Tavern Dweller
Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 6 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Dedicated |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 180 |
Pups Bred | 551 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Bronze (0.18%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Dark III |
Eyes | Blue |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Bistre |
Claws | Bone |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Brown Inuit Unders (36%) |
Slot 2 | Dark Brown Half Cape Ticking (71%) |
Slot 3 | Brown Agouti (51%) |
Slot 4 | Black Blanket Ticking (80%) |
Slot 5 | Beige Unders (30%) |
Slot 6 | White Underfur (30%) |
Slot 7 | Cream Spectacles (27%) |
Slot 8 | Black Half Mask (65%) |
Slot 9 | White Blaze (39%) |
Slot 10 | Black Limbs (79%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
96 | 68 | 89 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
101 | 86 | 440 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Maybe future look?
-Stat Gains-
Birth stats: 440 (I think)
11 1/2 stats: 460 (I think??) + 48 from pup training
Adult stats (Lvl 1): 508 (Damn, and this is a G2-)
Lvl 5 stats: 547
Lvl 10 stats: 662
Lvl 15 stats: 866
Lvl 20: 1132 (I think)
Stat highlights: 1212 stats at lvl 20
Final stats: -
RMAs used: 1 (Dark brown half cape ticking slot 2)
Highest stat Bronze STUD as of Jan 16 2022 (Highest stat public stud, not highest stat of all Bronze wolves)

G2 Bronze Stud https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/4787820 |1.2k+ stats|10 Marks (brown Inuit)|Multiple ways to get refund breedings!|200
or 1
G2 Bronze Stud https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/4787820 |1.2k+ stats|10 Marks (brown Inuit)|Holiday Discount!|200
or 1 
The Cursed, The Wretched, The Forsaken
The Tavern Dweller. Back fur stained black, her white underfur tinted a washed out brown. Her claws stained with dirt and dried blood. The witch's piercing blue eyes broke through the darkness with its glow. This was no ordinary timber wolf. This young wolf was cast away from her pack, despite her mother's protests. Soon, her own mother abandoned her too. Locked away underneath the rainy forests of the riparian, she rises again.
From the darkness of the tunnels she was abandoned in, there was a light. A beam of sunlight which shone through the dark. The shadows had consumed her for months on end. The witch emerged from the tavern's tunnels, the sunlight reaching her pale fur for the first time. The rays of the sun burned her eyes as she had spent so long isolated in the dark.
A stream descended into a waterfall, the ravine she was living in for so long had no escape. Rocks blocked the only path leading to the forest floor. The Tavern Dweller's pack purposefully trapped her. The only thing she could eat were bats and centipedes which overran the cave. Her stomach ached as she looked up at the surface letting out a long, high pitched howl. It took a few hours, but she heard some howls back. They were loud, and a small pack of wolves surrounded the opening in the earth where the witch resided.
She stared back at the wolves, her voice rustic and hoarse as she spoke. "Please, do you have some food?" Her desperate voice echoed. The other timber wolves looked at each other before the largest one gave a nod to the one beside it. The wolf quickly ran off, and the presumed alpha looked back down at the young she wolf.
"We'll bring you a hare carcass, but first.." he paused for a moment. "How long have you been down here, if I may ask?" The Tavern Dweller could vaguely make out his expression, but it seemed filled with worry. "Uhm.. almost a year." She responded shyly which sparked a murmur among the wolves there. The alpha silenced them, his expression growing grim. "Do you have a mother nearby maybe? Perhaps inside the cave you're living in?" He'd prod some more with his questions. "N-no mother.." The Tavern Dweller whimpered a little in her tone.
The pack's murmuring turned into chatter and angry comments at that. The tan and beige timber wolf that went to fetch the hare returned just moments after, throwing down the carcass. The witch immediately ran over, mercilessly tearing into the carcass to eat her fill like someone was coming to steal it from her. She ate everything from the fur and skin, to the bones and organs. The only thing that remained from the carcass was fractured bits of the hare's skull and its teeth.
