The grey female was in a fighting stance growling at the large elk buck that was standing opposite of her, she knew she was at a huge disadvantage against something this big all by herself, but she was not about to go down without fighting first. With that thought in mind she launched herself at the large Elk buck with all her might, growling and snarling as she tussled with it. The Elk bucks antler caught on the grey she wolves soft underbelly and she gave a yelp of pain and tried to get away.
Just in that time two wolves leaped out of the undergrowth, aiming for the neck and the back of the Elk Buck, in two switch bites the copper colored wolf and the brown colored wolf took it down flawlessly. She knew in her mind she could not fight the two wolves that took down the elk. Yet she stood up in a fighting stance despite still being weak.
At that moment a beautiful white and black she wolf stepped out looking directly into her eyes with her tail raised high " Do not harm my pack members" the white she wolf said with growl under her bark. " You are in no shape to fight me, grey wolf stand down and we will have out herbalist help your wounds." With hearing that she grey she wolf collapsed to the ground with lowered ears in defeat. The two other wolves ran over tp help the weak, injured grey she wolf to her paws and helped her walk back to her new pack life.