise them to healthy ages and died in her sleep next to her mates grave under the ancient oak where they met and were burried there together to be with each other in the stars.