Last Details | |
Death Age | 8 years 0 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Independent |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 192 |
Pups Bred | 5 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Selene (0.09%) |
Base Genetics | Special Light * |
Eyes | Blue |
Skin | Tan |
Nose | Oxblood |
Claws | Bistre |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Sentinel |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Black Tail Tip (100%) |
Slot 2 | Black Agouti (100%) |
Slot 3 | Black Mask (100%) |
Slot 4 | White Tamaskan Unders (37%) |
Slot 5 | Red Smudge (67%) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |

On Wings by Romba
The Tale of Morning Star
Stardust danced from the bounding paws as they raced a crossed the cosmos. Bright light emanated from the coat shining as if reflecting the light from the sun. Excitement raced through the wolf's veins. Now was the time everyone gathered and talked about the night voyage to the ground below. Weaving through the sea of blues, purples, blacks, and whites the adolescent, made his way to the booming voice commanding the gathering crowd.
"Remember, we are to follow the moon path down to the earth which will allow us the opportunity to impart more wisdom to our earthly counterparts". The booming voice echoed dully through the sky. The blue gray muzzle turned towards the new arrival. "It is also time to discuss the coming of age ceremony and roles we will be imparting upon the yearlings. Each future yearling, must be nominated by their mentor to continue on in the role they have studied. As we all know, my time amongst this pack grows short and it is my intention to prepare my son, Morningstar, to follow in my footsteps."
A chorus of howls rang out throughout the pack. Heat ruffled underneath his coat. Called Morningstar by his father due to the brilliantly white sheen his coat radiated, the blue eyed adolescent fought to mask his displeasure in the announcement while meeting his father's gaze. He felt his brothers shift beside him in congratulatory nuzzling.
"Go. We must now prepare for the trek to the earth below." With the gruff command everyone began to disperse. Father looked at Morningstar expectantly before striding off.
"Congrats, Morningstar!". Fallingstar, the black purple adolescent to my left chimed. "Congratulations are not needed Fall, I do not want this 'gift' " disappointment dripped through Morningstar's voice as he turned to look at his brother. "Gone are the days spent frolicking through the Milky Way chasing lunar deer and jade rabbits. Here are the days of meetings with commanders, planning earthly treks, and keeping the pack thriving. Just what I always wants". The whine rose unchecked from Morningstars mouth before he could even stop it. Dropping his ears, fall started at his brother sorrowfully. "We think the world of you and that the pack will thrive under your guidance." His voice was soft and kind. This forced Morningstar to drop his head in shame, "I understand brother, I just wasn't expecting this. I would have expected you or Shoot to be announced future lead."
With a toothy grin, Fall cuffed Morningstar lightly behind the ears, "go brother, don't keep him waiting." With one last nuzzle, Fallingstar danced away to join the medicinal scribes for preparation to the trek below. Morningstar looked longingly after his brother.
Mindlessly, Morningstart allowed his paws to carry himself where father was waiting. A slight tilt of the head was all father gave to acknowledge the arrival of his son. "It is time that you learned some of the secrets of the pack that is passed down from leader to leader" the rumble tickled Morning's ears as he planted himself softly on the ground beside his sire. "For starters, as celestials we have protection from most of the plights experienced by our counterparts on the ground illness or fighting for territories those don't touch us here, however, unbeknownst to many while we transverse on the ground we can succumb to these. Thankfully our counterparts aren't aware of this information, otherwise, it might result in serious trouble. Knowledge of how to interact with us is during this time is known to few. Some ancestors had leaked the trick of collecting the essence from the cosmos to enter our realm momentarily. After many a debate, in order to keep us thriving it was determined not to share this knowledge anymore and thus those with that knowledge were eliminated."
A chill spread down Morningstar's back as the word 'eliminated' slammed into him. "But father," Morningstar started, "how is it fair that they struggle while we flourish here?" The pup paused mouth slightly agape as the words streamed from his mouth.
Father whipped his head around with narrowed eyes. Morningstar felt his pelt burn under the electric blue eyes. "Fairness. With words and thoughts like that son, our way of life would not be. Think carefully."
