Bright Heron is a committed Herbalist, followed by mother. She's known to have quite the sense of humor and makes patients feel cared for and safe under her care. She joined The Dancing Talons when she was just a loner, trying to find out about herbs from all over the territories when she came across Pipilo, who was desperate for a Herbalist for her pack. Pipilo's mate, Larus had come down with something and no one in the pack could help her. Heron wasn't going to leave a wolf sick, especially with how desperate Pipilo was for her to help. Bright Heron didn't really want to be tied down, her plan was to leave the Talons quickly once the illness was taken care of but when Pipilo heard about this, they explained that The Dancing Talons were a nomadic pack and that they'd guard and help Bright Heron with any research she'd want to do without threat from territorial packs snapping at her heels. Now that was an offer Bright Heron decided she could stay for and she gave herself a proper Talons name, Bright Heron, as a jab at her own brightly colored fur. After a while of being around the pack, the importance of knowledge and on pups was hard to ignore, and Bright Heron decided she wanted to have a litter of her own to keep up with her pack mates. She had five puppies, a shocking number for her first litter but she loved them nonetheless. She knew most of then probably were going to set out on their own and she was happy for that so she named them all after Tytos, a family of owls who she saw as good luck, which did get confusing but everyone found it quite amusing. Only her son Tyto Alba and her daughter Tyto Glaucops has stayed with the pack and she takes joy in watching them in their own adult lives. She has had a new litter, and while one of the pups left as an adolescent to find her own way, her youngest son has stayed with the Talons as well, though he refuses a Tyto name and is in search of his own. Heron has lived half her life in The Dancing Talons, and she takes now further joy than it ending peacefully here, surrounded by a family she adores and her Herbalist goals all achieved.