The lesson has finished! All puppies in the lesson have been trained successfully.
Alphonse Elric got +41 EXP gained!
New Puppy received a 3% boost to their survival chance!
Chaser 1 received a 3% boost to their survival chance!
During the lesson: Alphonse Elric demonstrated moves for New Puppy and Chaser 1 to copy. It looked just like a yoga class, but for wolves!
The lesson has finished! All puppies in the lesson have been trained successfully.
RoseThorn the Devastator got +65 EXP gained! Also gained +1 agility (new total: 222)!
Chaser 1 received a 2% boost to their survival chance!
New Puppy received a 3% boost to their survival chance!
During the lesson: RoseThorn the Devastator showed New Puppy that every time they take an herb from nature, they must put a small piece of it back into the earth. This is so the herb can sprout again and continue to provide what the pack needs.