☼ Áleifr ☼
Last Details | |
Death Age | 8 years 0 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Reliable |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 192 |
Pups Bred | 284 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Russet (0.45%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Dark II |
Eyes | Hazel |
Skin | Brown |
Nose | Pink |
Claws | Bone |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Dark Brown Saddle Ticking (33%) |
Slot 2 | Beige Half Socks (86%) |
Slot 3 | Tuff Cape (100%) |
Slot 4 | Black Throat Patch (81%) |
Slot 5 | Luna Inverted Cross (60%) |
Slot 6 | Red Undersides (53%) |
Slot 7 | Tuff Cape Ticking (100%) |
Slot 8 | White Toes (100%) |
Slot 9 | Selene Lupos (85%) |
Slot 10 | Yellow Merle (55%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
https://www.wolvden.com/breed/2698080 ☼ Áleifr ☼ | G4 | 370+ STR | 264+ SMA | TII Colorbomb | Hazel | Merle & Lunar | Now 1210+ Stats | 100sc or 1gc!
The pup trotted after his mother, taking in the sights and sounds as they passed through the swampy marshlands, past birds, snakes and other creatures. He watched as the wildlife changed from that of his home to that of a similarly wet and lush, but unfamiliar territory that he hadn't explored before. His siblings followed after him, just as engrossed in watching the scenery change. His closest sister, Nila, was just behind him and as he glanced back at her she returned his gaze with round blue eyes.
"Where are we going, Aleifr?" The she-pup asked nervously.
"Well," Aleifr paused to stop his own voice wavering, "we're going on an adventure, Nil."
"You're going to your new home, dears, and you'll do just fine I'm sure! It's supposedly very lovely to live by the river, and these wolves are known for taking in all sorts of pups, so I'm sure you'll make many friends there," their mother, a big beautiful gray wolf explained cheerfully, reassuringly to her pups.
Aleifr and Nila smiled up at the she-wolf, their spirits lifted once again as the marsh faded away completely and gave way to deep green trees with moss hanging from them, and soft but not squishy ground beneath their small paws. Eventually they all came to the river itself. They followed it for a time, leaving five sets of footprints in the muddy bank until the mud became pebbles and they came to a place that smelled of another wolf pack. As they approached this hollow by the river, coming up behind an enormous petrified tree stump a seemingly— to a young pup's eyes, anyway— similarly enormous golden wolf appeared over the rise.
"Whoah. Who is he?" Aleifr and his siblings asked in a chorus of young voices.
"That, pups, is your father. And this here is your new home," Gust announced in a theatrical voice, smiling at the golden alpha and then beaming proudly at her pups.
Aleifr trotted through the hollow, nodding left and right as he passed by his packmates. It had been a long day of scouting and he was sleepy, so their calls of good afternoon and how's your day going were wholly lost on him. He finally trundled through the den entrance and toward his nest to collapse, and it seemed like not two seconds had passed before a weight thumped down on top of him. It took its sweet time snuggling into a comfortable position— for it, anyway— and then almost immediately began to snore loudly. The young wolf spat some blue fur from his mouth and tried to get even slightly more comfortable beneath his sister's limp, none-too-delicately snoring body. It wasn't happening, and eventually the young wolf gave up and was lulled to sleep by the methodical drone of Nila's own slumber.
Aleifr stood up and shook out his fur, sending water flying in all directions. Most of it hit Caio, Idrit and Peregrine who were standing more calmly and drily by with only their paws in the cool, shallow ford. As Ale shook all the water out of his fur and onto theirs the trio began to splutter, laugh and bark at him in mock anger. He only grinned and made as if to chase them and dunk them into the river as well.
"Ale, if you get me all wet and cold I'll claw your ears off! I will!" Howled the somewhat younger and more excitable Idrit as he tucked in his tail and ran for the riverbank.
"I'm all for a good old water fight! Come back here! Per, come on, I need you on my team!" Called Caio who was hot on Aleifr's heels and ready to tackle him back into the water.
