Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 8 months (Elder) |
Sex | Female Largest Pup |
Personality | Combative |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 184 |
Pups Bred | 14 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Black (5.94%) |
Base Genetics | Monochrome Dark I |
Eyes | Yellow |
Skin | Dark |
Nose | Gray |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | None |
Slot 3 | Black Dilution (26%) |
Slot 4 | Black Inverted Cross (50%) |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | Black Shoulders (46%) |
Slot 7 | White Underfur (28%) |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | Black Belly Stripe (18%) |
Slot 10 | Black Shoulder Patch (60%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
She was born as the largest pup of her litter, the strongest and the only one that survived. She didn't know, but already at birth she was the promised mate of a male wolf in her pack, and she was named Lög to remind everyone of that. She didn't know what Lög meant, and her mother always called her Sun when they were alone together.
At first, she was allowed to go anywhere and do anything, she barely ever saw her father and for a long time her mother was sick, so she was on her own a lot after her siblings died. Luckily for her, there were other wolves living in their territory, and Lög bothered them until they gave her attention, good or bad! She would relish just as much in getting shoved or growled at as in someone humoring her by playing with her. There were no other pups there, so some of the wolves were very excited to see one around! Of course, that also meant some wolves were annoyed at it. Everything in life was divided, and she found out the truth of this even more when her father suddenly started spending a lot of time with her, and training her, and teaching her.
Pup training was strict, one day she was scolded for playing with a toy, the other she was scolded for biting another puppy. But when they weren't training, he praised her and told her how beautiful and amazing she was!
"I know what Sun means, but what is Lög, Far?" She asked her father one day, and he looked confused and conflicted.
"I guess it is time for me to tell you about the mistake I made. You're old enough now to understand. Aren't you?" He demanded her to be, but she nodded enthusiastically at the question. Of course she was! "Several suns before you were born, I met a puppy with no parents. He needed somewhere to live, and someone to care for him. I took him in as my own. I fed him and I trained him, just like I do with you. Yes, he was like my son, and I saw the potential in him. I promised him that my legacy would continue with him, so I named him Håkan. I promised him a future mate of my blood, and I produced a daughter for him. That's why your name is Lög, it means promised in the old tongue."
Lög felt both excited and offended. There was a male waiting for her? But..
"What did you mean by 'mistake', Far?"
"When you were born, I realized how precious you are, and that I don't want you to be at the mercy of a brute like Håkan," her father looked ashamed, "but I trained him too well, he is now stronger both physically and politically than I will ever be. If I deny him his mate, I'm afraid we will be at war. But it does not matter, Lög. I fought hard to found this pack, and I would give it up to see you happy, do you understand me?"
Lög nodded and felt tears in her eyes, not knowing she was being manipulated. Her father pulled her closer and she burrowed into the thick fur on his chest.
"I will help you, Far."
Some months before Lögs first birthday, she noticed a grey male watching her. She snuck glances of him. He looked ordinary, not ugly but nothing special, if you didn't account for his size and his impressive muscles. Lög became interested. Each time they saw eachother, he came closer, until one time Lögs father saw him, and lashed out at him. After that, the male stayed away. It was Lögs time to approach.
She found him by the pond. When his fur was wet, she could see his muscles move as he walked. He dove under the surface of the water, and when he came back up he was taken aback by Lög sitting by the shore.
"You're a loner, aren't you?" She asked, curious.
He grunted at her. His eyes, now closer than ever, were deep brown, and in the middle of his forehead was a yellowish blaze.
"What's a puppy doing out here in the forest all alone?" His voice was deep and rumbling. Lög was far from a puppy, but she could play his game.
"I'm not alone, you're here," she smiled at him, and cut to the chase, "I've seen you around camp."
He shrugged, so Lög lowered her voice and smirked.
"I've seen you looking at me."
The male must've been embarrassed, he got out of the pond and shook the water off of his fur right next to Lög! Her thinner fur became sopping wet.
