Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 6½ months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Anxious |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 181 |
Pups Bred | 26 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Marengo (4.06%) |
Base Genetics | Cool Dark I |
Eyes | Blue |
Skin | Gray |
Nose | Bistre |
Claws | Bistre |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | Black Blanket (100%) |
Slot 2 | White Back Half Patch (100%) |
Slot 3 | White Tail Tip (100%) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Obsidian is a wolf who likes to keep his past to himself, however, you, the reader are no wolf that can bother him about it, so I will let you in on the mysterious past of this pack's charismatic alpha.
Born deep in the forests of the Redwoods, Obsidian was born into a pack who rather kept to themselves. This pack owned a huge chunk of land separated from the lands of others. Obsidian does not remember the name of his old pack just that it was much bigger than an average pack should be. He remembered how great the forest was, the smells of the redwoods and the chirps of its birds who inhabited the tall, lively trees. The sound from the rushing river his pack had settled next to. A perfect environment a learning pup should grow up in!
When Obsidian had turned a year old he decided his pack was too big for the land they had inhabited to handle. So he decided to take a few wolves and begin a journey to find new and untouched land he could start his own pack him. He took with him his childhood best friends. Rusty, Oreo, Lunar Soul, Nori, Kiba, and Memphis. The 8 wolves knew this journey would be dangerous, and they may not live to find their destination, but, they knew it must be done. Obsidian had his thoughts on a place they could settle, a place he knew no wolf would dare live in due to cold climates, the Glaciers. From stories he'd heard from wolves in his old pack, the glaciers were a vast and open wasteland covered in large sheets of ice and snow. Some said it would last all year long and never melt. What wolf pack would dare live there? Obsidians' new pack would. He knew if this land existed wolves or any animal for that fact should be able to inhabit it as if it were some forest or plain. He and his 7 wolves had their eyes and noses as to where they wanted to settle their pack, they knew which direction to head. If the glaciers were a cold and snowy wasteland then it must be north, at least they hoped. So one morning the 8 wolves said their last goodbyes and farewells to their old packmates, family, and friends and set off to start the journey to their own new home.
Chapter 1
The Evergreens.
Obsidian padded along a fallen log that had made a natural bridge over the rushing river beneath, Lunar Soul was following closely behind him, his ears pinned to the sides as he had been staring warily at the rushing rapids below.
"Obsidian choosing this way was your first horrible idea." Lunar Soul growled.
Obsidian said nothing, staying focused on the movement of his paws. When he reached the end of the log he jumped off of it, Lunar Soul soon jumping down next to him. He huffed when Lunar shook his pelt out and flicked his ears a little annoyed. He growled then ran off away from Lunar Soul into the dark forest before them. He skidded to a stop in a clearing, looking around at the surroundings around him. The grass and bushes were far greener than any he had ever seen, they looked lively and undisturbed, some glowing for the tiny bits bits of sunlight peaking from cracks in the many leaves above him. He looked up at the tall trees, its leaves were just as green as the grass under and around him. He sniffed taking in all the smells, birds, flowers, elk. Lots of prey he smelt but also wolves. He whined a little, now wary if the dangers. If there was a wolf pack in these forests he'd know they'd kill him for being on their land, he'd do the same if he found a complete stranger on his lands. He yelped, quickly looking over at a bush when it rustled as if something where inside of it. He snarled, crouching down ready for someone or something to pounce out at him. To his surprise nothing did pounce or jump out, instead a rather small she-wolf slowly stepped out into the clearing right in front of him. He stood back up, straight and closed his mouth. He perked his ears staring down at the she. She had also been looking at him, her ears lowered and her tail still. He could tell she was wary, he could see the shes muscles were tensing under all her fur. He backed away from her, best to give her some space.
"Who are you." The wolf spoke, loud and clear.
"A traveler." Obsidian answered, keeping a calm and kind voice to ease any of the wolfed worries. It worked. The wolf stood up a little taller, becoming a little more relaxed. She then sat down, wagging her tail.
"Traveler from where, where are you heading?"
"I come from the redwoods..south from here. I came with a group of my own in search of lands to settle."
"These lands are not free to be settled in, stranger. And bringing your own band of wolves in a pack's territory is just asking to be mauled to death." She snarled, a little bit of worry in the tone of her voice.
"Oh I know the risk. I had no clue there was a pack inhabiting these forests already. My apologies." Obsidian looked down at her, his tail flicking calmly behind him.
"Well you and your friends better get out of these forests then. My pack would not hesitate to kill you all without warning. You know where you are heading to make leaving this forest easier..right?" She asked, softly.
