Hunter Of Foxen
Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 7 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Sociable |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 182 |
Pups Bred | 0 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Fox (0.62%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Medium III |
Eyes | Hazel |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Noctiluca |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | None |
Slot 3 | None |
Slot 4 | Silver Carnage (80%) |
Slot 5 | Brown Half Stripe (18%) |
Slot 6 | Black Half Mask (95%) |
Slot 7 | Black Half Dorsal (100%) |
Slot 8 | White Nose Bridge (75%) |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
63 | 59 | 57 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
53 | 51 | 283 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Travelling Wolf here! Please only keep them for a maximum of 7-8 rollovers. Do NOT set them as your breeding male and do NOT chase them (yet you may pair bond+breed). Instead, pass them over to people who know what a travelling wolf is and what they do. (Preferably here)). You may add decors and markings, as long as you're not removing them.
Also, never transfer him in the giveaway chat, and please, do not add the bone decor.
(More info on a nomad/traveler here!)
Return to StarChaser #61660 at 7 years old
I am asking that you please write about what he does when he enters your pack! I love reading the different stories as he goes.
First Pack:The Frostfall Tribe
Date left:5/20/22
Date Returned:N/A
Decors Added:Red Fox Kits
Previous Role:Hunter
Lore: Hunter Of Foxen,(Foxen for short) had always been very adventurous, often wandering away and looking around the territory. He had been transferred to another pack while he was young because his pack couldn't support him and his siblings, but was returned by adolescence. He loved this, he loved seeing new things. So one day he talked about it with Star Chaser, and so he began his traveling mission, making an oath to his mother and father he would one day return. Coincidentally, he ran into 2 orphaned fox cubs on his way to a new pack.
Username & ID:
Pack Name:
Date when it arrived & left:
Decors added:
Roles given:
Username & ID: DeltaWild #51690
Pack Name: Delta River Pack
Date: May 20 2023
Decors added: Scattered Bones
Roles Given: Scout
Lore: Foxen had traveled for many hours till he came upon the Delta River Pack. The Alpha River welcomed him and he was able to eat some food and rest his paws. Wanting to be helpful River let him be a scout with Jim Bob while he stayed for a few days.
After the packs old traveler Bucky had told him stories Foxen decided that he should move on to find great things like that as well. Foxen said goodbye and made his way back into the wilderness.
Hunter traveled to the Noel Winter Eve pack. he became a pup sitter for the pack. Hunter also taught lessons to the pups.
Username & ID: 🌈 TappiØka 🌿 ˎˊ˗ #20486
Pack Name: Spirits of Silvertip
Date when it arrived & left: 6/6/22 - 6/13/22
Decors added: Forest Dwelling background, Squirrel Carcass Decor, Fox Pelt Decor
Roles given: None
Lore: Foxen was headed northbound, wandering through the great wilderness after leaving his previous pack in which he'd temporarily resided in for a quarter moon.
He made a small camp in the evening deep in the cool forests of the Taiga, where he was approached by an odd-colored wolf with deep purple fur, which seemed to be enchanted by the stars themselves. The wolf, who went by the name of Cassiopeia, was a scout from a glacier-dwelling pack known as the Spirits of Silvertip. Cassiopeia was hungry, so Foxen taught her how to hunt squirrels. Eventually, it was time for Cassie to return home, and she invited Foxen to come along with her. Foxen stayed in their pack for about 3 months before making his way back into the wilderness.
Username & ID: ✦ Red ✦ #61857
Pack Name: RedFury Pack
Date when it arrived & left: June 13th-19th
Decors added: Red Oak Branch [Red]
Roles given: N/A
Lore: when Foxen arrived at this rowdy pack of questionable wolves, he was greeted with excitement. They showed him to the resting den so he could rest from the journey, and soon after a young adolescent trotted up to him asking if he had any interesting stories, chuckling they urged the young wolf to lay down. Listening intently stories were told about Foxens journeys throughout the night with a small crowd gathering to listen, after a few days of socializing and resting with this friendly pack, he had to leave and continue seeing what the world had to offer.