"Hey!" She growled and when she had rubbed water out of her eye she saw him snicker at her as he walked away, and she immedietly ran after him, "where are you going?"
"My break is over, gotta go out on a scout," he said without moving his eyes from the road ahead.
"You're a scout?" Lög felt excited, scouts were cool.. hold on, "what's your name?"
This is Håkan? He didn't seem so dangerous as her father had told her.
"I'm Lög," she said as she tried to keep up with his walking pace.
"I know," he kept not looking at her, "your father is going to get mad at you for speaking to me."
"Maybe. I don't care," she didn't know if she cared or not, "I do as I please."
"Oh, you do?" Håkan glanced at her, amused, "and what are your independent grown-up plans then?"
"For now," she paused to jump over a log, "I'm going to follow you on a scout."
"I'm not bringing a little girl on a scout" he scoffed.
"You don't need to bring me, I have my own legs to walk with," Lög argued back.
"You're not coming."
"Yes I am!"
Håkan stopped and Lög almost crashed into his big frame. He turned around and looked at her.
"Go home," his voice was serious.
"Why don't you want me to follow?" She was annoyed and pulled up her lip at him.
"You have some serious issues with following orders from your superiors, pup ," he growled and inched closer as she backed slowly, "what makes you think you can show your fangs to me?"
"You're not my superior, I'm the daughter of your alpha," Lögs words drew out a snarl from Håkan, and she decided to go on, "I don't need to listen to you!"
"The only reason you're alive," Håkan growled, "is because of me. Your father made you for me. For. Me."
He turned around and left, leaving Lög alone in the dark forest. The sun had set, and Lög was subjected to her one and only fear: the dark.
She was stubborn, and so she went to see Håkan several more times, and it seemed that he warmed up to her as at last he didn't protest when she just simply followed him on his scout. The first few times, when she got tired and needed to rest, he would simply leave her behind and she had to find her way back home alone. But then he started walking slower to allow her to catch up, and then finally one day she tripped over a vine in the rainforest and had to rest her paw, and he came to sit down next to her. He didn't speak, he just sat there.
"How come you're the scout of a different pack?" Lög almost regretted asking, in case he would run away again. He glared at her.
"There are things you don't understand," he replied, calmer than usual.
"I'm smarter than you think," she looked at him intently but he showed his teeth, "come on, just explain!"
"I'm not allowed to," the words came out as if he was struggling to say them. Not allowed, by who? The other pack, or her father? Lög decided it was best not to dig further.
"Leave this place with me," it was dark and still outside, and Lögs mothers pleading eyes looked deep into Lögs. Two sleepy puppies were yawning beneath their feet, and a third one was gnawing on some flowers.
"Why? Where are you going?" Lög felt confused, almost hurt.
"There's a.. a place. A pack. It's safe and big and you have family there," her mother was in a hurry, probably not wanting anyone to overhear their conversation, "I will explain everything on the way there."
Lög felt uncomfortable, her mother wasn't usually like this. Well, she wasn't acting badly, but differently, and it just didn't sit right with Lög.
"I don't want to leave, this is my home, and I would never leave dad behind like that," her response made her mothers body language change, she looked tired and her eyes went dull again. Lög didn't understand what was going on, and it scared her, so she left as quick as she could. Her mother didn't leave that night, but a few nights later, after Lög had overheard some arguing in her parents cave. Lög didn't realize she was gone until she hadn't seen her or the pups for two days. Her father didn't say anything about it, and acted like normal, or maybe as if her mother had never existed at all. Lög figured he was sad about it, because Lög was sad about it too.
Lög knew she had to charm Håkan in order to preserve her fathers rule in the pack, so she started working on that. She hung around Håkan a lot, and she actually started enjoying it, despite them always ending up fighting about something. Håkan started seeking her out as well, and she knew her plan was working. She was very proud of herself for this, and soon she realized Håkans immense strength and strong build was exactly what she wanted for her future pups. But then she realized, though she was born from strong parents, she had been playing around her entire life, never hunted or scouted or anything!