The alpha watched with shock, seeing how the hare was gone in just two minutes. "Poor kid.." he whispered to himself, looking down at the young she wolf who wasn't even considered a young adult yet. And after that day, the pack has been offering her carcasses of her demand.
After just two months of offering food to the witch, she began asking for herbs. Then animal bones. Animal organs, hooves, the eyes of cougars, the fangs of badgers. Even the fur of the rare, kermode bear. The pack never questioned her demands no matter how dangerous it could be to get them. They didn't question it until she asked for a pup from their pack just two and a half weeks after winter arrived. The strongest male puppy in their pack. The alpha's son.
"Boulder, please be reasonable!" The alpha spoke in retaliation to the demand, looking straight into the eyes of the witch. She had made up her name since she was never named properly as a pup. "You're asking for my only son!" His tone full of anger and distraught while his amber eyes flashed with sadness and desperation. "I will give you one of my daughters, a nephew, but my son is the only one in this pack that will be there to lead when I'm dead!" He barked and whined, his packmates anxiously looking at each other then back to the alpha, one of them holding his three month old son.
"You know what will happen if you disobey my orders." Her voice cold and stern, unfazed by the alpha's fear. "I will curse your pack, and prevent your females from having any healthy pups. Your pack will die out if you don't give in to my request, Sharp Fang!" She suddenly snapped, snarls in her tone as she flashed her teeth at the alpha. Boulder wasn't even an adult yet, but she had almost full control over a pack she had met three months prior.
The alpha lowered his head, his eyes slowly closing as he quietly whimpered on the words, "Send him off," and the pack went silent at that. The wolf that was holding Sharp Fang's son dropped him into the river that ran through the ravine. The pup was unharmed as he quickly swam to the rocky ground, coughing up some water. The witch grinned, her blood stained teeth exposed as she looked directly at Sharp Fang. He felt her gaze on him, but refused to look at her.
"You clever boy. You have saved your pack from doom thanks to your offering." Her grin grew even wider, striking fear into the wolves who even dared look into the ravine still. "I will take good care of your son." Her pupils dilated, the black almost consuming all of her brilliant blue iris. "Now, be gone." She barked, her grin immediately faded as her pupils slowly shrunk back to their normal size. She turned to the pup, giving a friendly smile which only made him panic. His loud howling and barking fell upon death ears as his pack was already running off in hopes to block out the pup's pleads for help.
"Hello little one. Don't fret about them. I was abandoned by my pack when I was young too.." Boulder spoke softly as a genuine frown fell upon her face. She let out a sigh, her gaze lowing to her stained paws before looking back up at the alpha's son. A wide smile greeting him as her pupils dilated once more. "I'll take care of you from now on!" The Tavern Dweller's tone unsettlingly upbeat as she carried the pup by the scruff. The two descended into the darkness of the taverns. Sharp Fang and his pack never saw the pup, Pine again.
A week after Pine's disappearance, more alphas from other packs in the forest biomes offered to what they have been calling, 'The Tavern Witch,' in hopes to receive blessings and good fortune for their pack, which seemed to work. With more wolves under her control, Boulder began asking for the carcasses of dangerous animals like rattle snakes and even jaguars as offerings for good fortune and many riches. Even going so far as to request adults, especially those who have albinism or leucism. All who have gone missing within the taverns where the witch resides.
Chapter I
When the Tavern Witch was around ten to eleven months old, she received an unexpected visitor. It was her mother, Dingo. Her light brown coat and hetero blue and brown eyes Boulder could easily recognize. "If it isn't my dearest mother!" She forced a smile, watching her mother descend from the wall of rocks and boulders. It was easy for a wolf to get into her little ravine that way, but hard to climb out of it.
Dingo ran over to Boulder, her eyes swelled with tears. She hugged her daughter tightly, with Boulder hesitantly returning the hug with a grimace. Dingo backed up, trying to hold back her tears as she smiled at her daughter who was almost an adult. "I can't believe you're still alive! I- I thought you.." She stammered a little, struggling to spit out the words.