Username & ID: Lionel #34199
Pack Name: Sun Stealers
Date when he arrived & left: 6/19/22 - 6/27/22
Decors added: Kit Fox Kits
Roles given: None
Lore: In the desert, Foxen met a young fox-wolf named Fortinbras, the heir to the Sun Stealers. (A surprising heritage, since neither of his parents were foxes. The pack loremaster, Baransky, traced his lineage back to multiple foxes on his father's side of the family; is that where he got it from?) As a seasoned traveler, Foxen helped teach Fortinbras how to explore unfamiliar terrain.
Username & ID: Skywren #74023
Pack Name: Ice Stalker Pack
Dates Arrived & Left: 6/27/22 -
Decor Added: Spicebush Swallowtail
Roles Given: Pupsitting
Lore: Traveling through the mountains Foxen came across one of the pupsitters of the Ice Stalker Pack who was looking a little overworked with the number of puppies she was watching as the pack was one to take in several lost or abandoned pups. Foxen stayed with the Ice stalker Pack for a while, learning about them and their lives and helping the packs two pupsitters in their duties.
Username & ID: InukGraywolf #49201
Pack Name: Salmonstone pack
Date when it arrived & left: 7/07/2022 •
Decors added: Acorn bundle + Scar: Ear [Left]
Roles given: pupsitter
Scenting the crisp air on the breeze, Foxen knew he'd been here before. It was clear he had travelled far across the land and made it back into the Taiga, a truly vast and beautiful place.
The taiga was filled with large and long rivers, and catching a few fish to keep well fed wasn't hard. Draped in his amber pelts, the heat of the summer was strong on this day. As he paced across the taiga, he spotted movement some distance away by the river. A young oirode female was splashing about the water, gathering piles of fish. His travelling spirit was compelled to greet her, and so he did. Peony, the female wolf of question had lifted her tail and stood fiercely in-front of her pile of prizes. "I am not here to thieve! I am a traveling wolf, I'm passing through this territory." Foxen quickly admitted. Peony had immediately lowered her hackles, and became excited towards his precence. "Another one, hm?" She asked with a grin. "Well, I have been dying to find one myself! Please, join me and you can share our bounty back at camp." She spoke in welcome. Foxen gladly followed her back, and was thrilled to greet the Salmonstone pack, evident to their name. "Your drapery is beautiful, alpha Phillipa will surely appreciate it." She said as they arrived. Foxen had stayed here a few weeks, before leaving with a full belly.
Username & ID: stingray 17818
Pack Name: AU
Date when it arrived & left: 7/27-8/2
Decors added: gambel oak sapling
Roles given: pupsitter
Lore: Foxen soon found his way to a pack he had never been to before; they had recently moved from one area of the forest to another, farther north, and they were still getting acclimated to their new surroundings. He met two other travelers there, who were spending their days in retirement together, having found each other by chance, and taken in by this pack when their homes were lost to them. Foxen was glad to see that they both were happy, and he hoped some day to find a similar joy of his own. But he wasn't ready to settle down like that just yet. He kept to himself while he stayed with them, not wanting to intrude, knowing he was privileged to have visited a pack that was slowly drifting away from the world that they had known before, and a lead who was mere moons from passing on her legacy. He left before she did, but he felt her spirit went with him.
Username & ID: 🐊🐺Charcoal [Ze/Zem]🐺🦜 #65778
Pack Name: The Sundown Undergrowth
Date when it arrived & left: Arrived on 9/26/2022, left on 10/3/2022
Decors added: Raven Feathers (From sleeping in the scout's den lol)
Roles given: None
Lore: Hunter Of Foxen had made his way through the Rainforest, the sound of morning raindrops falling from the thick canopy as he stumbled onto a wolf with herbs in his fur, his dark gray pelt with warmer tones a wide contrast from all the green surrounding them. He finally noticed an adolescent behind the male, his eyes widened when he realized that her eyes were scarred over! Her right ear flicked like she knew what he was staring at, though made no comment. The male could tell Foxen was a traveler, having helped several travelers before him. As the onyx male led Foxen to The Sundown Undergrowth, he had said his name was Emery, the she-wolf being Cougar. Swamp, the leader of the pack, had welcomed the covered fox-pelted male with open paws, allowing for him to stay in the scout's den with the stud, Bat.