"Far, I want to go on scouts," she said as soon as she got into his cave. He looked up at her from where he was resting, qnd he was quiet for a bit, but his eyes were on hers, so she continued, "please pappa, I want to be strong like you!"
"Håkan wouldn't be okay with losing his job," he shook his head.
"I'll deal with Håkan," Lög stood up tall. Himle looked at her again for a bit until he smirked and stood up.
"Fine. You'll be scout, if you dare to deliver the news to Håkan yourself," he said, and left the room. When Lög came out of the cave again, the nightly festivities had already started. Lög looked around the fire for Håkan, and then headed to the meadow. There he was, in the fighting area surrounded by cheering wolves. Lög joined in the crowd and watched. Håkan threw around his opponents like they were pieces of meat, and when he was finished he puffed out his chest and growled for the crowd. He was impressive, indeed. When Håkan felt done, he simply left and no one dared to stop him. Lög pushed her way through the crowd and then started following his scent until she realized he was heading to the river. Lög hid in some bushes and watched him. What was she supposed to say? Up until now she had just figured she could intimidate him with her status, but she realized Håkan could easily beat her father in a fight. She shuddered at the thought. Håkan stepped into the water and swam around a bit. Lög got up and circled a tree to see him better, as he started to emerge again. With his fur being wet, Lög found herself mesmerized by the movements of his muscles as he walked, and they glistened in the moonlight.
"What are you doing here?"
Lög snapped out of it and realized she hadn't been hiding. She started walking towards him, trying not to show her nervousness.
"I'm," what, what is she doing here, if she's not here to talk to him, "just going for a swim, duh."
She approached the water, and noticed that it was pitch black, the only things visible were reflections. She gulped and felt cold. There's nothing scary in the water, Lög, it's safe, there's just fish, stop being a sissy, she told herself, but the darkness still unnerved her.
"What's that in your ears?" Håkans voice sounded and Lög had an excuse not to go in the water, she turned around.
"They're called piercings. They're decorative and a test of pain endurance," Lög smiled, proud of her achievement.
"Pain endurance? You can't even stand to be in the cold water, how'd you manage that?" Håkan scoffed at her and Lög tried to keep her lip from curling in anger.
"As if you could endure pain, I bet you've never felt it in your life. No scars or anything," she scoffed right back at him.
"You don't know anything, pup," he still called him that, despite her being an adult now and as tall as him. He walked into the water, glanced at her and smirked, "what are you waiting for? Are you scared of the water?"
Lög growled to herself, her anger clouding her fears as she started following him into the water. When they made it to deeper waters Håkan stopped.
"Oh look who made it, you're so brave," he laughed at her and she was about to snarl at him, but she looked down and realized she couldn't see anything below her chest. She gasped quietly and felt her legs starting to shake.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Suddenly Håkans voice was tender and he moved closer to her. He lifted her front paw with his, "talk to me, Lög."
She looked at her paw under the surface, it was barely visible but at least a little bit now that Håkan had raised it.
"I don't," she started and then looked up at him, unsure, but his eyes were compassionate and genuine, so she whispered "I, I don't like the dark. The water.."
Håkan looked at her with understanding, then he took her other paw and raised it, too, and he put her front paws so that they rested against his muscly shoulders, then he stood up on his hind legs, causing her to do the same and get closer to him. The water dripped off of his body and this time he couldn't shake it out of his fur, and Lögs eyes were stuck on his muscles once more. Then she realized, the tones of her body must be showing too. She looked up at Håkan in embarrassed panic, but he looked at her eyes tenderly. Håkan was now taller than her, his body must've been longer than hers despite them usually having the same height.
"Now you're only half in the water. Is it less scary?" He asked, and Lög nodded, because she was less scared, but that was more due to her heart beating so fast and her mind swirling with thoughts and her breathing becomig elevated.
"Do you like me?" Lög blurted out nervously, despite her previous confidence on the matter. A love story played out in her mind. He looked at her, first softly but then he seemed confused.