The words bit into Morningstar, dipping his head in shame. Wordlessly Father padded off. A gnawing grow in the bottom of Morningstar's stomach. Seconds ticked by until the pack would descend down the moon light in order to explore the world below. He had never felt the call to lead the pack and if this is what it meant how could he resign himself to do this. Wearily, lids dripped over his eyes bringing a moment of rest prior to the descent.
So this is what the below was like, Morningstar pondered to himself in awe. Above the colors seemed dull. Only white, black, and shades of blues and purples. But here, this was astounding. Bright greens, yellows, crystal blues, and many shades between. No only were the colors captivating, but the sounds that tickled his ears had him wide eyed, maw agape in awe. A cool breeze caressed his coat running through each individual strand of hair. The ground pushed back beneath his paws firm, cool. The ambassadors of the pack had arrived on the final dregs of the moonlight path this morning. On this plane, their coats shined with blue sheens from turquoise to dark deep blues that echoed the emptiness of the galaxy above. Morningstar, himself admired the light blue hue to the bulk of his body which sharply contrasted the black and even red hued points he contained.This is phenomenal why can't we live here? Maybe it was the spell this land was placing on him, but Morningstar couldn't help, but feel drawn into this place.
"Come, it is time with met with our contact here below". The deep growl rumbled through the pack as Father moved to take point. 10 wolves total made the journey to spread knowledge and wealth, amongst those below. Morningstar was only included in order to learn the ways for when he took over.
It was interesting to Morning, to listen to the sounds of singing and chirps slowly silence as his pack made their way through the trees. His brother had filled him in on some of the uniqueness to this place. The point of contact was coming to these great mounds known as mountains that were covered in tall things called trees. Clumps of these were known as forests which housed the food source for wolves here below. Unlike above, food down here was able to run and hide requiring more skill and technique to catch.
Silence. Morningstar had been so lost in his thoughts that it finally struck him it was like they were above is the void of nothingness. With a jerk, his head shot up as he paused. Father, stood proud at the head of the pack ears pricked and tail held high with a slight wave. As if on command, yellow eyes appeared in pairs from shadows around the brush. Growing close, hues of deep brown red began to appear.
"Hello, Okami". A soft bark escaped from the muzzle of the russet wolf before them. About half the size of Father this wolf approached with ears pricked and tail reciprocating the wag.
Okami. Who is…. The thought was stopped as quickly as it came to Morningstar.
"Pleasure to see you again, Rue." Father's voice was a silky purr as he greeted the wolf before him.
"Come along I'm sure you still know the way." With a sharp bark and a bound, the russet figure disappeared back into the underbrush.
With a yip, Father bounded after her.
Bodies brushed alongside Morningstar, as the rest of the pack hurriedly followed behind their leader. Head tilted, Morning let himself ponder the fact that those below knew his name. Paws mindlessly carried him forward and a quickening pace to keep him from slipping behind comrades. Branches greedily grabbed at his coat trying to tug him away and leaves tickled his skin as he pushed forward in the brush.
Tucked away from the main body of the pack, the celestials gathered with the uppers of the earthly pact. For the most part the discussion was business related arranging what items would and could be traded. Morningstar felt himself being lulled into a daytime slumber when he was startled awake.
"Okami, tell us about the dreamlands. Will we ever be invited back to share in those spoils? After all, having access to the lunar trinkets, shops, and entities would allow us to prosper like before." Rue gently purred as she groomed the great celestial lead.
Father's face was steeled and stony. His eyes heavy lidded slowly opened at the sound of her voice. "Rue, we've been through this unfortunately this information has be lost". His voice silk and soft. As quickly as he spoke, his great head lowered back to the ground.
Morningstar stared at his father and Rue. What a lie…. The thought rattled around in his head. Why can't we share? Why can't we be as one?. It was in this moment, that Morningstar would put events into motion that could not be stop and would change his life drastically.