Peregrine only grinned, then moved into position in front of Ale while he was looking back at Caio. The colorful scout had just opened his mouth to taunt the light-furred hunter when he slammed straight into the wall of muscle that was Peregrine. All that escaped his open mouth was the air that was forced out of his lungs as his forward momentum was stopped. He slid down into the water, first wheezing, then laughing. Caio and Peregrine exchanged satisfied grins and began scooping pawfuls of water toward their friend while he was down.
"Ohhh, not fair. You know, I bet your sister coulda done better though, Per. She's way stronger than you," Aleifr wheezed through a cheeky grin and took off again.
Peregrine shrugged and nodded his agreement with the statement, but Caio snorted indignantly and ran after the scout to defend his humble friend's honor.
Aleifr trotted wearily over the natural berm that protected the hollow from flooding when the river swelled. He had been thinking of that and about a million other important, useful things to know ever since his sister, the Redfeathers' alpha, Ataahua, had decided he would be the pack's next alpha. He shook his head irritably, 'that's not even how it works here! The pack chooses the next alpha, and they haven't chosen anyone yet, let alone me.' The scout tried to shake away the thought, but it wouldn't go. His sister wasn't thinking. Surely the pack would choose someone like Hufen who always knew what they were doing. Aleifr hardly ever knew what he was doing.
He took a deep, shuddering breath and let it all out as he stopped and sunk to his haunches right where he was. Sure, he knew his way around the territory. Sure, he knew how to make peace or negotiate boundaries with other packs. Sure, he was the strongest wolf in the pack by a mile. He had no idea how to manage a whole pack, though.
"Do you mind terribly? I've got to get through here, sorry."
A somewhat familiar voice sounded from behind him and he realized he was in a narrow entrance passage between two tall boulders. He leapt up and whirled around, coming face-to-face with Coorah, one of the younger hunters. He blinked once, then twice, then just stared into two crystal pools of blue in front of his own dark hazel eyes.
"Ah, right, I just need to squeeze past here, and... yep, see you later! I guess..." She shook her head, looked back, then shook her head again and bounded off to wherever it was she needed to be.
Aleifr's sleepy hazel eyes blinked one more time and then he shook his own head with a scoff, "what. Am. I. Doing?! Oh, idiot! Get some sleep and start learning how to speak because it looks like you're going to have to explain that mess. Oh, damn. As if I haven't got enough to think about." He chuckled softly to himself and allowed for a smile, then trotted off toward the den to finally get the sleep he so clearly needed.
He had let a few days pass. He knew he should've gone to explain himself straightaway, but he couldn't. There was so much to sort out, so much to try and learn, to finally accept. He had even gone to speak with Rionach about it all. She was always good to speak to about such things. She had let him in on the not-so-secret that most everyone did in fact like him for the next alpha. They had thus far put their trust in the paws of one of Hakaan's pups, and they'd gladly do it again. Wolves liked him, it turned out, and he hadn't even known it. He'd hardly even spoken to some of them, but there it was.
Over the past couple of days he had really applied himself to trying to connect with those wolves in particular; the wolves he had thus far respected too much to speak to, like Hufen, Orynne, Leveque, Syndestar and Wing. They still scared him, but now they at least seemed approachable. His next effort had been with the younger wolves of the pack, and the pupsitters. It was easier to connect with them since his own nature was very pup-like. If he was totally honest, that was much of the reason he had put this conversation off until now. The pups, young ones and he had taken to playing or training together most days.
Now, however, he was ready to put himself out there and hope for the best. He took a deep breath, shaking all the other thoughts away, and stepped forward to catch the attention of the silver she-wolf fishing by the river's edge.
Aleifr bumped his forehead to his son's, turned and rubbed his cheek to his mate's. Then he woke up. Looking around, brow furrowed, he regained his bearings. He shook out his fur very quietly, remembering where he was. It was a competition of sorts between several packs. Who would come out on top in a free-for-all fight? He shook his head. That was one way to avoid all-out war. Ale had jumped at the opportunity, not least of all to prove that he had what it took to be leader like his sister wanted, but also so that none of his packmates would get hurt. 'So far so good,' he thought, eyes still on a swivel in the darkness.