"Let's get you to shore," he said as he put her back into the water, and walked beside her. When they got out of the water they both shook the drops out of their fur. She took a deep breath and turned to look at him. He looked conflicted and turned around to leave.
"Wait!" Lög begged and he stopped, "do.. do you?"
He turned around and walked toward her, eyeing her up and down, and he started circling her slowly.
"Of course I like you. I've wanted since I first saw you," he kept walking around her, and Lög felt small but she opened her mouth to tell him she liked him too, but he interrupted her, "don't respond, I don't think you'll be able to handle the consequences."
He touched her ear jewellery with his nose and she felt his warm breath against her ear, and it made her heart flutter. As he started walking away again, she remembered her mission.
"I've been ordered to take over the scouting jobs," her words made his body tense up, "Father wants me to train."
"You, as a scout?" He scoffed without looking at her and started walking again. She ran up to him.
"Yes, me. I need to train," he ignored her, "Håkan, please, you're already so strong."
He sighed and glanced at her.
"You're annoying."
When the time was right, he brought her to a forest she had never been in before.
"Stay here," he instructed and she listened, not a long time passed until he came back, "come along."
They started walking.
"I have to escort you like this each time," he explained.
"Where are we going?"
"They want me to scout the rainforest, and that means you. I'm following you out of the mountains, so that they won't know you're the one going."
At the edge of a river, they stopped.
"When you're done, come back here and wait for me, and tell me what you saw, and I'll report it back to them."
Lög nodded and was ready to leave, but then she couldn't hold it anymore.
"Who are they? What's in that forest I'm not allowed in?"
Håkan shook his head.
"You'll have to ask your father."
"It was amazing, Håkan! I saw plants, animals I've never seen before, and-"
"Hush, pup," Håkan seemed in a bad mood, "all they want to know is if you saw anything strange."
"I didn't. But don't you want to hear about my travels?" Lög was excited to tell him about how much fun she'd had!
"Not really," Håkan responded frankly while ducking under a branch while they were walking.
"Don't you care at all how I had it?" Lögs heart started aching. Håkan rolled his eyes and didn't respond. Lög was confused. He seemed to care for her sometimes, but other times not.
"I wish I understood, mom," Lög sat by the river, looking up at the sky and talking to her mother. Even though Lög was mad at her for leaving, she still missed her. She sighed and sat there for a while, until she heard voices and quickly hid behind a big rock.
"Yes sir," Håkans deep voice sounded unnaturally submmissive. Lög sort of liked hearing him like this.
"You're still wanted here, you're extremely useful to me, and I want you around," Lögs father told Håkan. Huh, so Far was in control again? Her father kept going, "and I will be overjoyed to have you in my family."
Then they started talking about things Lög didn't care about, so Lög sneaked away. Later that evening she decided to confront her father.
"What's the pack that I'm not allowed to visit?" Lög asked frankly. Himle was quiet, almost as if he was pondering. Finally, her father told her a story.
A pup was born, a prince in fact, but because his family thought he looked different, they claimed there was a curse upon the pup. The pups parents showed love and affection to his siblings, but not him. He grew up loveless, ans tried to make decisions to change his fate! But the whole pack shunned the cursed pup. They even blamed the death of his sister on him with no evidence! The pup became an adult, and started courting a female, who loved him back.. until a petty younger prince, who didn't have a curse, stole her from him. Despite the pup, now an adult, being the oldest when his brother tragically died, the other prince became alpha, punished him for having a curse by disfiguring his face and banishing him from the pack, doomed to be alone and bleed or starve to death.
"That's awful.." Lög whispered.
"That's the pack I'm hiding you from. I'm scared if they find you, they'll hate you just like they did him.." Himle sighed and walked away, leaving Lög with her thoughts. That must be a horrible, evil pack. Was the pup in the story her ancestor, her older brother, or.. was it her father?
