Backstory: Many moons ago, as a freshly weaned puppy, Donoma's life was changed forever. That day a few human campers started a small bonfire. After a night of hollering and drinking the humans left, leaving a small flame. The wind blowed, carrying the fire into the air. The dry leaves and grass of the land acted as a feed that the hungry flames consumed. The once small flame grew with greed. It became a now selfish wall of destruction. The pack became aware, the unearthly warmness was now eating away their territory.
Donoma's mother had a choice. Does she risk becoming a victim or does she leave the weakest behind to save her life? The decision was made. The pack, including her and the strongest puppies left. Abandoning the once beautiful land. The vicious smoke now rolled into the den. It filled the young puppy's lungs like water in a lake. The heat was unlike any sunny summer day. For another day it burned until nothing was left but the exposed blackened bones of nature.
A young Donoma exited what was left of her den. She was alone. All she could now do was follow what little advice she was given in her short life. She followed the waterways, as her mother once said it provides both hydration and sustenance. She soon learned how to fish by trapping them in the shallows in the summer. In the winter, she scavenged animals that succumbed to the cold. With every cycle of the moon, she learned and grew.
One day while she was wandering the woods, a male wolf ran into her (literally). His name was Kotori, and he spoke of many foreign things.
Despite her reluctance, her and Kotori developed a pack together and named it Locust Creek.
Many moons passed, the pack grew. She birthed and raised her only daughter. Kotori became violently ill, soon succumbing to his disease. Donoma grieved.
Her face became grey, her body slowed down. One day she left, leaving the rest of the pack behind. A couple days later, a scout found her body on the outskirts of their territory.