Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 9 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Charming |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 186 |
Pups Bred | 160 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Gold Lighter (1.34%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Light I |
Eyes | Total Eclipse |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Light |
Claws | Root |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Brown Saddle Ticking (40%) |
Slot 2 | Black Shoulder Patch (100%) |
Slot 3 | Beige Undersides (100%) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
BirdDog || He/Its"
Grassland, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Prairie - Speed
Desert and Rainforest - Strength
The Alpha of this odd pack stood next to the tunnel and gazed at you expectantly with foggy blue eyes. Out of all the things that you thought might happen when you went exploring in a different area, this was not on your list of possibilities. The wolf was strange, of course, but when you asked about the surrounding area you expected a simple answer from the (probably) wolf himself, but instead he led you here after mumbling something about 'Columba not being here'.
The outside of the tunnel looked lush and green, ferns sprouting from the ground and vines acting like a veil over the mouth of the tunnel; it would have looked quite normal if it weren't for the bluish tint that marked the vegetation that otherwise seemed to be thriving. The actual tunnel itself, however, did not look quite as inviting, it was dark, even with the sun still high in the sky, and the shadows seemed to slither out in tendrils, like it was hungry for warmth, be it from the sun itself, or from a creature. The tendrils even seemed to twist around the leg of the nameless Alpha, but if it bothered them, they did not show it.
You attempt to listen for any noise coming from the cave, but all you can hear is the twittering of birds and the rustling of the leaves overhead due to the wind. Your fur bristles from anxiety as you look between the strange wolf and the tunnel. No one was here to help you if something happened, you hadn't thought you would get lost. You roll the idea of trusting the wolf in your head around while also considering the negatives.
You were lost, and this wolf seems to know someone who could possibly help you, but they could also be lying and sending you into a trap. However, if you don't trust them and leave, you'll still be lost, and who knows how long it will take for you to find your way back home again, your pack never comes this way, so the chances of them knowing where you could have gone are next to none as well. Your internal debate pauses as you look closely at the Alpha, they simply stare back before they tilt their head at you while quirking their ears in confusion.
"The cave may have a mouth, but I've yet to see it bite. Do you fear the dark perhaps?" Their tone is flat, but you get the feeling that they are being serious.
You shake your head and look back at the cave, for a second you think there is a flash of light, something bright yellowish-white; however, the Alpha takes this silence as you still being hesitant and continues.
"The tunnel is dark but the main cave is very bright. I've also no doubt that you will gain a small companion while you are heading down... if not many. They like to greet new wolves and are quite sweet⦠when not causing mischief." The Alpha's ear seems to twitch with irritation at the last part.
You look back over at the Alpha and give a confused whine, who are "They"?
"Ah, I mean the Starlings; though others call them, Wisps, Orbs, Fairies, and so on."
As if summoned by their many titles, you see more flashes of light, the same bright shine from before. They whip and bounce around in a chaotic dance, blinking and shining brightly, as if welcoming you. Their light wards off the ever consuming darkness and the tendrils seem to dissipate under their glow, the air seems to grow less dense and you feel a weight lift off of your shoulders.
"It seems they've come to guide you, they usually don't come so far out of the cave while the sun is out, they seem to like you," the wolf gives a quiet but warm rumbly laugh, "I hope that doesn't mean you enjoy being mischievous as well; we've quite a few members in the pack that stir up enough shenanigans to last me my mortal existence as it is."
Comforted by the sudden shift in the air, you begin heading into the tunnel and brush past some of the vines, the lights continue to bounce and play, some even brush along your fur, tickling you in the process. You hear the Alpha begin to pad along as well, but they stop before entering the tunnel fully.
"I would come with you if I could, but I've much to do and many others to check up on; I trust that Earth-Shine will have the answers you seek, for what I do not know, he does. He is my mate, after all." They smile fondly at the mention of Earth-Shine, "May The Stars bless your walk and may The Eyes forever watch." With their ominous farewell and a swish of their tail, they turn and trot away.
As you continue your descent further down into the cave, the lights continue to keep with you, illuminating the random and wavy tunnel turns and the pebbles on the stoney ground. Slowly, you notice that you begin to feel dizzy and light on your paws, the pebbles you kick echo ominously and the lights grow fuzzy. The wisps start to turn from a yellowish hue to a blue shine, they slow down as you begin to stumble. You feel an odd static on your fur, and what looks like blue sky-fire seems to streak across the upper part of the tunnel. A dim blue glow reaches your gaze as you turn yet another corner in the cave; mushrooms begin to dot the path, colours ranging from blue to purple to white. Some of them seem to sparkle while others seem to have a small dome of dust that surrounds them. As you enter the almost blindingly bright cave, you notice the smell of damp fading and being replaced with an odd floral scent mixed with a hint of sweetness.