She didn't like the way that she was contstantly drawn to Håkan, even when she knew what he was like. But she realized that in this game she was playing, she had the upper hand; because she knew Håkan wanted her. She visited him just to show that she still existed, and with each visit she decided to flirt a little bit more. She realized she didn't need him as a partner, but she wanted him as a mate, for power.. and for other purposes. Håkan started following her like a puppy, especially when she was in heat. She let him close, but not too close.
One day she whispered to him, quite truthfully as well,
"I want to be yours, Håkan," and she wondered what had happened in his life that made him this way, that he growled when he felt desire.
Continue reading
At first, she was allowed to go anywhere and do anything, she barely ever saw her father and for a long time her mother was sick, so she was on her own a lot after her siblings died. Luckily for her, there were other wolves living in their territory, and Lög bothered them until they gave her attention, good or bad! She would relish just as much in getting shoved or growled at as in someone humoring her by playing with her. There were no other pups there, so some of the wolves were very excited to see one around! Of course, that also meant some wolves were annoyed at it. Everything in life was divided, and she found out the truth of this even more when her father suddenly started spending a lot of time with her, and training her, and teaching her.
Pup training was strict, one day she was scolded for playing with a toy, the other she was scolded for biting another puppy. But when they weren't training, he praised her and told her how beautiful and amazing she was!
"I know what Sun means, but what is Lög, Far?" She asked her father one day, and he looked confused and conflicted.
"I guess it is time for me to tell you about the mistake I made. You're old enough now to understand. Aren't you?" He demanded her to be, but she nodded enthusiastically at the question. Of course she was! "Several suns before you were born, I met a puppy with no parents. He needed somewhere to live, and someone to care for him. I took him in as my own. I fed him and I trained him, just like I do with you. Yes, he was like my son, and I saw the potential in him. I promised him that my legacy would continue with him, so I named him Håkan. I promised him a future mate of my blood, and I produced a daughter for him. That's why your name is Lög, it means promised in the old tongue."
Lög felt both excited and offended. There was a male waiting for her? But..
"What did you mean by 'mistake', Far?"
"When you were born, I realized how precious you are, and that I don't want you to be at the mercy of a brute like Håkan," her father looked ashamed, "but I trained him too well, he is now stronger both physically and politically than I will ever be. If I deny him his mate, I'm afraid we will be at war. But it does not matter, Lög. I fought hard to found this pack, and I would give it up to see you happy, do you understand me?"
Lög nodded and felt tears in her eyes, not knowing she was being manipulated. Her father pulled her closer and she burrowed into the thick fur on his chest.
"I will help you, Far."
Some months before Lögs first birthday, she noticed a grey male watching her. She snuck glances of him. He looked ordinary, not ugly but nothing special, if you didn't account for his size and his impressive muscles. Lög became interested. Each time they saw eachother, he came closer, until one time Lögs father saw him, and lashed out at him. After that, the male stayed away. It was Lögs time to approach.
She found him by the pond. When his fur was wet, she could see his muscles move as he walked. He dove under the surface of the water, and when he came back up he was taken aback by Lög sitting by the shore.
"You're a loner, aren't you?" She asked, curious.
He grunted at her. His eyes, now closer than ever, were deep brown, and in the middle of his forehead was a yellowish blaze.
"What's a puppy doing out here in the forest all alone?" His voice was deep and rumbling. Lög was far from a puppy, but she could play his game.
"I'm not alone, you're here," she smiled at him, and cut to the chase, "I've seen you around camp."
He shrugged, so Lög lowered her voice and smirked.
"I've seen you looking at me."
The male must've been embarrassed, he got out of the pond and shook the water off of his fur right next to Lög! Her thinner fur became sopping wet.
"Hey!" She growled and when she had rubbed water out of her eye she saw him snicker at her as he walked away, and she immedietly ran after him, "where are you going?"
"My break is over, gotta go out on a scout," he said without moving his eyes from the road ahead.
"You're a scout?" Lög felt excited, scouts were cool.. hold on, "what's your name?"
This is Håkan? He didn't seem so dangerous as her father had told her.
"I'm Lög," she said as she tried to keep up with his walking pace.
