X-enva mourns the death of her pair-bonded mate, Soloman. He was killed by Wheat during her pregnancy with their first litter and as a result, is very protective of her pups. In order to ensure that her pups lived, X-enva gave birth to them in an isolated place. A well nested place. This, Garmr had forbidden. The new mother hoped with everything she had that this transgression would be forgiven...
David and Jedidiah have both grown into fine young hunters. Although their fathers loss was a tragic one, Wheat, his murderer, had returned to the pack a changed wolf. He became a mentor to those two and helped them develop their skills.
X-enva never took another mate after Soloman. She only ever loved him. On warm evenings, you can occasionally catch her sitting on the outskirts of the Druids territory, looking longingly towards the grasslands...
Entiat, the only other original hunter left in the pack, grew closer over time. He was never the same after the loss of his brother, but they both cherished their friendship. Now, they spent their days teaching the young and telling them stories of their ancestors.