Though your mind is still wavy and blue fog tints your vision, you notice just how much the cave shimmers. The lights, now fully blue, seem to dance and twinkle, akin to small stars. The stone beneath your paws has grown more into a dust and carries a purple hue, hugging the stone is what seems to be a blue moss that looks more like an odd grass the closer you are to it. The mushrooms that scarcely dotted the tunnel now overwhelm the cave, growing from cracks in rocks, growing from the walls, and a few even hang from the ceiling. Your curiosity grows as you near one of the dusty mushrooms, you take a deep sniff of one and the smell makes you sneeze, it's the sweetest thing you have ever smelt, so much so your eyes water slightly from the scent. However, after smelling the fungi, you notice that your head clears some, just as you go to sniff it again, you hear a deep voice behind you.
You slightly jump in response and fling around to see a wolf, you question how you hadn't heard them approach, as they are dressed in chains, but the thought leaves you as the fuzziness seems to seep back into your brain and your gaze is caught by something much more concerning, the wolf's tail, hindlegs, and rump seem to be on fire! With a worried huff you look back at the face of the wolf, but they seem to only be confused. Your ears twitch in frustration, nothing has made sense you've entered this stupid territory. The wolf's gaze follows yours and realization seems to dawn on them.
"Oh, the blue flames. You needn't worry, they do not harm me."
Your eyes narrow and your ears flatten against your skull while you huff again, annoyed. Right, how normal.
The wolf continues to soundlessly approach you, the chains not once clacking or clinking. You watch cautiously as they pad towards you, however, their lessened proximity floods a new wave of dizziness into your brain. You stumble backwards and shake your head while blinking furiously, hoping that the blue fog would clear from your vision and that you would stop feeling so floaty. The wolf suddenly stops their approach and seems momentarily surprised before turning and trotting over to a lump of moss. He pushes back a blanket of moss and reveals that it was covering a small basket of the oddly coloured mushrooms.
"I'm surprised. Most don't make it to the cave if they haven't yet eaten some of these mushrooms. They tend to fall asleep only a quarter of the way in and need to be dragged out or woken with some foul smelling herb mix, some even end up getting confused and follow the Starlings back out." They pad back up to you and gently place the basket in front of you, nudging it closer with purpose, "which means that it was probably the Prince who sent you down, they must have seen the necessary strength in you." You feel a tinge of pride warm your chest at the thought of being special and look down at the overflowing basket; filled to the brim with mushrooms and the occasional herb. "Go on, eat some. It will clear your head from the overwhelming amount of majick down here."
With a tentative look, you begin to eat some of the mushrooms; to your surprise, they are delicious, tasting almost like sweet berries with a tang of tartness at the end.
"Easy there, no need to eat the whole basket. You only need a couple of bites to ward off the dizziness." With what you think is a chuckle, they slowly pull the basket away from you and nudge it off to the side. You look at the basket sadly and lick the remnants off of your muzzle, after a few moments your mind begins to clear and the world grows sharper as the blue fog dissipates right before your eyes. The wisps coo and swish around you, some humming and others whistling, once or twice you think you can even hear them giggling. They dance around you and the other wolf, ruffling through your fur and dancing wildly.
"There you are, it's nice to meet you. I apologize for such an odd meeting, I'm sure that was off putting. As much as I love my Prince, he seems to struggle with letting people know about important details. Ah, but where are my manners? I am called Earth-Shine and I am referred to with He and It; currently, my positions are BirdDog and Head Breeding Male of the Star-Dust Pack; and, finally, I am the mate of the Prince, Nebula-Shadow."
After giving him an 'are you serious' look you respond with your name, title(s), and preferred references in turn. Further examining Earth-Shine shows you that he is covered in strange blue dust, you notice that the blue dust is also falling on top of you, as it seems to be coming from the ceiling.
"Well, I welcome you. Seeing as you are here, and sent with no mushrooms no less, the Prince must have been the one to send you, as I said before. Am I correct?"
You nod slowly.
"I see, Columba must be out at the moment then. Wolves aren't usually sent to me unless they are looking for information about the surrounding lands. Nevertheless, what is it that you need? Any specific questions?"
After letting it know what you're looking for, you both fall into consistent conversation. Earth-Shine does his best to explain and answer everything you ask about, sometimes in excruciating detail, the discussion goes on for quite some time, and by the end, you feel as though you were in pup training all over again.