"I know," he kept not looking at her, "your father is going to get mad at you for speaking to me."
"Maybe. I don't care," she didn't know if she cared or not, "I do as I please."
"Oh, you do?" Håkan glanced at her, amused, "and what are your independent grown-up plans then?"
"For now," she paused to jump over a log, "I'm going to follow you on a scout."
"I'm not bringing a little girl on a scout" he scoffed.
"You don't need to bring me, I have my own legs to walk with," Lög argued back.
"You're not coming."
"Yes I am!"
Håkan stopped and Lög almost crashed into his big frame. He turned around and looked at her.
"Go home," his voice was serious.
"Why don't you want me to follow?" She was annoyed and pulled up her lip at him.
"You have some serious issues with following orders from your superiors, pup ," he growled and inched closer as she backed slowly, "what makes you think you can show your fangs to me?"
"You're not my superior, I'm the daughter of your alpha," Lögs words drew out a snarl from Håkan, and she decided to go on, "I don't need to listen to you!"
"The only reason you're alive," Håkan growled, "is because of me. Your father made you for me. For. Me."
He turned around and left, leaving Lög alone in the dark forest. The sun had set, and Lög was subjected to her one and only fear: the dark.
She was stubborn, and so she went to see Håkan several more times, and it seemed that he warmed up to her as at last he didn't protest when she just simply followed him on his scout. The first few times, when she got tired and needed to rest, he would simply leave her behind and she had to find her way back home alone. But then he started walking slower to allow her to catch up, and then finally one day she tripped over a vine in the rainforest and had to rest her paw, and he came to sit down next to her. He didn't speak, he just sat there.
"How come you're the scout of a different pack?" Lög almost regretted asking, in case he would run away again. He glared at her.
"There are things you don't understand," he replied, calmer than usual.
"I'm smarter than you think," she looked at him intently but he showed his teeth, "come on, just explain!"
"I'm not allowed to," the words came out as if he was struggling to say them. Not allowed, by who? The other pack, or her father? Lög decided it was best not to dig further.
"Leave this place with me," it was dark and still outside, and Lögs mothers pleading eyes looked deep into Lögs. Two sleepy puppies were yawning beneath their feet, and a third one was gnawing on some flowers.
"Why? Where are you going?" Lög felt confused, almost hurt.
"There's a.. a place. A pack. It's safe and big and you have family there," her mother was in a hurry, probably not wanting anyone to overhear their conversation, "I will explain everything on the way there."
Lög felt uncomfortable, her mother wasn't usually like this. Well, she wasn't acting badly, but differently, and it just didn't sit right with Lög.
"I don't want to leave, this is my home, and I would never leave dad behind like that," her response made her mothers body language change, she looked tired and her eyes went dull again. Lög didn't understand what was going on, and it scared her, so she left as quick as she could. Her mother didn't leave that night, but a few nights later, after Lög had overheard some arguing in her parents cave. Lög didn't realize she was gone until she hadn't seen her or the pups for two days. Her father didn't say anything about it, and acted like normal, or maybe as if her mother had never existed at all. Lög figured he was sad about it, because Lög was sad about it too.
Lög knew she had to charm Håkan in order to preserve her fathers rule in the pack, so she started working on that. She hung around Håkan a lot, and she actually started enjoying it, despite them always ending up fighting about something. Håkan started seeking her out as well, and she knew her plan was working. She was very proud of herself for this, and soon she realized Håkans immense strength and strong build was exactly what she wanted for her future pups. But then she realized, though she was born from strong parents, she had been playing around her entire life, never hunted or scouted or anything!
"Far, I want to go on scouts," she said as soon as she got into his cave. He looked up at her from where he was resting, qnd he was quiet for a bit, but his eyes were on hers, so she continued, "please pappa, I want to be strong like you!"
"Håkan wouldn't be okay with losing his job," he shook his head.
"I'll deal with Håkan," Lög stood up tall. Himle looked at her again for a bit until he smirked and stood up.