"..Not really..honestly."
"Where are you trying to head?"
"The glaciers."
"The Glaciers-!?" She spoke in astonishment, her jaws staying open in disbelief.
"The glaciers are dangerous lands filled with HORRID and dangerous creatures. You've got to have flies or *something* in your brain to think you could inhabit and survive even a day in those lands."
"Im not crazy. If the glaciers exist then we should be able to live in it. What tells you animals dont live there? If you can't inhabit it then why would the glaciers be a thing in the first place. Plus it's perfect if no other wolf packs live there it would be a amazing place. No fighting for food or land."
"If you want endless food and still cold climates go to the Taiga. It would actually make some sense." She growled, standing up.
"My mission is to head to glaciers. Not the Taiga. Not the Tundra. The glaciers. Since you seem to know so much about it you must know where it is from here, right oh smart one?" Obsidian said in a sarcastic tone, grinning a little. The wolf hesitated, shifting her paws beneath herself.
"Yes..I do. But what will you give me if I told you where it is."
"You can come with us. You don't seem to really like it here I can tell. This entire conversation you've been wary of your own pack members showing up. Not me."
"Your body language. You suck at keeping it subtle."
The wolf puffed up her fur a little though looked like she was also considering the proposal. Obsidian stood and waited hoping for a yes. Something about this wolf Obsidian had fallen in love with. Her pelt was a dark black color with markings scattered all over. She had blue and white even glints of purple on her coat. He just couldn't help himself but to stare. And the way she smelled could cure any disease or bad thought from his mind and body, she smelt of flowers, roses and orchids, she smelled of herbs as well, winter-fat, yarrow any you could name. He didn't want this smell to go away, he didn't want *her* to go away. He would love to see her more than this one time. If she said no he'd be devastated but he'd understand in the end.
"Ill think about..I can give you an answer midnight tonight..we can meet here at that time and I will have made up my mind." The wolf finally spoke, ears perked high.
"Of course..I'll be here-" Obsidian spoke, a little nervous now. The wolf dipped her head and as quickly as she was there, she disappeared into the bushes and shadows behind her. Obsidian stood there, his ears lowered and a sad expression on his face. He sighed turning around.
"Who was she huh?" Spoke a voice. Obsidian yelped and looked up at the white and dusty colored wolf.
"Rusty what are you doing." Obsidian snapped.
"Looking for you. Lunar broke into a worry when you just ran away from him. Came to me telling me I should look for you. You shouldn't have ran off. That wolf may alert her pack we are here. We must go." Rusty said a worrisome but he managed to keep a calm tone and demeanor.
"Its fine, Rusty. I talked with her, who knows maybe she will join us on our journey."
"What. Obsidian what did you do. What are you thinking?"
"Trust me..I wouldn't have invited her if I knew she was dangerous. Plus, she may be our key to finding these glaciers. Now ill go back with you."
"..fine. Whatever if this is another bad idea of yours ill rip off your fur and wear it as my new coat." Rusty snapped. Obsidian shuddered a little.
"Understood-" He whined then started back the way he had ran into the clearing from. Rusty huffed then followed closely behind him.
Chapter 2
Obsidian had been sitting in the middle of where his group had decided to rest for the night. Once everyone had had retired to their sleeps that night, he stood up from his bed of green leaves. He stepped as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake anyone up. Once he reached the river he crossed the log, carefully but swiftly and made his way over to the same clearing he had met the wolf just this morning. He hoped she'd say yes, he did need her help but something about her just made obsidian want her stay. He wlaked into the open clearing, the grass around and inside it glowing from the rays of moonlight peaking through the cracks in the leaves. As pretty as the sight may be Obsidian knew the dangers behind it. Once the bushes started rustling, he raised his fur on end, unsure if it was the wolf or someone else. He sniffed then almost immediately relaxed. The smell of the flowers and herbs hit him, he knew it was her. The wolf stepped out into the open clearing in front of him, her fur glistening in the moonlight and her ruby red eyes stood out much more than they had before.
"I've madd up my mind..but first may I ask for your name?" The wolf asked.
"Yes..My names Obsidian."
"Odd name. But it suits you. My name is Feather-Whisker. Might wanna get used to the longer name..I have decided to join your small pack." Featherwhisker smiled. Obsidian wagged his tail, his eyes starting to glisten with joy a smile grew on his muzzle.
"That's amazing to hear, Featherwhisker! We would have been completely lost without your help. You do know where the glaciers are..for certain?"
"Yes. I do. If you payed attention to the old fairy tales you would pick up on the location."