Boulder forced a smile as she attempted to hide her burning hatred for her mother. "After all you put me through, it's only fair you do me a favor.." Dingo composed herself, looking at the young timber wolf. "I need you to do something for me." Her smile grew slightly as she approached the brown and beige she wolf. "My big sister had a litter of pups when I was still young. When I was still in the pack. Where are my little nieces and nephews?" She grinned, staring at Dingo right in the eyes.
"Two of them died from the plague we faced just a week after you left.." She stared at the ground, a frown on her face. "Well? That's only two pups. Where are the others?" Her neutral tone shifted as she sounded more demanding. Dingo looked up at Boulder with worry. "W-well.." The light brown she wolf paused for a moment. "WELL? WHERE ARE THEY?!" She snapped after a minute of silence from her mother. Dingo looked up in shock at the sudden yelling of her daughter. "Algae is the only one in our pack, but she's taking hunting lessons right now." She finally spoke up.
"I want you to bring her here." The Tavern Witch said in a bold tone. "Why?" Dingo questioned with more worry in her expression. "Sahara won't let me visit her in the pack's territory, so I want you to bring her here." Dingo seemed to buy the lie, as Sahara was the one who made the whole pack turn on the witch when she was still young. "And if you don't come back with her in two hours, I will put another puppy plague upon your pack." Her harsh gaze made Dingo shiver, and she climbed out of the ravine to go fulfil her daughter's request.
After almost three hours of waiting, the sun began to set. A yellow she with with hints of blue and green on her back carried a she wolf that was similar in coloration to her. The young she wolf had lime green on her head, neck, and tail. Tropical blue decorated her back and paws while periwinkle patterned her face, sides, and her tail. Her lapis blue eyes looked curiously around the unfamiliar place as the two descended down the path of boulders. Dingo was not too far behind.
The yellow she wolf's red eyes glared at the Tavern Witch, and her blue eyes returned the harsh gaze. "Took you long enough." She huffed, looking at the small she wolf who appeared to be around nine and a half months old. She sat patiently near the entrance of the cave she lived in, intently watching the she wolf who she recognized as Sahara.
"Aunty?" The colorful she wolf's head tilted, her gaze meeting the Tavern Witch's. "Algae! If it isn't my lovely little niece!" She had a friendly grin on her face as she trotted over to her. The young wolf gave her aunt a big wolf hug, which Boulder happily returned. After their brief reunion, the Tavern Witch walked over to Sahara and rose her head to whisper something in her ear. "I'll take good care of her, don't you worry." She smirked, walking over to Algae. Dingo and Sahara made their way out of the pit as the Tavern Witch escorted her niece into the taverns where she resided in. She was never seen again after that evening.
Chapter II
When the Tavern Witch turned one, many males of different packs flocked over to confess their love to Boulder. Most were insincere with their confessions, but some were actually serious. Boulder rejected all of their confessions as she wasn't really interested in guys. Instead, she began experimenting elixirs she brewed on live rats and occasionally other wolves to recreate the sex changer from the grove. A good chunk of her attempts ended in patients suffering violent vomiting and abdominal pain, and even some death. Some even had tumors start to grow on their body, but the witch kept experimenting for a few weeks.
After almost a month, the Tavern Witch's efforts started to show progress as her elixirs created a three day long process of sex changing, as she adjusted her ingredients to also use items that affected hormones in the body. It still took some recipe reinforcing, but the Tavern Witch was getting close to recreating the grove item. Soon the Tavern Witch successful crafted a sex changing elixir that worked in a matter of hours without any serious side effects. She tried the potion on herself, and woke from from a three hour slumber. Her voice changed as well to that of a rustic voice of an adolescent male, like she were in puberty. News quickly spread of this thanks to her new voice, and females from different packs across Wolvden started flocking over to the Witch's lair nearly a week after the transformation.
