she was my first NBW. gonna miss u
hyrule is os coool.....she is old but veyr strong and problably theb est wolf of te pack...she howld in scoutng let her pak know she fond a trespaser....and but she awlays kilsl them becose she showes no meryc..she is loylale to thsi pakc and thsi pack onley becose goffy is her best firnd and can nevr vbetrya her. hyrule is like a godmotter or osmehting...she mentord gemaskerd and so many otehr...she evne mentord evrest becose he was a noobie earlyer.
hyruel doesnt take ship from no wolfy becose she is a badas ]so dont misess wit her becose she woll ruin u..
anywaey hyurle is basicly the gramma odf the apck...but she also dosnt give out coockies she givs out nowldege. she knows so mcuh ...she evne knows how to kil u in one dont test her becos she knows how to kill.....donet mes iwth ehr..
bio by me