Username & ID: Zawki #56483
Pack Name: Arkendor
Date when it arrived & left: 2022/10/3 - 2022/10/11
Decors added: Platinum Fox Kits
Roles given: Hunter
Lore: When Hunter of Foxen arrived in Arkendor, he was welcomed by the pack leader and offered a special place to stay in the Travellers' Den. Here he met a fellow traveller, Indie. Together with Indie and a few of the pack's senior hunters, Foxen went out hunting a few times, helping to bring back extra prey for the pack and getting to see new places within the territory. He ended up learning a few things as a Chaser, becoming faster and more agile than he was before.
Username & ID: 🌿Yvonne🌿 #82829
Pack Name: Tikqra
Date when it arrived & left: 10/19/2022,
Decors added: Regal Fritillary
Roles given: n/a
Lore: coming soon
Username & ID: Sunny-D#22319
Pack Name: Ophadin
Date when it arrived & left: 10-20/
Decors added: Lunar Wisp
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: After a couple days travel, Foxen found himself in the depths of a thick wood. Among the wood he would hear soft whispers and laughter, and then he came across a young wolf. She was barely an adult, and pregnant. This wolf introduced herself as Soul, Ophadins future Queen. She tends to wander the borders of their land for peace and quiet, and to welcome and send off travelers. Soul asked if Foxen was one of said travelers, and when he responded with a yes, she welcomed him to Ophadin. This pack was filled with blue aura, almost as if it had merged with the realms of ones concious, and it felt peaceful to Foxen. During his stay he decided to mentor and teach the pups this pack had, and tell the wonderous stories of his travels. When it came time for him to leave, he wished each farewell, especially the pups. Soul had walked with him to the end of their territory and gave him a gift as parting. A blue flamed wisp darted up to them, circling Foxen as if gleefully, and then settled to his side, following him for the rest of his journies.
Username & ID: Kim (#13734)
Pack Name: Nightfallers
Date when it arrived & left: 26 October 2022
Decors added: Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Roles given: None.
Lore: Foxen, draped in his cloak of fox fur, wandered his way to the taigan forest pack of the Nightfallers, a pack of wolves who were founded on the ideals of helping outcasts from their prior packs.
A rather creamy-looking wolf, deeming the name Velveteen, approached the fox-adorned Foxen. "Welcome, welcome. And who might you be?"
Foxen stayed silent, eyeing the she-wolf before making voice to his opinion, "Foxen. Just a traveler in these parts. Nothing too thrilling-"
Velveteen's eyes widened, "Oh! Nonono, traveling wolves get our utmost respect here. We've even sent out a few of our own if you've seen them around. We've just recently opened camp to wolves of your kind, in positive regards of course, to visit and give rich knowledge of our outside world."
And soon enough, a blunt huff escaped a nearby wolf, both looking confused until Velveteen let out a sigh herself, "And that wolf there..." A paw raised, pointing to a rather cooly-pelted male, "... is our pack leader. He's... not all too thrilled the majority of the pack decided this, so if you see him get nippy, you have my permission to be nippy back."
Username & ID: Little #83114
Pack Name: Freezing Lake
Date when it arrived & left: 10/29/2022 -
Decors added: N/A
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: While hiking through the mountains, Foxen found an odd pack, Freezing Lake. They were a democracy, which perplexed him a bit. When he approached, the other wolves were on guard. Between the fox pelt he wore and the fox kits following him, the pack wasn't quite sure what to make of him. When Foxen told them about himself, Frostbite, their leader, let him stay.
Foxen proved to be very skilled and wise, so Frostbite gave him the role of a mentor. He taught the puppies valuable lessons and helped Freezing Lake grow stronger.
Username & ID: Ashvoidd #93497
Pack Name: Nimblefooted pack
Date when it arrived & left: 11/05/2022
Decors added: fairy ring mushrooms
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: Foxen had only recently entered the chilled deciduous forests, before stumbling upon a slowly growing pack. They'd been in the process of moving, however they allowed foxen to stay in the Travellers cave for a while regardless. They were cautious of him at first, rightfully so by the fox pelt and Kits following after him. But after seeing how well he got along with the pack's pups, they allowed him to teach them. A small group, sure, and one struggling to bring in enough food to make ends meet, but they made sure the nomads got fed first. After a while, training the pups with all he knew, he had to leave.