Algae grew more wary of Boulder after she crafted her elixir. Though Algae couldn't go anywhere due to being chained up, she spoke less with her aunt- or uncle now, and made less eye contact. Boulder was quick to notice, and told Algae she wouldn't do anything to Algae. To prove this, she had her breed to another wolf despite initial protests. When she gave birth to two healthy pups and a sickly once, the Tavern Witch sent them off to their old pack. That was when they no longer had to rely on their mother for milk.
This gesture relieved Algae as her pups didn't have to be experiments or have to grow up in such an awful place, but she still worried for her pups, fearing they might be abandoned like her or Boulder while they are still young.
-Stat Gains-
11 1/2 stats: 460 (I think??) + 48 from pup training
Adult stats (Lvl 1): 508 (Damn, and this is a G2-)
Lvl 5 stats: 547
Lvl 10 stats: 662
Lvl 15 stats: 866
Lvl 20: 1132 (I think)
Stat highlights: 1212 stats at lvl 20
Final stats: -
RMAs used: 1 (Dark brown half cape ticking slot 2)
Highest stat Bronze STUD as of Jan 16 2022 (Highest stat public stud, not highest stat of all Bronze wolves)

G2 Bronze Stud https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/4787820 |1.2k+ stats|10 Marks (brown Inuit)|Multiple ways to get refund breedings!|200

G2 Bronze Stud https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/4787820 |1.2k+ stats|10 Marks (brown Inuit)|Holiday Discount!|200

The Tavern Dweller. Back fur stained black, her white underfur tinted a washed out brown. Her claws stained with dirt and dried blood. The witch's piercing blue eyes broke through the darkness with its glow. This was no ordinary timber wolf. This young wolf was cast away from her pack, despite her mother's protests. Soon, her own mother abandoned her too. Locked away underneath the rainy forests of the riparian, she rises again.
From the darkness of the tunnels she was abandoned in, there was a light. A beam of sunlight which shone through the dark. The shadows had consumed her for months on end. The witch emerged from the tavern's tunnels, the sunlight reaching her pale fur for the first time. The rays of the sun burned her eyes as she had spent so long isolated in the dark.
A stream descended into a waterfall, the ravine she was living in for so long had no escape. Rocks blocked the only path leading to the forest floor. The Tavern Dweller's pack purposefully trapped her. The only thing she could eat were bats and centipedes which overran the cave. Her stomach ached as she looked up at the surface letting out a long, high pitched howl. It took a few hours, but she heard some howls back. They were loud, and a small pack of wolves surrounded the opening in the earth where the witch resided.
She stared back at the wolves, her voice rustic and hoarse as she spoke. "Please, do you have some food?" Her desperate voice echoed. The other timber wolves looked at each other before the largest one gave a nod to the one beside it. The wolf quickly ran off, and the presumed alpha looked back down at the young she wolf.
"We'll bring you a hare carcass, but first.." he paused for a moment. "How long have you been down here, if I may ask?" The Tavern Dweller could vaguely make out his expression, but it seemed filled with worry. "Uhm.. almost a year." She responded shyly which sparked a murmur among the wolves there. The alpha silenced them, his expression growing grim. "Do you have a mother nearby maybe? Perhaps inside the cave you're living in?" He'd prod some more with his questions. "N-no mother.." The Tavern Dweller whimpered a little in her tone.
The pack's murmuring turned into chatter and angry comments at that. The tan and beige timber wolf that went to fetch the hare returned just moments after, throwing down the carcass. The witch immediately ran over, mercilessly tearing into the carcass to eat her fill like someone was coming to steal it from her. She ate everything from the fur and skin, to the bones and organs. The only thing that remained from the carcass was fractured bits of the hare's skull and its teeth.
The alpha watched with shock, seeing how the hare was gone in just two minutes. "Poor kid.." he whispered to himself, looking down at the young she wolf who wasn't even considered a young adult yet. And after that day, the pack has been offering her carcasses of her demand.
After just two months of offering food to the witch, she began asking for herbs. Then animal bones. Animal organs, hooves, the eyes of cougars, the fangs of badgers. Even the fur of the rare, kermode bear. The pack never questioned her demands no matter how dangerous it could be to get them. They didn't question it until she asked for a pup from their pack just two and a half weeks after winter arrived. The strongest male puppy in their pack. The alpha's son.