A loud crack came from the bushes a little ways off, and Aleifr sunk even lower to the ground, hackles raised, tail still. The only light came from a break in the canopy above, a single ray of moonlight on the forest floor. Ale strained to try and catch any glimpse of movement.
The forest exploded.
The big wolf's breath was driven from his lungs and he hit the ground with a thud. Claws raked his flank and he could feel teeth trying to find purchase in his thick ruff. He scrabbled, paws trying to find a hold in the ground, in his assailant, anything. Just as he was beginning to panic he found a leg and dug in his claws. The other wolf howled and leaped away, giving Ale the moment he needed to heave himself to his paws. His dusky opponent swiped at him viciously and blood ran into his left eye. Blinking furiously he could restrain himself no longer. Ale let out a deep growl and hurled himself at the ambusher, overpowering her and sending her to the ground. She lay still. Breathing, thank goodness, but still.
Aleifr grabbed the dusky wolf by the scruff, heaved her into the bushes from whence she had attacked him. He hoped that, if she had any sense at all, she would go home and accept defeat. As for him, he was back on the move. From that early evening until the next morning he traveled, taking as unusual a route as he could, doubling back on his own trail, even climbing through the trees at a point where they crowded together enough to hold him. Eventually he stopped. It was mid-morning and his paws would take him no further. He sat down to rest and when he awoke two strangers were sitting nearby, talking in hushed tones.
Aleifr bolted upright with a growl, and they made gestures of peace which he reluctantly accepted. The pair had an easy way about them, as if they weren't worried. Eventually the gray one wandered off to find some food, and the tawny one turned her one-eyed gaze on Ale. She spent a good five minutes staring before she lunged.
Ale had been ready since he had awoken, so her first attempt to pin him failed. By the third, fourth, fifth attempts she was gaining some headway. Aleifr had spent the previous night thinking, trying to outsmart his opponents and he had veritably run himself into the ground with fatigue. He fell easily after a time, taking her slashes and bites while trying to use the rest of his energy to protect his weak points. Eventually the gray wolf came back and gestured to the one-eyed she-wolf to come along. She prodded her limp practice dummy with a paw, satisfied, and loped off into the brush.
Ale let several minutes— hours?— pass before he pried open an eye to look around. His usually colorful fur was crusted with blood, he felt like he was on fire, he was very stiff from lying there on the ground so long, and he really had to go, but otherwise he was alive. He swiveled his ears to make sure there were no signs of movement out there, then rolled himself to his feet. Wincing and trying to remember to breathe through the stinging, he glanced up at the stars which had come out while he was asleep. He thought again about Coorah and Winnie at home, turned in that direction and started walking. He had some explaining to do with Ataahua, and some very convincing peace negotiations to rehearse on his way back.
The sound of his two best friends running full tilt followed him through the forest. Aleifr had come to collect them, then run off without another word, and the two hunters were so confounded that they simply had to chase after him. He crested the hill with them hot on his heels and plunged down into a thicker part of the forest, weaving expertly among the trees and underbrush, leading the way. He heard some crashing at one point, but the two chasers never fell or got left behind.
Eventually the giddy alpha slowed to a trot, hanging back so that the two panting hunters could catch up with him. Peregrine exchanged a glance and a sharp exhale with Caio as he fell into step with both of his friends.
"I can't believe neither of you fell through there," Ale said, half disappointed.
"That's what you get with two expert chasers!" Caio crowed with a grin.
"I wouldn't say expert. There's still so much to learn... plus I was nearly taken out by a vine there," Peregrine countered in his humble way.
"Nonsense! We make you train all the pups for a reason, Per," Ale said jauntily, "alright, just through here."
Aleifr ducked through some low-hanging vines. A moment passed, then Ale heard the pair of puzzled hunters following him down the short tunnel that opened out into the most beautiful secluded pond oasis. He smiled as Peregrine blinked up at the enormously tall waterfall above that fed the pond and Caio looked wide-eyed from the pond to Ale and back again several times.
"How... did you find this?" Peregrine asked, bewildered.