"Fine. You'll be scout, if you dare to deliver the news to Håkan yourself," he said, and left the room. When Lög came out of the cave again, the nightly festivities had already started. Lög looked around the fire for Håkan, and then headed to the meadow. There he was, in the fighting area surrounded by cheering wolves. Lög joined in the crowd and watched. Håkan threw around his opponents like they were pieces of meat, and when he was finished he puffed out his chest and growled for the crowd. He was impressive, indeed. When Håkan felt done, he simply left and no one dared to stop him. Lög pushed her way through the crowd and then started following his scent until she realized he was heading to the river. Lög hid in some bushes and watched him. What was she supposed to say? Up until now she had just figured she could intimidate him with her status, but she realized Håkan could easily beat her father in a fight. She shuddered at the thought. Håkan stepped into the water and swam around a bit. Lög got up and circled a tree to see him better, as he started to emerge again. With his fur being wet, Lög found herself mesmerized by the movements of his muscles as he walked, and they glistened in the moonlight.
"What are you doing here?"
Lög snapped out of it and realized she hadn't been hiding. She started walking towards him, trying not to show her nervousness.
"I'm," what, what is she doing here, if she's not here to talk to him, "just going for a swim, duh."
She approached the water, and noticed that it was pitch black, the only things visible were reflections. She gulped and felt cold. There's nothing scary in the water, Lög, it's safe, there's just fish, stop being a sissy, she told herself, but the darkness still unnerved her.
"What's that in your ears?" Håkans voice sounded and Lög had an excuse not to go in the water, she turned around.
"They're called piercings. They're decorative and a test of pain endurance," Lög smiled, proud of her achievement.
"Pain endurance? You can't even stand to be in the cold water, how'd you manage that?" Håkan scoffed at her and Lög tried to keep her lip from curling in anger.
"As if you could endure pain, I bet you've never felt it in your life. No scars or anything," she scoffed right back at him.
"You don't know anything, pup," he still called him that, despite her being an adult now and as tall as him. He walked into the water, glanced at her and smirked, "what are you waiting for? Are you scared of the water?"
Lög growled to herself, her anger clouding her fears as she started following him into the water. When they made it to deeper waters Håkan stopped.
"Oh look who made it, you're so brave," he laughed at her and she was about to snarl at him, but she looked down and realized she couldn't see anything below her chest. She gasped quietly and felt her legs starting to shake.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Suddenly Håkans voice was tender and he moved closer to her. He lifted her front paw with his, "talk to me, Lög."
She looked at her paw under the surface, it was barely visible but at least a little bit now that Håkan had raised it.
"I don't," she started and then looked up at him, unsure, but his eyes were compassionate and genuine, so she whispered "I, I don't like the dark. The water.."
Håkan looked at her with understanding, then he took her other paw and raised it, too, and he put her front paws so that they rested against his muscly shoulders, then he stood up on his hind legs, causing her to do the same and get closer to him. The water dripped off of his body and this time he couldn't shake it out of his fur, and Lögs eyes were stuck on his muscles once more. Then she realized, the tones of her body must be showing too. She looked up at Håkan in embarrassed panic, but he looked at her eyes tenderly. Håkan was now taller than her, his body must've been longer than hers despite them usually having the same height.
"Now you're only half in the water. Is it less scary?" He asked, and Lög nodded, because she was less scared, but that was more due to her heart beating so fast and her mind swirling with thoughts and her breathing becomig elevated.
"Do you like me?" Lög blurted out nervously, despite her previous confidence on the matter. A love story played out in her mind. He looked at her, first softly but then he seemed confused.
"Let's get you to shore," he said as he put her back into the water, and walked beside her. When they got out of the water they both shook the drops out of their fur. She took a deep breath and turned to look at him. He looked conflicted and turned around to leave.
"Wait!" Lög begged and he stopped, "do.. do you?"
He turned around and walked toward her, eyeing her up and down, and he started circling her slowly.