"Boulder, please be reasonable!" The alpha spoke in retaliation to the demand, looking straight into the eyes of the witch. She had made up her name since she was never named properly as a pup. "You're asking for my only son!" His tone full of anger and distraught while his amber eyes flashed with sadness and desperation. "I will give you one of my daughters, a nephew, but my son is the only one in this pack that will be there to lead when I'm dead!" He barked and whined, his packmates anxiously looking at each other then back to the alpha, one of them holding his three month old son.
"You know what will happen if you disobey my orders." Her voice cold and stern, unfazed by the alpha's fear. "I will curse your pack, and prevent your females from having any healthy pups. Your pack will die out if you don't give in to my request, Sharp Fang!" She suddenly snapped, snarls in her tone as she flashed her teeth at the alpha. Boulder wasn't even an adult yet, but she had almost full control over a pack she had met three months prior.
The alpha lowered his head, his eyes slowly closing as he quietly whimpered on the words, "Send him off," and the pack went silent at that. The wolf that was holding Sharp Fang's son dropped him into the river that ran through the ravine. The pup was unharmed as he quickly swam to the rocky ground, coughing up some water. The witch grinned, her blood stained teeth exposed as she looked directly at Sharp Fang. He felt her gaze on him, but refused to look at her.
"You clever boy. You have saved your pack from doom thanks to your offering." Her grin grew even wider, striking fear into the wolves who even dared look into the ravine still. "I will take good care of your son." Her pupils dilated, the black almost consuming all of her brilliant blue iris. "Now, be gone." She barked, her grin immediately faded as her pupils slowly shrunk back to their normal size. She turned to the pup, giving a friendly smile which only made him panic. His loud howling and barking fell upon death ears as his pack was already running off in hopes to block out the pup's pleads for help.
"Hello little one. Don't fret about them. I was abandoned by my pack when I was young too.." Boulder spoke softly as a genuine frown fell upon her face. She let out a sigh, her gaze lowing to her stained paws before looking back up at the alpha's son. A wide smile greeting him as her pupils dilated once more. "I'll take care of you from now on!" The Tavern Dweller's tone unsettlingly upbeat as she carried the pup by the scruff. The two descended into the darkness of the taverns. Sharp Fang and his pack never saw the pup, Pine again.
A week after Pine's disappearance, more alphas from other packs in the forest biomes offered to what they have been calling, 'The Tavern Witch,' in hopes to receive blessings and good fortune for their pack, which seemed to work. With more wolves under her control, Boulder began asking for the carcasses of dangerous animals like rattle snakes and even jaguars as offerings for good fortune and many riches. Even going so far as to request adults, especially those who have albinism or leucism. All who have gone missing within the taverns where the witch resides.
Chapter I
When the Tavern Witch was around ten to eleven months old, she received an unexpected visitor. It was her mother, Dingo. Her light brown coat and hetero blue and brown eyes Boulder could easily recognize. "If it isn't my dearest mother!" She forced a smile, watching her mother descend from the wall of rocks and boulders. It was easy for a wolf to get into her little ravine that way, but hard to climb out of it.
Dingo ran over to Boulder, her eyes swelled with tears. She hugged her daughter tightly, with Boulder hesitantly returning the hug with a grimace. Dingo backed up, trying to hold back her tears as she smiled at her daughter who was almost an adult. "I can't believe you're still alive! I- I thought you.." She stammered a little, struggling to spit out the words.
Boulder forced a smile as she attempted to hide her burning hatred for her mother. "After all you put me through, it's only fair you do me a favor.." Dingo composed herself, looking at the young timber wolf. "I need you to do something for me." Her smile grew slightly as she approached the brown and beige she wolf. "My big sister had a litter of pups when I was still young. When I was still in the pack. Where are my little nieces and nephews?" She grinned, staring at Dingo right in the eyes.