"I was running from a particularly nasty-looking bear this morning after he bested me in a fight, and the fellow would not relent. Anyway, I finally managed to get a lead on him and I needed a place to lose him. I saw nice thick vines, hid behind those. Then I heard water. I thought, even better! Conceal the scent, hide behind some rocks, and all he's got is the trail back out of here to follow. Turns out he didn't think I was worth it anymore before the vines, and good thing, too, because when I got here I was just as gobsmacked as you two squirrels! I thought you might appreciate it, so now it can be our place," Ale said with a huge grin.
"I... mean. Absolutely, this is fantastic," Peregrine said, finally managing to take a step toward the water.
Before he could go any farther, though, Caio gave a whoop of delight as he broke out of his own stupor and charged into the pond for a swim. Peregrine raised an eyebrow toward Ale who grinned, and the two of them ran to join their happily swimming friend.
Aleifr paced back and forth outside his den. There was so much to think about on a normal day, but now there was the additional issue of wolves going missing. Not just any wolves, either, but his best friends, one of which was his beta. It was too much piled on top of everything else. Rasp was getting a bit squirrely again, the new hunting teams always had questions and difficulties, and now he was constantly meeting with others in regards to the dilemma of the disappearances. Other packs who'd lost wolves were trying to collaborate to find out what was going on, Nicht was working on information gathering, and Thorn, Wing and his sister wouldn't leave him be for more than an hour before coming to him with a million questions about their missing mates and family members.
"At least the diplomatic issues are being handled by the Wise and Strong since they don't have to worry about hunting anymore. Finally I actually made a good decision about something," the troubled alpha said to himself.
"Of course you did," Coorah's voice sounded and the silver she-wolf nuzzled him reassuringly, "you're doing just fine under the circumstances. I know we'll find them eventually. We've got too many wolves working together on this not to."
Ale looked up at her with a smile, "I think I'd go insane if you weren't here talking sense."
Aleifr followed behind Alastor of all wolves, who was leading them to who knew where. This had seemed like a better plan before they had put it into action, and now Aleifr just hoped the strange blue-furred wolf wouldn't let them down. They had been traveling for a while, hours even. It was difficult to tell in these unnatural conditions. Aleifr was getting antsy, thinking of all the ways this— calling it a battle when he didn't know if it would come to that seemed stupid now— could go wrong. Ale could've sworn he only thought about this for a little while, a few minutes at best, but when he looked up again Alastor had stopped and there was an enormous, dark cave looming up in front of them.
"I... wow," the alpha murmured under his breath as Alastor communicated wordlessly with Nicht in the form of cryptic nods. The she-wolf announced that she didn't know the cave, though she traveled to the area often to collect herbs. Aleifr dismissed this almost immediately. It was impossible.
The other alphas joined him and each suggested a different possibility as they presented their rune chunks. Aleifr heard each suggestion and shook his head, more confused with each one. He thought for several moments, trying to think of what to say as he studied the strange runes, then a sickening crunch and a hoarse cry startled him out of his thoughts. Had Nicht just said... Winnie!
Aleifr whirled around to see Nicht gasping and bloody on the ground and old Orynne bristling, standing between the alphas and a huge black wolf made of shadow. She snarled at it as it thrashed, and then Aleifr noticed his son hanging from the shadowy creature's throat by his jaws, slashing at it with his claws as it tried to shake him off. The alpha's eyes lit with realization: this was a tangible thing! He threw back his head and let out a wild, ripping howl, signaling the fighters and hunters that the other packs had brought to attack. They tore into it savagely for several minutes, but nothing seemed to weaken or slow it. Aleifr turned his attention back to the alphas who were scrambling to piece together the runes and shook his head. All of the pieces were together, they should be doing something!
Just then, Nicht staggered over, crying out and panting with pain and effort. She took one look at the runes, reached out with a shaking paw, scooted the pieces weakly out of the lineup and back into new positions, and then collapsed. Aleifr stooped to nudge her, but was blown back by a sudden blast of light and some kind of energy coming off his herbalist in waves. He squinted through it, but was soon blinded, and when next he opened his eyes the shadow creature was gone, the sky was once again star-filled, and Nicht lie at his paws, breathing shallowly.
