Forenoon is a laid back wolf. Unassuming was what she was her entire life; or at least most of it. In the rare instances in which she did get worked up, though, she would pretty much transform. Her deep voice and large stature made her incredibly intimidating in a way you couldn't fathom before, and she was absolutely terrifying. She was quite apolegetic for her missteps, but wolves have ended up on her bad side assuming nothing would happen and Forenoon was really just lazy and docile, which could not be more wrong. She was never violent, and was quite caring, especially to pups, but as stated before if she needed to be she could use her words and intimidation in a way much more powerful than violence ever could be. It may seem she chose her job of pupsitting so she wouldn't have to work much, but that wasn't even her primary intent. She could certintaly be lazy - she often used her intimidation to get time off of her role - and appreciates a job in which she doesn't need to leave camp, but she also knows pups to be the future of the pack, and she has seen generations of pups grow to adulthood. She loves puppies, and in the end dedicated her life to caring for them.
Forenoon lived the majority of her life in a small family unit with her uncle as the lead wolf, her aunt as his mate, and everybody else as subordinates to their joint rule. When her aunt died, the family collapsed, leaving Forenoon to fend for herself. She wandered for a year, practically wasting that time of her life, so focused on surviving that she didn't get the chance to even dream. That is when she stumbled across Sunswept, Ether, and Dagger, a small upstart pack. She joined, and soon had pups with Sunswept, though those pups were purely nonromantic and, at the time, necessary for the pack. The pups' names were Swiftlet and Ichor. Forenoon served as the healer for Sunswept as he came back from his many explorations, whether from the magical Lunar Realm he spoke of often or from simply the forests near the mountain range the Sky Tides pack lived in at the time. Through this, they formed a bond and, while Sunswept's eyes were at first on Ether (though he did not pursue a relationship both because she did not reciprocate and because he was dedicated to his duties as leader), he soon grew romantic feelings for Forenoon. Through this started a long and complicated relationship. Lemongrass joined the pack, much to Forenoon and Sunswepts' dismay, not because of Lemongrass himself but for the fact that Forenoon would no longer be spending as much time with Sunswept to take care of him. However, Forenoon and Sunswept became mates. The months they did have a relationship (though not a pairbond since that was a concept not present in the pack until up to a year later) were good for both them and their daughters. However, the entire relationship was doomed due to Sunswept's poor performance as a father contrasted to Forenoon's dedication to her pups, and it was ultimately upheaved when Swiftlet heard Sunswept confiding in Lemongrass, who had become somwhat of a therapist, about his idea of giving Swiftlet to the Enclave, a place they had found where a mother bear took care of puppies abandoned by packs. News spread quick, and Forenoon was outraged. She snapped at Sunswept, and in her signature fashion, her rage was both terrifying and shocking. Their relationship failed, and while Swiftlet was never sent to the Enclave, Sunswept and Forenoon never built back their romance. They pined for each other at different periods of time, forming an utterly heartbreaking story, and added with Lemongrass's unrequited love for Sunswept, it could even be described as a tragedy. After that, the pack only grew, and Forenoon fell to the sidelines. She had five more pups - Syzygy, Penumbra, Noontide, Afterglow, and Selenelion, with an outside stud. For four years and one month, she was a dedicated member of the pack, most of that time being spent as a pupsitter, before she perished. She was six years and six months old when she passed away. She died to a pulmonary edema, which had been greatly hereditary, as she was born to a family of wolves with early deaths., though it was also somewhat brought on from her lethargy in old age due to osteoporosis and arthritis, which were both also genetic for her. Her death was heavily mourned by her three remaining daughters, Swiftlet, Ichor, and Penumbra, and her former lover Sunswept, but all of the pups she pupsat and all of the pack she loved were hit heavily by her loss, and her memory, unlike Dagger, will be preserved both through her descendants and through the impact she had.
Forenoon was named, primarily, for her fur. 'Forenoon' is a synonym for morning, and Forenoon's fur resembles the colors of early dawn.