"Two of them died from the plague we faced just a week after you left.." She stared at the ground, a frown on her face. "Well? That's only two pups. Where are the others?" Her neutral tone shifted as she sounded more demanding. Dingo looked up at Boulder with worry. "W-well.." The light brown she wolf paused for a moment. "WELL? WHERE ARE THEY?!" She snapped after a minute of silence from her mother. Dingo looked up in shock at the sudden yelling of her daughter. "Algae is the only one in our pack, but she's taking hunting lessons right now." She finally spoke up.
"I want you to bring her here." The Tavern Witch said in a bold tone. "Why?" Dingo questioned with more worry in her expression. "Sahara won't let me visit her in the pack's territory, so I want you to bring her here." Dingo seemed to buy the lie, as Sahara was the one who made the whole pack turn on the witch when she was still young. "And if you don't come back with her in two hours, I will put another puppy plague upon your pack." Her harsh gaze made Dingo shiver, and she climbed out of the ravine to go fulfil her daughter's request.
After almost three hours of waiting, the sun began to set. A yellow she with with hints of blue and green on her back carried a she wolf that was similar in coloration to her. The young she wolf had lime green on her head, neck, and tail. Tropical blue decorated her back and paws while periwinkle patterned her face, sides, and her tail. Her lapis blue eyes looked curiously around the unfamiliar place as the two descended down the path of boulders. Dingo was not too far behind.
The yellow she wolf's red eyes glared at the Tavern Witch, and her blue eyes returned the harsh gaze. "Took you long enough." She huffed, looking at the small she wolf who appeared to be around nine and a half months old. She sat patiently near the entrance of the cave she lived in, intently watching the she wolf who she recognized as Sahara.
"Aunty?" The colorful she wolf's head tilted, her gaze meeting the Tavern Witch's. "Algae! If it isn't my lovely little niece!" She had a friendly grin on her face as she trotted over to her. The young wolf gave her aunt a big wolf hug, which Boulder happily returned. After their brief reunion, the Tavern Witch walked over to Sahara and rose her head to whisper something in her ear. "I'll take good care of her, don't you worry." She smirked, walking over to Algae. Dingo and Sahara made their way out of the pit as the Tavern Witch escorted her niece into the taverns where she resided in. She was never seen again after that evening.
Chapter II
When the Tavern Witch turned one, many males of different packs flocked over to confess their love to Boulder. Most were insincere with their confessions, but some were actually serious. Boulder rejected all of their confessions as she wasn't really interested in guys. Instead, she began experimenting elixirs she brewed on live rats and occasionally other wolves to recreate the sex changer from the grove. A good chunk of her attempts ended in patients suffering violent vomiting and abdominal pain, and even some death. Some even had tumors start to grow on their body, but the witch kept experimenting for a few weeks.
After almost a month, the Tavern Witch's efforts started to show progress as her elixirs created a three day long process of sex changing, as she adjusted her ingredients to also use items that affected hormones in the body. It still took some recipe reinforcing, but the Tavern Witch was getting close to recreating the grove item. Soon the Tavern Witch successful crafted a sex changing elixir that worked in a matter of hours without any serious side effects. She tried the potion on herself, and woke from from a three hour slumber. Her voice changed as well to that of a rustic voice of an adolescent male, like she were in puberty. News quickly spread of this thanks to her new voice, and females from different packs across Wolvden started flocking over to the Witch's lair nearly a week after the transformation.
Algae grew more wary of Boulder after she crafted her elixir. Though Algae couldn't go anywhere due to being chained up, she spoke less with her aunt- or uncle now, and made less eye contact. Boulder was quick to notice, and told Algae she wouldn't do anything to Algae. To prove this, she had her breed to another wolf despite initial protests. When she gave birth to two healthy pups and a sickly once, the Tavern Witch sent them off to their old pack. That was when they no longer had to rely on their mother for milk.
This gesture relieved Algae as her pups didn't have to be experiments or have to grow up in such an awful place, but she still worried for her pups, fearing they might be abandoned like her or Boulder while they are still young.
Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
None equipped!
None equipped!