Aleifr staggered into the hollow the next morning, bidding farewell to the other alphas and their wolves and dragging Nicht's still unconscious form. A coherent Raea ran over to take her sister with the help of Rasp and drag her toward the herbalist's den. Aleifr blinked after them, but had no time for questions as Nila ran up to greet him, peppering him with news and questions. One of the things she said made Ale's ears perk up, and he was delighted to see Caio and Peregrine come trotting up to greet him. He bumped his forehead to each of theirs and greeted them warmly, then excused himself. He had to go find Coorah and tell her that he had survived. That they all had survived.
The pup trotted after his mother, taking in the sights and sounds as they passed through the swampy marshlands, past birds, snakes and other creatures. He watched as the wildlife changed from that of his home to that of a similarly wet and lush, but unfamiliar territory that he hadn't explored before. His siblings followed after him, just as engrossed in watching the scenery change. His closest sister, Nila, was just behind him and as he glanced back at her she returned his gaze with round blue eyes.
"Where are we going, Aleifr?" The she-pup asked nervously.
"Well," Aleifr paused to stop his own voice wavering, "we're going on an adventure, Nil."
"You're going to your new home, dears, and you'll do just fine I'm sure! It's supposedly very lovely to live by the river, and these wolves are known for taking in all sorts of pups, so I'm sure you'll make many friends there," their mother, a big beautiful gray wolf explained cheerfully, reassuringly to her pups.
Aleifr and Nila smiled up at the she-wolf, their spirits lifted once again as the marsh faded away completely and gave way to deep green trees with moss hanging from them, and soft but not squishy ground beneath their small paws. Eventually they all came to the river itself. They followed it for a time, leaving five sets of footprints in the muddy bank until the mud became pebbles and they came to a place that smelled of another wolf pack. As they approached this hollow by the river, coming up behind an enormous petrified tree stump a seemingly— to a young pup's eyes, anyway— similarly enormous golden wolf appeared over the rise.
"Whoah. Who is he?" Aleifr and his siblings asked in a chorus of young voices.
"That, pups, is your father. And this here is your new home," Gust announced in a theatrical voice, smiling at the golden alpha and then beaming proudly at her pups.
Aleifr trotted through the hollow, nodding left and right as he passed by his packmates. It had been a long day of scouting and he was sleepy, so their calls of good afternoon and how's your day going were wholly lost on him. He finally trundled through the den entrance and toward his nest to collapse, and it seemed like not two seconds had passed before a weight thumped down on top of him. It took its sweet time snuggling into a comfortable position— for it, anyway— and then almost immediately began to snore loudly. The young wolf spat some blue fur from his mouth and tried to get even slightly more comfortable beneath his sister's limp, none-too-delicately snoring body. It wasn't happening, and eventually the young wolf gave up and was lulled to sleep by the methodical drone of Nila's own slumber.
Aleifr stood up and shook out his fur, sending water flying in all directions. Most of it hit Caio, Idrit and Peregrine who were standing more calmly and drily by with only their paws in the cool, shallow ford. As Ale shook all the water out of his fur and onto theirs the trio began to splutter, laugh and bark at him in mock anger. He only grinned and made as if to chase them and dunk them into the river as well.
"Ale, if you get me all wet and cold I'll claw your ears off! I will!" Howled the somewhat younger and more excitable Idrit as he tucked in his tail and ran for the riverbank.
"I'm all for a good old water fight! Come back here! Per, come on, I need you on my team!" Called Caio who was hot on Aleifr's heels and ready to tackle him back into the water.
Peregrine only grinned, then moved into position in front of Ale while he was looking back at Caio. The colorful scout had just opened his mouth to taunt the light-furred hunter when he slammed straight into the wall of muscle that was Peregrine. All that escaped his open mouth was the air that was forced out of his lungs as his forward momentum was stopped. He slid down into the water, first wheezing, then laughing. Caio and Peregrine exchanged satisfied grins and began scooping pawfuls of water toward their friend while he was down.
"Ohhh, not fair. You know, I bet your sister coulda done better though, Per. She's way stronger than you," Aleifr wheezed through a cheeky grin and took off again.
Peregrine shrugged and nodded his agreement with the statement, but Caio snorted indignantly and ran after the scout to defend his humble friend's honor.