Username & ID: Sunny (#55478)
Pack Name: Windmist pack
Date when it arrived & left: 11-19-22 - 11-21-22
Decors added: N/A
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: [ recalled because of aging to 7 yrs ]
Travelling Wolf here! Please only keep them for a maximum of 7-8 rollovers. Do NOT set them as your breeding male and do NOT chase them (yet you may pair bond+breed). Instead, pass them over to people who know what a travelling wolf is and what they do. (Preferably here)). You may add decors and markings, as long as you're not removing them.
Also, never transfer him in the giveaway chat, and please, do not add the bone decor.
(More info on a nomad/traveler here!)
Return to StarChaser #61660 at 7 years old
I am asking that you please write about what he does when he enters your pack! I love reading the different stories as he goes.
First Pack:The Frostfall Tribe
Date left:5/20/22
Date Returned:N/A
Decors Added:Red Fox Kits
Previous Role:Hunter
Lore: Hunter Of Foxen,(Foxen for short) had always been very adventurous, often wandering away and looking around the territory. He had been transferred to another pack while he was young because his pack couldn't support him and his siblings, but was returned by adolescence. He loved this, he loved seeing new things. So one day he talked about it with Star Chaser, and so he began his traveling mission, making an oath to his mother and father he would one day return. Coincidentally, he ran into 2 orphaned fox cubs on his way to a new pack.
Username & ID:
Pack Name:
Date when it arrived & left:
Decors added:
Roles given:
Username & ID: DeltaWild #51690
Pack Name: Delta River Pack
Date: May 20 2023
Decors added: Scattered Bones
Roles Given: Scout
Lore: Foxen had traveled for many hours till he came upon the Delta River Pack. The Alpha River welcomed him and he was able to eat some food and rest his paws. Wanting to be helpful River let him be a scout with Jim Bob while he stayed for a few days.
After the packs old traveler Bucky had told him stories Foxen decided that he should move on to find great things like that as well. Foxen said goodbye and made his way back into the wilderness.
Hunter traveled to the Noel Winter Eve pack. he became a pup sitter for the pack. Hunter also taught lessons to the pups.
Username & ID: 🌈 TappiØka 🌿 ˎˊ˗ #20486
Pack Name: Spirits of Silvertip
Date when it arrived & left: 6/6/22 - 6/13/22
Decors added: Forest Dwelling background, Squirrel Carcass Decor, Fox Pelt Decor
Roles given: None
Lore: Foxen was headed northbound, wandering through the great wilderness after leaving his previous pack in which he'd temporarily resided in for a quarter moon.
He made a small camp in the evening deep in the cool forests of the Taiga, where he was approached by an odd-colored wolf with deep purple fur, which seemed to be enchanted by the stars themselves. The wolf, who went by the name of Cassiopeia, was a scout from a glacier-dwelling pack known as the Spirits of Silvertip. Cassiopeia was hungry, so Foxen taught her how to hunt squirrels. Eventually, it was time for Cassie to return home, and she invited Foxen to come along with her. Foxen stayed in their pack for about 3 months before making his way back into the wilderness.
Username & ID: ✦ Red ✦ #61857
Pack Name: RedFury Pack
Date when it arrived & left: June 13th-19th
Decors added: Red Oak Branch [Red]
Roles given: N/A
Lore: when Foxen arrived at this rowdy pack of questionable wolves, he was greeted with excitement. They showed him to the resting den so he could rest from the journey, and soon after a young adolescent trotted up to him asking if he had any interesting stories, chuckling they urged the young wolf to lay down. Listening intently stories were told about Foxens journeys throughout the night with a small crowd gathering to listen, after a few days of socializing and resting with this friendly pack, he had to leave and continue seeing what the world had to offer.
Username & ID: Lionel #34199
Pack Name: Sun Stealers
Date when he arrived & left: 6/19/22 - 6/27/22
Decors added: Kit Fox Kits
Roles given: None
Lore: In the desert, Foxen met a young fox-wolf named Fortinbras, the heir to the Sun Stealers. (A surprising heritage, since neither of his parents were foxes. The pack loremaster, Baransky, traced his lineage back to multiple foxes on his father's side of the family; is that where he got it from?) As a seasoned traveler, Foxen helped teach Fortinbras how to explore unfamiliar terrain.
