Retired traveling wolf
Personality Pack
Joined: ??? | Left: 11/3/22
Decor added: Owl talon necklace & expression: cross-eyed
Lore: Ever since Crystal set their eyes on Glitch at the enclave they knew she was going to be a star. Glitch once entering the pack was instantly an entertainer. Her only goal in life to make as many wolves turn their heads at her interesting attributes. While pack life was nice she realized at a young she wanted to do so much more with her life. She wanted to explore and befriend new wolves. Once it was safe to do so she set her goals on leaving the pack and not looking back. Hoping to make as many wolves smile in her trails. Right before leaving her pack leader, Demon, gave her a present. An owl talon necklace and with this he said "Keep this with you, never forget your origins young one." and let her be on her travels.

The Mystical Wonders
Glitch wandered through the deciduous forest, interesting smells seemed to come from every direction. Suddenly, a bright red, yet deep blue adolecent clumsily jumped out of a bush behind her, she shrieked, startled, but calmed as she realized the adolecent was not aggressive. " Heya there!" Glitch chirped, the other wolf, seemed quite embarrassed. He smiled and introduced himself, " I'm Rohan! Nice to meetcha, " He leaned forward to sniff Glitch, she slightly recoiled. " Well, hello Rohan! I'm Glitch, a traveling wolf." Rohan nodded, " Theres been a lot of those, im sure Mindbreaker wouldn't mind you staying for a bit." Glitch grinned excitedly,My first pack im visiting! The duo ran for not too long before entering the camp. The Alpha was old, but he radiated aggression and power. Glitch greeted him, " I'm a traveler, hope you won't bite my head off!" MindBreaker narrowed his eyes, " Whats wrong with your eyes? Why do they look like that?" Glitch blinked and shrugged."Born with it!". MindBreaker grumbled, pointing to the extra den. "I've got some pups to kill, so go to that den with the other travelers. " MindBreaker walked away. Glitch blinked with shock, her mouth hung slightly agape. She turned to Rohan, "Did he say, KILL?!" Rohan cringed and nodded. " Any puppy that don't fit up to his standards are, killed. Sometimes along with the mother, I barely made it because of my weird coloring, but my mother protested against it." Glitch blinked, "Wow.. that uh, scary." They walked to the extra den and greeted two other traveling wolves. Rohan and Glitch talked for a long while, until he was pulled away to go do a hunting assignment. He emerged a couple minutes later with a Scottish fold kitten, " If my alpha saw me with this, he'd kill it. Her name is River." He grinned and whipped around, running out of the den as a not-so-happy wolf yelled his name.
Glitch Watched as the Alpha of The Mystical Wonders sold Rohan, giving him away for a couple silver cones. She was shocked, upset, and angry. How could someone be so cruel, she faintly cried for him, but continued her travels.

Sinister Pack
Joined: November 14, 2022
Sigewulf, the Alpha of the Sinister Pack, was hesitant to allow the young Glitch into his Pack. Enough young wolves had gone missing during the Coigreach event, and he didn't like the way Glitch smelled. Or...looked. Her bloodred eyes made Sigewulf uneasy, and he didn't want to put his Pack in any more unnecessary danger. He noticed that Glitch fit right in with the rest of the pack, perhaps due to her friendly personality. Still, he didn't like the way she looked at him, and he made sure to mentally note that he would send her on her way in less than a week.
Sparking Pack
Joined: 11/29/22
Left: 11/30/22
Decor Added: Spiral Bracelet (Silver)
Lore: Scar had always been a wolf who didn't trust easy so he was a bit on edge as Glitch walked into the clearing to meet him. He looked her up and down, Raksha by his side as she walked up to meet him. "Welcome to the pack for the next four days" Raksha said, kindly, trying to lighten the mood that Scar had. "Thank you very much, my name is Glitch and I am pleased to be staying with your pack for the next four days." "It is nice to meet you Glitch, I am Raksha the Beta of this pack and this is Scar the Alpha." Scar nodded to her as he finally spoke in a calmer voice than expected "Welcome to my pack, let me show you around" she nodded and followed him. *Time Skip* It had been about two days by now and Scar had become quite friendly, he treated her like one of the pack. She had become quite good friends with some of the wolves such as Aspen, Blaze, and Raksha. The pups of the pack also looked up to her, they thought she was so cool for being able to go wherever she wanted. *Time Skip* It was her last day and she approached Scar, and her friends, to say goodbye. She said goodbye to each of her friends personally then approached Scar. He was holding a silver bracelet in his mouth. He gently put it on the ground and she put it on, Scar nuzzled her as she thanked him for the gift. After her goodbyes she trotted out of the clearing and headed to her next destination.
