Beryllium was born in a small pack in the grasslands. They had been chased out by humans, who caught and killed her mother and father for their furs. She and her sister Gallium made it out, and she cared for them until she came across Ash, and shortly after that they ran into Isaac on the border of his territory. He invited them in, and they happily accepted. She doesn't like to leave either Gallium or Ash alone for too long, remembering their habits of getting into trouble as pups, and acts much more mature than the either of them. She's also quite motherly and defensive over her close friends or small pups.
Beryllium died at the age of 7 years and 6 months to old age, having lived many years with the Shadowflight pack as its best ever stalker with Gallium and Ash by her sides. Had she had the chance to restart, she knew she'd have done nothing different. She had Gallium, her sister, with her for her entire life and knew her lineage would survive for centuries to come in this pack. She only hoped that one day she could be reborn in all of her fiery glory with her sister by her side once more.