Username & ID: Skywren #74023
Pack Name: Ice Stalker Pack
Dates Arrived & Left: 6/27/22 -
Decor Added: Spicebush Swallowtail
Roles Given: Pupsitting
Lore: Traveling through the mountains Foxen came across one of the pupsitters of the Ice Stalker Pack who was looking a little overworked with the number of puppies she was watching as the pack was one to take in several lost or abandoned pups. Foxen stayed with the Ice stalker Pack for a while, learning about them and their lives and helping the packs two pupsitters in their duties.
Username & ID: InukGraywolf #49201
Pack Name: Salmonstone pack
Date when it arrived & left: 7/07/2022 •
Decors added: Acorn bundle + Scar: Ear [Left]
Roles given: pupsitter
Scenting the crisp air on the breeze, Foxen knew he'd been here before. It was clear he had travelled far across the land and made it back into the Taiga, a truly vast and beautiful place.
The taiga was filled with large and long rivers, and catching a few fish to keep well fed wasn't hard. Draped in his amber pelts, the heat of the summer was strong on this day. As he paced across the taiga, he spotted movement some distance away by the river. A young oirode female was splashing about the water, gathering piles of fish. His travelling spirit was compelled to greet her, and so he did. Peony, the female wolf of question had lifted her tail and stood fiercely in-front of her pile of prizes. "I am not here to thieve! I am a traveling wolf, I'm passing through this territory." Foxen quickly admitted. Peony had immediately lowered her hackles, and became excited towards his precence. "Another one, hm?" She asked with a grin. "Well, I have been dying to find one myself! Please, join me and you can share our bounty back at camp." She spoke in welcome. Foxen gladly followed her back, and was thrilled to greet the Salmonstone pack, evident to their name. "Your drapery is beautiful, alpha Phillipa will surely appreciate it." She said as they arrived. Foxen had stayed here a few weeks, before leaving with a full belly.
Username & ID: stingray 17818
Pack Name: AU
Date when it arrived & left: 7/27-8/2
Decors added: gambel oak sapling
Roles given: pupsitter
Lore: Foxen soon found his way to a pack he had never been to before; they had recently moved from one area of the forest to another, farther north, and they were still getting acclimated to their new surroundings. He met two other travelers there, who were spending their days in retirement together, having found each other by chance, and taken in by this pack when their homes were lost to them. Foxen was glad to see that they both were happy, and he hoped some day to find a similar joy of his own. But he wasn't ready to settle down like that just yet. He kept to himself while he stayed with them, not wanting to intrude, knowing he was privileged to have visited a pack that was slowly drifting away from the world that they had known before, and a lead who was mere moons from passing on her legacy. He left before she did, but he felt her spirit went with him.
Username & ID: 🐊🐺Charcoal [Ze/Zem]🐺🦜 #65778
Pack Name: The Sundown Undergrowth
Date when it arrived & left: Arrived on 9/26/2022, left on 10/3/2022
Decors added: Raven Feathers (From sleeping in the scout's den lol)
Roles given: None
Lore: Hunter Of Foxen had made his way through the Rainforest, the sound of morning raindrops falling from the thick canopy as he stumbled onto a wolf with herbs in his fur, his dark gray pelt with warmer tones a wide contrast from all the green surrounding them. He finally noticed an adolescent behind the male, his eyes widened when he realized that her eyes were scarred over! Her right ear flicked like she knew what he was staring at, though made no comment. The male could tell Foxen was a traveler, having helped several travelers before him. As the onyx male led Foxen to The Sundown Undergrowth, he had said his name was Emery, the she-wolf being Cougar. Swamp, the leader of the pack, had welcomed the covered fox-pelted male with open paws, allowing for him to stay in the scout's den with the stud, Bat.
Username & ID: Zawki #56483
Pack Name: Arkendor
Date when it arrived & left: 2022/10/3 - 2022/10/11
Decors added: Platinum Fox Kits
Roles given: Hunter
Lore: When Hunter of Foxen arrived in Arkendor, he was welcomed by the pack leader and offered a special place to stay in the Travellers' Den. Here he met a fellow traveller, Indie. Together with Indie and a few of the pack's senior hunters, Foxen went out hunting a few times, helping to bring back extra prey for the pack and getting to see new places within the territory. He ended up learning a few things as a Chaser, becoming faster and more agile than he was before.
