Diplomatic and intellectual, Féth was the obvious choice to step into the role of pack lead once her predecessor decided the strain of leadership was too much and vanished one night without suitable progeny. She had left her own pack in search of better prospects and had come across the vast, fertile lands of Shadow & Pallor. Deciding to make this her home she was met with little resistance, as the pack was thoroughly impressed with the skills the young wolf possessed. They quickly implemented her strategies for hunting, and she was able to effortlessly broker a deal with the fractious pack to the north. When Vifor, the previous lead, vanished, there were whispers of foul play but these were short lived as the she-wolf leading the pack was quick to head them off, assuring her new subordinates that the middle-aged had simply left the lands to return to the life of a vagabond, which he had previously spoken about and remembered fondly. After fully establishing herself as a strong, competent leader she took a mate and after her first two litters did not survive, she adopted a pair of orphaned she-pups, perhaps seeing herself in them. Some say she did not bring them in from the goodness of her heart, but in an effort to secure her legacy. Such words are not spoken outside of private dens, though, because wolves disappear, sometimes.
262 Starting Stats
Partner, Red
Adopted Daughters, Rowena & Raˈvenna