He waited until his father was gathering the celestials to return back to their home. Stealing a glance towards Rue, he slinked slowly towards her. Brushing up against her side, he felt her startle slightly as his closeness. With a low whisper he allowed the following words to slip from his mouth, "Essence. At one point essence could be collected to allow you access to their lunar grounds you speak of. Hopefully this knowledge can help you." With that Morningstar flicked his tail and padded over towards his father. There was no movement or any signal from Rue that would indicate she understood or heard his message.
Morningstar padded slowly after celestial party gathered at the foot of the path back to the celestial gateway, when his father's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Stop son." Father's voice was cold, calculating, and laced with disgust.
Morningstar turned to face his father, but wasn't prepared for what he saw. Father's eyes were burning angrily at his son, with lips pulled back revealing every tooth. Instinctively, Morningstar dropped tail tucked between his legs ears flat attempting to appease the angered wolf before him. Whispers gathered around them as the rest of the group turned to watch the scene unfolding before them.
"Morningstar, " fathers voice roared, "You have proven that you care little about this pack's customs and ideals. While this was a test to see where you stood, you fed what you believed to be sensitive information to other wolves on the earthly plain. Knowing this, you are no longer considered a member of this pack and stripped of anything you were once entitled too. For one who has so much love for the earthly terrain, you will remain here" Father stalked closer to the crouched adolescent before grabbing his scruff. Pain seared through Morningstar's neck as a yelp rising from his throat was silenced with the impact of his body striking the ground. All the adolescent could manage was a gasp while the world swirled before his eyes.
"Consider this your warning. I no longer consider you my son. You will no longer be welcome in the above with us. Do. Not. Follow." Each word of the last sentence uttered with a promise to end what life remained within the pup. Vision swimming, Morningstar watched as the pack before him slowly disappeared back to the celestial realm. His father's voice a whisper, "Morningstar is dead to us". With that a black veil crashed over the pup as he slipped into an unconscious state.
Paws thudded on the ground as the rabbit darted into the underbrush. Panting, the empty handed wolf collapsed in a heap on the dirt. A rumble in the pit of the males stomach caused him to stretch lightly to alleviate the pain. This was much easier in the celestial realm. Turning up his nose, the now adult wolf took in a deep breath of the clear air around him. A warm breeze ruffled his blue pelt revealing the bony prominences lightly underneath. It had been approximately 30 sunrises traveling and fending for himself had which resulted in a leanness due to inadequate nutrition. Occasionally, the wolf was able to catch prey, but it barely satiated his appetite. During the beginning of his travel, his memories had been wisps out of reach taunting him of his past. Slowly, the fog lifted as time passed and everything slowly made more sense. Now, the wolf former known as Morningstar, stood before a great pine forest. This seems very promising… His thoughts bounced around in his head. Padding forward slowly he allowed the trees and shadows to embrace him as he slipped into the welcoming depths.

Warm Welcome by Loafhound

A Battle of Wills by Yabi

Howling Art by Fleiryuu

Running Free by Maxwell
Tale of Time
The cold seeped underneath his shaggy winter coat. He was slower to rise than usual, feeling the dull warm pain settling into his joints. Lucifer had never felt his age, but this winter stole what youth he had left along with several of his cherished pack mates. There was an empty gnawing in the back of his mind that had settled after the last lunar event. The lead was being called home. The past few days of spring and summer, seemed unbearable to him as he tried to continue to serve his pack. No longer was he able to bring back multiple carcasses or bundles of meat, rather he was lucky to bring back a squirrel. With a glance back to the clearing, he observed his legacy.
Turiel took up the mantle this winter, when Aphuch succumbed to age. Tomorrow, Amenadiel would step into the sunlight and lead the pack. Now it was time for Lucifer to set off on one last adventure. Like a shadow, the wolf stole off into the forest setting to find his final resting place.
Hit Leaderboard on 9/3/2022 thanks to Cryptid Event
Don't know how long we will stay there, but thank you Lucifer for your dedication and hard work.

Last Day on Leader Board