Aleifr trotted wearily over the natural berm that protected the hollow from flooding when the river swelled. He had been thinking of that and about a million other important, useful things to know ever since his sister, the Redfeathers' alpha, Ataahua, had decided he would be the pack's next alpha. He shook his head irritably, 'that's not even how it works here! The pack chooses the next alpha, and they haven't chosen anyone yet, let alone me.' The scout tried to shake away the thought, but it wouldn't go. His sister wasn't thinking. Surely the pack would choose someone like Hufen who always knew what they were doing. Aleifr hardly ever knew what he was doing.
He took a deep, shuddering breath and let it all out as he stopped and sunk to his haunches right where he was. Sure, he knew his way around the territory. Sure, he knew how to make peace or negotiate boundaries with other packs. Sure, he was the strongest wolf in the pack by a mile. He had no idea how to manage a whole pack, though.
"Do you mind terribly? I've got to get through here, sorry."
A somewhat familiar voice sounded from behind him and he realized he was in a narrow entrance passage between two tall boulders. He leapt up and whirled around, coming face-to-face with Coorah, one of the younger hunters. He blinked once, then twice, then just stared into two crystal pools of blue in front of his own dark hazel eyes.
"Ah, right, I just need to squeeze past here, and... yep, see you later! I guess..." She shook her head, looked back, then shook her head again and bounded off to wherever it was she needed to be.
Aleifr's sleepy hazel eyes blinked one more time and then he shook his own head with a scoff, "what. Am. I. Doing?! Oh, idiot! Get some sleep and start learning how to speak because it looks like you're going to have to explain that mess. Oh, damn. As if I haven't got enough to think about." He chuckled softly to himself and allowed for a smile, then trotted off toward the den to finally get the sleep he so clearly needed.
He had let a few days pass. He knew he should've gone to explain himself straightaway, but he couldn't. There was so much to sort out, so much to try and learn, to finally accept. He had even gone to speak with Rionach about it all. She was always good to speak to about such things. She had let him in on the not-so-secret that most everyone did in fact like him for the next alpha. They had thus far put their trust in the paws of one of Hakaan's pups, and they'd gladly do it again. Wolves liked him, it turned out, and he hadn't even known it. He'd hardly even spoken to some of them, but there it was.
Over the past couple of days he had really applied himself to trying to connect with those wolves in particular; the wolves he had thus far respected too much to speak to, like Hufen, Orynne, Leveque, Syndestar and Wing. They still scared him, but now they at least seemed approachable. His next effort had been with the younger wolves of the pack, and the pupsitters. It was easier to connect with them since his own nature was very pup-like. If he was totally honest, that was much of the reason he had put this conversation off until now. The pups, young ones and he had taken to playing or training together most days.
Now, however, he was ready to put himself out there and hope for the best. He took a deep breath, shaking all the other thoughts away, and stepped forward to catch the attention of the silver she-wolf fishing by the river's edge.
Aleifr bumped his forehead to his son's, turned and rubbed his cheek to his mate's. Then he woke up. Looking around, brow furrowed, he regained his bearings. He shook out his fur very quietly, remembering where he was. It was a competition of sorts between several packs. Who would come out on top in a free-for-all fight? He shook his head. That was one way to avoid all-out war. Ale had jumped at the opportunity, not least of all to prove that he had what it took to be leader like his sister wanted, but also so that none of his packmates would get hurt. 'So far so good,' he thought, eyes still on a swivel in the darkness.
A loud crack came from the bushes a little ways off, and Aleifr sunk even lower to the ground, hackles raised, tail still. The only light came from a break in the canopy above, a single ray of moonlight on the forest floor. Ale strained to try and catch any glimpse of movement.
The forest exploded.
The big wolf's breath was driven from his lungs and he hit the ground with a thud. Claws raked his flank and he could feel teeth trying to find purchase in his thick ruff. He scrabbled, paws trying to find a hold in the ground, in his assailant, anything. Just as he was beginning to panic he found a leg and dug in his claws. The other wolf howled and leaped away, giving Ale the moment he needed to heave himself to his paws. His dusky opponent swiped at him viciously and blood ran into his left eye. Blinking furiously he could restrain himself no longer. Ale let out a deep growl and hurled himself at the ambusher, overpowering her and sending her to the ground. She lay still. Breathing, thank goodness, but still.