Wanted look: [link]
Item list:
Grassland, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Prairie - Speed
Desert and Rainforest - Strength
The Alpha of this odd pack stood next to the tunnel and gazed at you expectantly with foggy blue eyes. Out of all the things that you thought might happen when you went exploring in a different area, this was not on your list of possibilities. The wolf was strange, of course, but when you asked about the surrounding area you expected a simple answer from the (probably) wolf himself, but instead he led you here after mumbling something about 'Columba not being here'.
The outside of the tunnel looked lush and green, ferns sprouting from the ground and vines acting like a veil over the mouth of the tunnel; it would have looked quite normal if it weren't for the bluish tint that marked the vegetation that otherwise seemed to be thriving. The actual tunnel itself, however, did not look quite as inviting, it was dark, even with the sun still high in the sky, and the shadows seemed to slither out in tendrils, like it was hungry for warmth, be it from the sun itself, or from a creature. The tendrils even seemed to twist around the leg of the nameless Alpha, but if it bothered them, they did not show it.
You attempt to listen for any noise coming from the cave, but all you can hear is the twittering of birds and the rustling of the leaves overhead due to the wind. Your fur bristles from anxiety as you look between the strange wolf and the tunnel. No one was here to help you if something happened, you hadn't thought you would get lost. You roll the idea of trusting the wolf in your head around while also considering the negatives.
You were lost, and this wolf seems to know someone who could possibly help you, but they could also be lying and sending you into a trap. However, if you don't trust them and leave, you'll still be lost, and who knows how long it will take for you to find your way back home again, your pack never comes this way, so the chances of them knowing where you could have gone are next to none as well. Your internal debate pauses as you look closely at the Alpha, they simply stare back before they tilt their head at you while quirking their ears in confusion.
"The cave may have a mouth, but I've yet to see it bite. Do you fear the dark perhaps?" Their tone is flat, but you get the feeling that they are being serious.
You shake your head and look back at the cave, for a second you think there is a flash of light, something bright yellowish-white; however, the Alpha takes this silence as you still being hesitant and continues.
"The tunnel is dark but the main cave is very bright. I've also no doubt that you will gain a small companion while you are heading down... if not many. They like to greet new wolves and are quite sweet⦠when not causing mischief." The Alpha's ear seems to twitch with irritation at the last part.
You look back over at the Alpha and give a confused whine, who are "They"?
"Ah, I mean the Starlings; though others call them, Wisps, Orbs, Fairies, and so on."
As if summoned by their many titles, you see more flashes of light, the same bright shine from before. They whip and bounce around in a chaotic dance, blinking and shining brightly, as if welcoming you. Their light wards off the ever consuming darkness and the tendrils seem to dissipate under their glow, the air seems to grow less dense and you feel a weight lift off of your shoulders.
"It seems they've come to guide you, they usually don't come so far out of the cave while the sun is out, they seem to like you," the wolf gives a quiet but warm rumbly laugh, "I hope that doesn't mean you enjoy being mischievous as well; we've quite a few members in the pack that stir up enough shenanigans to last me my mortal existence as it is."
Comforted by the sudden shift in the air, you begin heading into the tunnel and brush past some of the vines, the lights continue to bounce and play, some even brush along your fur, tickling you in the process. You hear the Alpha begin to pad along as well, but they stop before entering the tunnel fully.
"I would come with you if I could, but I've much to do and many others to check up on; I trust that Earth-Shine will have the answers you seek, for what I do not know, he does. He is my mate, after all." They smile fondly at the mention of Earth-Shine, "May The Stars bless your walk and may The Eyes forever watch." With their ominous farewell and a swish of their tail, they turn and trot away.
As you continue your descent further down into the cave, the lights continue to keep with you, illuminating the random and wavy tunnel turns and the pebbles on the stoney ground. Slowly, you notice that you begin to feel dizzy and light on your paws, the pebbles you kick echo ominously and the lights grow fuzzy. The wisps start to turn from a yellowish hue to a blue shine, they slow down as you begin to stumble. You feel an odd static on your fur, and what looks like blue sky-fire seems to streak across the upper part of the tunnel. A dim blue glow reaches your gaze as you turn yet another corner in the cave; mushrooms begin to dot the path, colours ranging from blue to purple to white. Some of them seem to sparkle while others seem to have a small dome of dust that surrounds them. As you enter the almost blindingly bright cave, you notice the smell of damp fading and being replaced with an odd floral scent mixed with a hint of sweetness.
Though your mind is still wavy and blue fog tints your vision, you notice just how much the cave shimmers. The lights, now fully blue, seem to dance and twinkle, akin to small stars. The stone beneath your paws has grown more into a dust and carries a purple hue, hugging the stone is what seems to be a blue moss that looks more like an odd grass the closer you are to it. The mushrooms that scarcely dotted the tunnel now overwhelm the cave, growing from cracks in rocks, growing from the walls, and a few even hang from the ceiling. Your curiosity grows as you near one of the dusty mushrooms, you take a deep sniff of one and the smell makes you sneeze, it's the sweetest thing you have ever smelt, so much so your eyes water slightly from the scent. However, after smelling the fungi, you notice that your head clears some, just as you go to sniff it again, you hear a deep voice behind you.