"Of course I like you. I've wanted since I first saw you," he kept walking around her, and Lög felt small but she opened her mouth to tell him she liked him too, but he interrupted her, "don't respond, I don't think you'll be able to handle the consequences."
He touched her ear jewellery with his nose and she felt his warm breath against her ear, and it made her heart flutter. As he started walking away again, she remembered her mission.
"I've been ordered to take over the scouting jobs," her words made his body tense up, "Father wants me to train."
"You, as a scout?" He scoffed without looking at her and started walking again. She ran up to him.
"Yes, me. I need to train," he ignored her, "Håkan, please, you're already so strong."
He sighed and glanced at her.
"You're annoying."
When the time was right, he brought her to a forest she had never been in before.
"Stay here," he instructed and she listened, not a long time passed until he came back, "come along."
They started walking.
"I have to escort you like this each time," he explained.
"Where are we going?"
"They want me to scout the rainforest, and that means you. I'm following you out of the mountains, so that they won't know you're the one going."
At the edge of a river, they stopped.
"When you're done, come back here and wait for me, and tell me what you saw, and I'll report it back to them."
Lög nodded and was ready to leave, but then she couldn't hold it anymore.
"Who are they? What's in that forest I'm not allowed in?"
Håkan shook his head.
"You'll have to ask your father."
"It was amazing, Håkan! I saw plants, animals I've never seen before, and-"
"Hush, pup," Håkan seemed in a bad mood, "all they want to know is if you saw anything strange."
"I didn't. But don't you want to hear about my travels?" Lög was excited to tell him about how much fun she'd had!
"Not really," Håkan responded frankly while ducking under a branch while they were walking.
"Don't you care at all how I had it?" Lögs heart started aching. Håkan rolled his eyes and didn't respond. Lög was confused. He seemed to care for her sometimes, but other times not.
"I wish I understood, mom," Lög sat by the river, looking up at the sky and talking to her mother. Even though Lög was mad at her for leaving, she still missed her. She sighed and sat there for a while, until she heard voices and quickly hid behind a big rock.
"Yes sir," Håkans deep voice sounded unnaturally submmissive. Lög sort of liked hearing him like this.
"You're still wanted here, you're extremely useful to me, and I want you around," Lögs father told Håkan. Huh, so Far was in control again? Her father kept going, "and I will be overjoyed to have you in my family."
Then they started talking about things Lög didn't care about, so Lög sneaked away. Later that evening she decided to confront her father.
"What's the pack that I'm not allowed to visit?" Lög asked frankly. Himle was quiet, almost as if he was pondering. Finally, her father told her a story.
A pup was born, a prince in fact, but because his family thought he looked different, they claimed there was a curse upon the pup. The pups parents showed love and affection to his siblings, but not him. He grew up loveless, ans tried to make decisions to change his fate! But the whole pack shunned the cursed pup. They even blamed the death of his sister on him with no evidence! The pup became an adult, and started courting a female, who loved him back.. until a petty younger prince, who didn't have a curse, stole her from him. Despite the pup, now an adult, being the oldest when his brother tragically died, the other prince became alpha, punished him for having a curse by disfiguring his face and banishing him from the pack, doomed to be alone and bleed or starve to death.
"That's awful.." Lög whispered.
"That's the pack I'm hiding you from. I'm scared if they find you, they'll hate you just like they did him.." Himle sighed and walked away, leaving Lög with her thoughts. That must be a horrible, evil pack. Was the pup in the story her ancestor, her older brother, or.. was it her father?
She didn't like the way that she was contstantly drawn to Håkan, even when she knew what he was like. But she realized that in this game she was playing, she had the upper hand; because she knew Håkan wanted her. She visited him just to show that she still existed, and with each visit she decided to flirt a little bit more. She realized she didn't need him as a partner, but she wanted him as a mate, for power.. and for other purposes. Håkan started following her like a puppy, especially when she was in heat. She let him close, but not too close.
One day she whispered to him, quite truthfully as well,
"I want to be yours, Håkan," and she wondered what had happened in his life that made him this way, that he growled when he felt desire.
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