As you approach the second-oldest gravestone, a feeling of deep dread prickles the fur on your back, scraping along your spine like a claw against black ice. You barely even touch the patch of moss surrounding the grave when you feel it full-force, a wave of rage and hatred that knocks you back and nearly topples you. You see the headstone pulse with purple-blue energy, as a phantom clad in chains roars from its prison within the broken-down gleam of the neglected headstone. The golden figure is surrounded by an icy world, and it's eyes glow with rage and hunger for every drop of blood that leaks from its soaked maw. You have half a mind to run away, leave the vengeful spirit to its suffering since it quite clearly is not in a talkative mood, but the faint words on the uncared-for epitaph stop you for long enough to read it, and understand the story behind the ghost.
Not much is known about the life on Honeyed Teeth. When Voice of Teeth passed from old age, the heiress was just barely a year old. One of most notable events during her early Alpha years was that many wolves disappeared from the pack in the winter due to a drought that drove away much of the prey, leading to a prolonged famine. Her early leading years were to be difficult, because after a brief spring of recovery, another mass vanishing of wolves occured. This vanishing is historically known as Coigreach. Pack Historians say that Honeyed Teeth had much to do with ending the spectral haunting that plagued the lands, but no one knows how she ended the scourge. There are many theories about it, including theories revolving around two pups of her own first litter that vanished from her pack about the same time wolves stopped disappearing. No one knows for sure, and no one likely ever will, but the legends of Honeyed Teeth being cursed for the disappearance of the pups seems to ring true. Honeyed Teeth's life is portrayed as tumultuous and difficult, plagued by famine and ill fortune, and the details of her leadership vanish.
Honeyed Teeth never found a direct heir and, eventually, was released from her pai handed leadership down to her great niece who earned the name Smiles With Teeth, as is pack tradition.