You slightly jump in response and fling around to see a wolf, you question how you hadn't heard them approach, as they are dressed in chains, but the thought leaves you as the fuzziness seems to seep back into your brain and your gaze is caught by something much more concerning, the wolf's tail, hindlegs, and rump seem to be on fire! With a worried huff you look back at the face of the wolf, but they seem to only be confused. Your ears twitch in frustration, nothing has made sense you've entered this stupid territory. The wolf's gaze follows yours and realization seems to dawn on them.
"Oh, the blue flames. You needn't worry, they do not harm me."
Your eyes narrow and your ears flatten against your skull while you huff again, annoyed. Right, how normal.
The wolf continues to soundlessly approach you, the chains not once clacking or clinking. You watch cautiously as they pad towards you, however, their lessened proximity floods a new wave of dizziness into your brain. You stumble backwards and shake your head while blinking furiously, hoping that the blue fog would clear from your vision and that you would stop feeling so floaty. The wolf suddenly stops their approach and seems momentarily surprised before turning and trotting over to a lump of moss. He pushes back a blanket of moss and reveals that it was covering a small basket of the oddly coloured mushrooms.
"I'm surprised. Most don't make it to the cave if they haven't yet eaten some of these mushrooms. They tend to fall asleep only a quarter of the way in and need to be dragged out or woken with some foul smelling herb mix, some even end up getting confused and follow the Starlings back out." They pad back up to you and gently place the basket in front of you, nudging it closer with purpose, "which means that it was probably the Prince who sent you down, they must have seen the necessary strength in you." You feel a tinge of pride warm your chest at the thought of being special and look down at the overflowing basket; filled to the brim with mushrooms and the occasional herb. "Go on, eat some. It will clear your head from the overwhelming amount of majick down here."
With a tentative look, you begin to eat some of the mushrooms; to your surprise, they are delicious, tasting almost like sweet berries with a tang of tartness at the end.
"Easy there, no need to eat the whole basket. You only need a couple of bites to ward off the dizziness." With what you think is a chuckle, they slowly pull the basket away from you and nudge it off to the side. You look at the basket sadly and lick the remnants off of your muzzle, after a few moments your mind begins to clear and the world grows sharper as the blue fog dissipates right before your eyes. The wisps coo and swish around you, some humming and others whistling, once or twice you think you can even hear them giggling. They dance around you and the other wolf, ruffling through your fur and dancing wildly.
"There you are, it's nice to meet you. I apologize for such an odd meeting, I'm sure that was off putting. As much as I love my Prince, he seems to struggle with letting people know about important details. Ah, but where are my manners? I am called Earth-Shine and I am referred to with He and It; currently, my positions are BirdDog and Head Breeding Male of the Star-Dust Pack; and, finally, I am the mate of the Prince, Nebula-Shadow."
After giving him an 'are you serious' look you respond with your name, title(s), and preferred references in turn. Further examining Earth-Shine shows you that he is covered in strange blue dust, you notice that the blue dust is also falling on top of you, as it seems to be coming from the ceiling.
"Well, I welcome you. Seeing as you are here, and sent with no mushrooms no less, the Prince must have been the one to send you, as I said before. Am I correct?"
You nod slowly.
"I see, Columba must be out at the moment then. Wolves aren't usually sent to me unless they are looking for information about the surrounding lands. Nevertheless, what is it that you need? Any specific questions?"
After letting it know what you're looking for, you both fall into consistent conversation. Earth-Shine does his best to explain and answer everything you ask about, sometimes in excruciating detail, the discussion goes on for quite some time, and by the end, you feel as though you were in pup training all over again.
Wanted look: [link]
Item list:
- Base [Diana] (500 LT) πβπ¨
- Eyes [Total Eclipse] (200 LT) β
- Change [Brown Saddle Ticking 40%] β
- Change [Black Shoulder Patch 50%] β
- Remove [Beige Undersides] β
- Soft Lunar Cave (60 LT) β
- Circling Orbs (20 LT) β
- Glowing Vines β
- Claw Extensions [Bone] β
- Lunar Fur Dust (10 SC) β¨
- Pendant [Lunar Tear] (24 LT) β
- Ogham Emblems Bodywear [Silver] (15 SQ) β
- Lunar Wisp (3 LT) β
- Hidden Ferns πβπ¨
- Flaming Beads [Rear] (11 LT) β
- Blue Mist (19 LT) β