Aleifr grabbed the dusky wolf by the scruff, heaved her into the bushes from whence she had attacked him. He hoped that, if she had any sense at all, she would go home and accept defeat. As for him, he was back on the move. From that early evening until the next morning he traveled, taking as unusual a route as he could, doubling back on his own trail, even climbing through the trees at a point where they crowded together enough to hold him. Eventually he stopped. It was mid-morning and his paws would take him no further. He sat down to rest and when he awoke two strangers were sitting nearby, talking in hushed tones.
Aleifr bolted upright with a growl, and they made gestures of peace which he reluctantly accepted. The pair had an easy way about them, as if they weren't worried. Eventually the gray one wandered off to find some food, and the tawny one turned her one-eyed gaze on Ale. She spent a good five minutes staring before she lunged.
Ale had been ready since he had awoken, so her first attempt to pin him failed. By the third, fourth, fifth attempts she was gaining some headway. Aleifr had spent the previous night thinking, trying to outsmart his opponents and he had veritably run himself into the ground with fatigue. He fell easily after a time, taking her slashes and bites while trying to use the rest of his energy to protect his weak points. Eventually the gray wolf came back and gestured to the one-eyed she-wolf to come along. She prodded her limp practice dummy with a paw, satisfied, and loped off into the brush.
Ale let several minutes— hours?— pass before he pried open an eye to look around. His usually colorful fur was crusted with blood, he felt like he was on fire, he was very stiff from lying there on the ground so long, and he really had to go, but otherwise he was alive. He swiveled his ears to make sure there were no signs of movement out there, then rolled himself to his feet. Wincing and trying to remember to breathe through the stinging, he glanced up at the stars which had come out while he was asleep. He thought again about Coorah and Winnie at home, turned in that direction and started walking. He had some explaining to do with Ataahua, and some very convincing peace negotiations to rehearse on his way back.
The sound of his two best friends running full tilt followed him through the forest. Aleifr had come to collect them, then run off without another word, and the two hunters were so confounded that they simply had to chase after him. He crested the hill with them hot on his heels and plunged down into a thicker part of the forest, weaving expertly among the trees and underbrush, leading the way. He heard some crashing at one point, but the two chasers never fell or got left behind.
Eventually the giddy alpha slowed to a trot, hanging back so that the two panting hunters could catch up with him. Peregrine exchanged a glance and a sharp exhale with Caio as he fell into step with both of his friends.
"I can't believe neither of you fell through there," Ale said, half disappointed.
"That's what you get with two expert chasers!" Caio crowed with a grin.
"I wouldn't say expert. There's still so much to learn... plus I was nearly taken out by a vine there," Peregrine countered in his humble way.
"Nonsense! We make you train all the pups for a reason, Per," Ale said jauntily, "alright, just through here."
Aleifr ducked through some low-hanging vines. A moment passed, then Ale heard the pair of puzzled hunters following him down the short tunnel that opened out into the most beautiful secluded pond oasis. He smiled as Peregrine blinked up at the enormously tall waterfall above that fed the pond and Caio looked wide-eyed from the pond to Ale and back again several times.
"How... did you find this?" Peregrine asked, bewildered.
"I was running from a particularly nasty-looking bear this morning after he bested me in a fight, and the fellow would not relent. Anyway, I finally managed to get a lead on him and I needed a place to lose him. I saw nice thick vines, hid behind those. Then I heard water. I thought, even better! Conceal the scent, hide behind some rocks, and all he's got is the trail back out of here to follow. Turns out he didn't think I was worth it anymore before the vines, and good thing, too, because when I got here I was just as gobsmacked as you two squirrels! I thought you might appreciate it, so now it can be our place," Ale said with a huge grin.
"I... mean. Absolutely, this is fantastic," Peregrine said, finally managing to take a step toward the water.
Before he could go any farther, though, Caio gave a whoop of delight as he broke out of his own stupor and charged into the pond for a swim. Peregrine raised an eyebrow toward Ale who grinned, and the two of them ran to join their happily swimming friend.