"Alright. First in the morning I will introduce you to my pack. And if you are ready we can leave first thing, get away from this forest and its dangerous."
"Of course. Lead the way." Featherwhisker smiled. Obsidian turned then glanced at her, before disappearing back into the forest. Featherwhisker quickly followed him.
Born deep in the forests of the Redwoods, Obsidian was born into a pack who rather kept to themselves. This pack owned a huge chunk of land separated from the lands of others. Obsidian does not remember the name of his old pack just that it was much bigger than an average pack should be. He remembered how great the forest was, the smells of the redwoods and the chirps of its birds who inhabited the tall, lively trees. The sound from the rushing river his pack had settled next to. A perfect environment a learning pup should grow up in!
When Obsidian had turned a year old he decided his pack was too big for the land they had inhabited to handle. So he decided to take a few wolves and begin a journey to find new and untouched land he could start his own pack him. He took with him his childhood best friends. Rusty, Oreo, Lunar Soul, Nori, Kiba, and Memphis. The 8 wolves knew this journey would be dangerous, and they may not live to find their destination, but, they knew it must be done. Obsidian had his thoughts on a place they could settle, a place he knew no wolf would dare live in due to cold climates, the Glaciers. From stories he'd heard from wolves in his old pack, the glaciers were a vast and open wasteland covered in large sheets of ice and snow. Some said it would last all year long and never melt. What wolf pack would dare live there? Obsidians' new pack would. He knew if this land existed wolves or any animal for that fact should be able to inhabit it as if it were some forest or plain. He and his 7 wolves had their eyes and noses as to where they wanted to settle their pack, they knew which direction to head. If the glaciers were a cold and snowy wasteland then it must be north, at least they hoped. So one morning the 8 wolves said their last goodbyes and farewells to their old packmates, family, and friends and set off to start the journey to their own new home.
Chapter 1
The Evergreens.
Obsidian padded along a fallen log that had made a natural bridge over the rushing river beneath, Lunar Soul was following closely behind him, his ears pinned to the sides as he had been staring warily at the rushing rapids below.
"Obsidian choosing this way was your first horrible idea." Lunar Soul growled.
Obsidian said nothing, staying focused on the movement of his paws. When he reached the end of the log he jumped off of it, Lunar Soul soon jumping down next to him. He huffed when Lunar shook his pelt out and flicked his ears a little annoyed. He growled then ran off away from Lunar Soul into the dark forest before them. He skidded to a stop in a clearing, looking around at the surroundings around him. The grass and bushes were far greener than any he had ever seen, they looked lively and undisturbed, some glowing for the tiny bits bits of sunlight peaking from cracks in the many leaves above him. He looked up at the tall trees, its leaves were just as green as the grass under and around him. He sniffed taking in all the smells, birds, flowers, elk. Lots of prey he smelt but also wolves. He whined a little, now wary if the dangers. If there was a wolf pack in these forests he'd know they'd kill him for being on their land, he'd do the same if he found a complete stranger on his lands. He yelped, quickly looking over at a bush when it rustled as if something where inside of it. He snarled, crouching down ready for someone or something to pounce out at him. To his surprise nothing did pounce or jump out, instead a rather small she-wolf slowly stepped out into the clearing right in front of him. He stood back up, straight and closed his mouth. He perked his ears staring down at the she. She had also been looking at him, her ears lowered and her tail still. He could tell she was wary, he could see the shes muscles were tensing under all her fur. He backed away from her, best to give her some space.
"Who are you." The wolf spoke, loud and clear.
"A traveler." Obsidian answered, keeping a calm and kind voice to ease any of the wolfed worries. It worked. The wolf stood up a little taller, becoming a little more relaxed. She then sat down, wagging her tail.
"Traveler from where, where are you heading?"
"I come from the redwoods..south from here. I came with a group of my own in search of lands to settle."
"These lands are not free to be settled in, stranger. And bringing your own band of wolves in a pack's territory is just asking to be mauled to death." She snarled, a little bit of worry in the tone of her voice.
"Oh I know the risk. I had no clue there was a pack inhabiting these forests already. My apologies." Obsidian looked down at her, his tail flicking calmly behind him.
"Well you and your friends better get out of these forests then. My pack would not hesitate to kill you all without warning. You know where you are heading to make leaving this forest easier..right?" She asked, softly.
"..Not really..honestly."
"Where are you trying to head?"
"The glaciers."
"The Glaciers-!?" She spoke in astonishment, her jaws staying open in disbelief.
"The glaciers are dangerous lands filled with HORRID and dangerous creatures. You've got to have flies or *something* in your brain to think you could inhabit and survive even a day in those lands."