Username & ID: 🌿Yvonne🌿 #82829
Pack Name: Tikqra
Date when it arrived & left: 10/19/2022,
Decors added: Regal Fritillary
Roles given: n/a
Lore: coming soon
Username & ID: Sunny-D#22319
Pack Name: Ophadin
Date when it arrived & left: 10-20/
Decors added: Lunar Wisp
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: After a couple days travel, Foxen found himself in the depths of a thick wood. Among the wood he would hear soft whispers and laughter, and then he came across a young wolf. She was barely an adult, and pregnant. This wolf introduced herself as Soul, Ophadins future Queen. She tends to wander the borders of their land for peace and quiet, and to welcome and send off travelers. Soul asked if Foxen was one of said travelers, and when he responded with a yes, she welcomed him to Ophadin. This pack was filled with blue aura, almost as if it had merged with the realms of ones concious, and it felt peaceful to Foxen. During his stay he decided to mentor and teach the pups this pack had, and tell the wonderous stories of his travels. When it came time for him to leave, he wished each farewell, especially the pups. Soul had walked with him to the end of their territory and gave him a gift as parting. A blue flamed wisp darted up to them, circling Foxen as if gleefully, and then settled to his side, following him for the rest of his journies.
Username & ID: Kim (#13734)
Pack Name: Nightfallers
Date when it arrived & left: 26 October 2022
Decors added: Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Roles given: None.
Lore: Foxen, draped in his cloak of fox fur, wandered his way to the taigan forest pack of the Nightfallers, a pack of wolves who were founded on the ideals of helping outcasts from their prior packs.
A rather creamy-looking wolf, deeming the name Velveteen, approached the fox-adorned Foxen. "Welcome, welcome. And who might you be?"
Foxen stayed silent, eyeing the she-wolf before making voice to his opinion, "Foxen. Just a traveler in these parts. Nothing too thrilling-"
Velveteen's eyes widened, "Oh! Nonono, traveling wolves get our utmost respect here. We've even sent out a few of our own if you've seen them around. We've just recently opened camp to wolves of your kind, in positive regards of course, to visit and give rich knowledge of our outside world."
And soon enough, a blunt huff escaped a nearby wolf, both looking confused until Velveteen let out a sigh herself, "And that wolf there..." A paw raised, pointing to a rather cooly-pelted male, "... is our pack leader. He's... not all too thrilled the majority of the pack decided this, so if you see him get nippy, you have my permission to be nippy back."
Username & ID: Little #83114
Pack Name: Freezing Lake
Date when it arrived & left: 10/29/2022 -
Decors added: N/A
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: While hiking through the mountains, Foxen found an odd pack, Freezing Lake. They were a democracy, which perplexed him a bit. When he approached, the other wolves were on guard. Between the fox pelt he wore and the fox kits following him, the pack wasn't quite sure what to make of him. When Foxen told them about himself, Frostbite, their leader, let him stay.
Foxen proved to be very skilled and wise, so Frostbite gave him the role of a mentor. He taught the puppies valuable lessons and helped Freezing Lake grow stronger.
Username & ID: Ashvoidd #93497
Pack Name: Nimblefooted pack
Date when it arrived & left: 11/05/2022
Decors added: fairy ring mushrooms
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: Foxen had only recently entered the chilled deciduous forests, before stumbling upon a slowly growing pack. They'd been in the process of moving, however they allowed foxen to stay in the Travellers cave for a while regardless. They were cautious of him at first, rightfully so by the fox pelt and Kits following after him. But after seeing how well he got along with the pack's pups, they allowed him to teach them. A small group, sure, and one struggling to bring in enough food to make ends meet, but they made sure the nomads got fed first. After a while, training the pups with all he knew, he had to leave.
Username & ID: Sunny (#55478)
Pack Name: Windmist pack
Date when it arrived & left: 11-19-22 - 11-21-22
Decors added: N/A
Roles given: Mentor
Lore: [ recalled because of aging to 7 yrs ]

Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
None equipped!
None equipped!