SALEM - Apart of The Corrupt
literally my most favored bean
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• 4
• Kin base applicator , gotten from the cryptid event!
• 100% Opacity changer to Slot 1
• Sex changer! Was male at birth!
• Salem will stay in this pack until departure. I will not be taking ANY offers for her, as my goal is to breed her to Doviculus, and make a bunch of cute Kin based babies
• All puppies bred by Salem will be kept in The Coil, unless I choose to R&C them.
• Salem is pair bonded to my pretty girl, Foxraya. I will NOT break this pair bond.
Zeena glanced softly at Salem. Her eye glistened as her nose touched the newly introduced puppy. Her nostrils flaring as she took in the beautiful femmes newborn scent. She huffed in relief. Relief that Salem would be raised here, and Salem would be taught the morals of The Coil. She absolutely adored Succora. Succoria, and Zeena had chosen her name together. A beautiful puppy, her coat that of the Cryptids, yet pink, purple, and blue hues made themselves visible beneath her shrouded dark green fur.
Once her eyes opened, it only added to her specialness. One black, and one white eye, just like that of her mothers. Zeena's head however also hung in sorrow. She would soon set out on her adventures. She longed to see more yet, her heart ached to know that she'd leave Salem behind. No matter, she'd return surely. Zeena tucked Salem beneath her chin, wrapping her body around her, nested upon the soft feathers, and furs that Succoria prepared for the nested wolves. She smiled, and breathed in these moments.. Soon, she'd leave, once Salem weaned.. But, Salem would carry on her legacy. Salem would surely grow into something special.