Aleifr paced back and forth outside his den. There was so much to think about on a normal day, but now there was the additional issue of wolves going missing. Not just any wolves, either, but his best friends, one of which was his beta. It was too much piled on top of everything else. Rasp was getting a bit squirrely again, the new hunting teams always had questions and difficulties, and now he was constantly meeting with others in regards to the dilemma of the disappearances. Other packs who'd lost wolves were trying to collaborate to find out what was going on, Nicht was working on information gathering, and Thorn, Wing and his sister wouldn't leave him be for more than an hour before coming to him with a million questions about their missing mates and family members.
"At least the diplomatic issues are being handled by the Wise and Strong since they don't have to worry about hunting anymore. Finally I actually made a good decision about something," the troubled alpha said to himself.
"Of course you did," Coorah's voice sounded and the silver she-wolf nuzzled him reassuringly, "you're doing just fine under the circumstances. I know we'll find them eventually. We've got too many wolves working together on this not to."
Ale looked up at her with a smile, "I think I'd go insane if you weren't here talking sense."
Aleifr followed behind Alastor of all wolves, who was leading them to who knew where. This had seemed like a better plan before they had put it into action, and now Aleifr just hoped the strange blue-furred wolf wouldn't let them down. They had been traveling for a while, hours even. It was difficult to tell in these unnatural conditions. Aleifr was getting antsy, thinking of all the ways this— calling it a battle when he didn't know if it would come to that seemed stupid now— could go wrong. Ale could've sworn he only thought about this for a little while, a few minutes at best, but when he looked up again Alastor had stopped and there was an enormous, dark cave looming up in front of them.
"I... wow," the alpha murmured under his breath as Alastor communicated wordlessly with Nicht in the form of cryptic nods. The she-wolf announced that she didn't know the cave, though she traveled to the area often to collect herbs. Aleifr dismissed this almost immediately. It was impossible.
The other alphas joined him and each suggested a different possibility as they presented their rune chunks. Aleifr heard each suggestion and shook his head, more confused with each one. He thought for several moments, trying to think of what to say as he studied the strange runes, then a sickening crunch and a hoarse cry startled him out of his thoughts. Had Nicht just said... Winnie!
Aleifr whirled around to see Nicht gasping and bloody on the ground and old Orynne bristling, standing between the alphas and a huge black wolf made of shadow. She snarled at it as it thrashed, and then Aleifr noticed his son hanging from the shadowy creature's throat by his jaws, slashing at it with his claws as it tried to shake him off. The alpha's eyes lit with realization: this was a tangible thing! He threw back his head and let out a wild, ripping howl, signaling the fighters and hunters that the other packs had brought to attack. They tore into it savagely for several minutes, but nothing seemed to weaken or slow it. Aleifr turned his attention back to the alphas who were scrambling to piece together the runes and shook his head. All of the pieces were together, they should be doing something!
Just then, Nicht staggered over, crying out and panting with pain and effort. She took one look at the runes, reached out with a shaking paw, scooted the pieces weakly out of the lineup and back into new positions, and then collapsed. Aleifr stooped to nudge her, but was blown back by a sudden blast of light and some kind of energy coming off his herbalist in waves. He squinted through it, but was soon blinded, and when next he opened his eyes the shadow creature was gone, the sky was once again star-filled, and Nicht lie at his paws, breathing shallowly.
Aleifr staggered into the hollow the next morning, bidding farewell to the other alphas and their wolves and dragging Nicht's still unconscious form. A coherent Raea ran over to take her sister with the help of Rasp and drag her toward the herbalist's den. Aleifr blinked after them, but had no time for questions as Nila ran up to greet him, peppering him with news and questions. One of the things she said made Ale's ears perk up, and he was delighted to see Caio and Peregrine come trotting up to greet him. He bumped his forehead to each of theirs and greeted them warmly, then excused himself. He had to go find Coorah and tell her that he had survived. That they all had survived.
[Starting 528]
Lead @ 4y 5m 10/17/21
[11/17/2021] FIRST PAGE!!! :D (@1173)
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