"Im not crazy. If the glaciers exist then we should be able to live in it. What tells you animals dont live there? If you can't inhabit it then why would the glaciers be a thing in the first place. Plus it's perfect if no other wolf packs live there it would be a amazing place. No fighting for food or land."
"If you want endless food and still cold climates go to the Taiga. It would actually make some sense." She growled, standing up.
"My mission is to head to glaciers. Not the Taiga. Not the Tundra. The glaciers. Since you seem to know so much about it you must know where it is from here, right oh smart one?" Obsidian said in a sarcastic tone, grinning a little. The wolf hesitated, shifting her paws beneath herself.
"Yes..I do. But what will you give me if I told you where it is."
"You can come with us. You don't seem to really like it here I can tell. This entire conversation you've been wary of your own pack members showing up. Not me."
"Your body language. You suck at keeping it subtle."
The wolf puffed up her fur a little though looked like she was also considering the proposal. Obsidian stood and waited hoping for a yes. Something about this wolf Obsidian had fallen in love with. Her pelt was a dark black color with markings scattered all over. She had blue and white even glints of purple on her coat. He just couldn't help himself but to stare. And the way she smelled could cure any disease or bad thought from his mind and body, she smelt of flowers, roses and orchids, she smelled of herbs as well, winter-fat, yarrow any you could name. He didn't want this smell to go away, he didn't want *her* to go away. He would love to see her more than this one time. If she said no he'd be devastated but he'd understand in the end.
"Ill think about..I can give you an answer midnight tonight..we can meet here at that time and I will have made up my mind." The wolf finally spoke, ears perked high.
"Of course..I'll be here-" Obsidian spoke, a little nervous now. The wolf dipped her head and as quickly as she was there, she disappeared into the bushes and shadows behind her. Obsidian stood there, his ears lowered and a sad expression on his face. He sighed turning around.
"Who was she huh?" Spoke a voice. Obsidian yelped and looked up at the white and dusty colored wolf.
"Rusty what are you doing." Obsidian snapped.
"Looking for you. Lunar broke into a worry when you just ran away from him. Came to me telling me I should look for you. You shouldn't have ran off. That wolf may alert her pack we are here. We must go." Rusty said a worrisome but he managed to keep a calm tone and demeanor.
"Its fine, Rusty. I talked with her, who knows maybe she will join us on our journey."
"What. Obsidian what did you do. What are you thinking?"
"Trust me..I wouldn't have invited her if I knew she was dangerous. Plus, she may be our key to finding these glaciers. Now ill go back with you."
"..fine. Whatever if this is another bad idea of yours ill rip off your fur and wear it as my new coat." Rusty snapped. Obsidian shuddered a little.
"Understood-" He whined then started back the way he had ran into the clearing from. Rusty huffed then followed closely behind him.
Chapter 2
Obsidian had been sitting in the middle of where his group had decided to rest for the night. Once everyone had had retired to their sleeps that night, he stood up from his bed of green leaves. He stepped as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake anyone up. Once he reached the river he crossed the log, carefully but swiftly and made his way over to the same clearing he had met the wolf just this morning. He hoped she'd say yes, he did need her help but something about her just made obsidian want her stay. He wlaked into the open clearing, the grass around and inside it glowing from the rays of moonlight peaking through the cracks in the leaves. As pretty as the sight may be Obsidian knew the dangers behind it. Once the bushes started rustling, he raised his fur on end, unsure if it was the wolf or someone else. He sniffed then almost immediately relaxed. The smell of the flowers and herbs hit him, he knew it was her. The wolf stepped out into the open clearing in front of him, her fur glistening in the moonlight and her ruby red eyes stood out much more than they had before.
"I've madd up my mind..but first may I ask for your name?" The wolf asked.
"Yes..My names Obsidian."
"Odd name. But it suits you. My name is Feather-Whisker. Might wanna get used to the longer name..I have decided to join your small pack." Featherwhisker smiled. Obsidian wagged his tail, his eyes starting to glisten with joy a smile grew on his muzzle.
"That's amazing to hear, Featherwhisker! We would have been completely lost without your help. You do know where the glaciers are..for certain?"
"Yes. I do. If you payed attention to the old fairy tales you would pick up on the location."
"Alright. First in the morning I will introduce you to my pack. And if you are ready we can leave first thing, get away from this forest and its dangerous."
"Of course. Lead the way." Featherwhisker smiled. Obsidian turned then glanced at her, before disappearing back into the forest. Featherwhisker quickly followed him.
Decorations and Background |