Kohana Pack
Joined: February 2, 2023 | Left:
Glitch had found herself— somehow— in a marshy swamp. She hated it. The annoying squelching as she took another step. Mosquitoes batting at her face. The mud that tainted her light fur. Letting out a grumble, she made her way towards the water. Maybe she could wash some of them off.
Glitch noticed a peculiar creature in the water, green, scaly, and large. She couldn't help but be nervous in it's presence. It drew closer, and she stood idly, frozen with fear and not quite certain as what to do.
"Get back!" She cried. Glitch began snarling, barking, and growling, but the creature merely stayed a safe distance away, seemingly scanning her for weakness before it's inevitable strike.
Glitch began to back away, which the reptile seemed to take as a challenge. The leviathan slunk from the water, advancing with a surprising speed towards her. As fast as she was, Glitch struggled to stay a safe distance ahead. But a flash of black came from the reeds noiselessly, until she let out a ferocious snarl.
The creature wheeled around, only to have the black wolf tear at the reptile's eyes. This seemed to deter the creature, who began slinking back towards the marsh water.
"Are you alright?" The black wolf asked. She looked peculiar. She had glasses, a green shawl, and silver trinkets along her tail and legs.
"I'm fine, thank you." Glitch said breathlessly. The black wolf nodded and beckoned for Glitch to follow, which she did— trying her best to keep pace.
The black wolf, who Glitch had learned was named Juneau, quickly grew tired of her companion's obnoxious chatter. Thankfully, the densite for the pack wasn't far, and before she could say goodbye, Juneau had already snuck off.
There were so many wolves to meet and see! A few of them were wolf-dogs, even. One of them, Sandalio, wasn't too fond of her kitten companion River at first, but eventually warmed up to the cat, even sharing morsels of meat with her.
The alphess, Delayne, was young and chatty. She wasn't the most prepared, and the Kohana Pack didn't have any dens reserved just for travelers.
"We don't get many of you, unfortunately. So it never crossed my mind." The alphess stated with a nonchalant shrug. Perking up, her green eyes danced excitedly. "You can stay with the others who don't have jobs. Follow me!"
When they arrived, Delayne beckoned a dark-green colored wolf over. He had been sitting by the stream, and stretched as he got up. Trotting over, Glitch was immediately enamored with him; his green-fur could make trees envious, and clay-colored markings accented with white left her breathless. Her red eyes met his olive ones, and they held the gaze for a few moments. Delayne was oblivious.
"Alright, Lennox, can you give Glitch a tour please?" She chimed sweetly. The male, Lennox, huffed. "Must I really?" He said tersely.
"Yes." Delayne said with an authority Glitch hadn't heard before. "Now go on!" She called, skipping off.
"C'mon then." Lennox said with an aloof sigh. "I'll show you around."
Glitch's determined and persistent personality seemed to break the walls Lennox had constructed. They became fast friends, and eventually, even more. She found herself wanting to stay and live with Lennox forever, especially after finding out she was with pups. Eagerly, she rushed to his den.
"Lennox! You're going to be a father!" She shouted eagerly. His eyes had widened, and his face fell.
"What?" He said, somewhat in disbelief. Glitch felt her heart sink.
"You're going to be a father?" She offered with a nervous smile.
"Glitch… please leave my den." Lennox said just barely above a whisper. But Glitch drew closer. "No, I want to sort this out!"
"We're too different. You're just... not the same. We can't. Just go away!" He snarled. Glitch felt tears well in her eyes and she sprinted off to who-knows-where, sobbing uncontrollably. River nuzzled her, doing her best to comfort her companion. Glitch's body shook. No, this was supposed to be happy! Her happy ending…
"Glitch?" A voice called. She turned, tears in her eyes, to face one of the pack's only adolescents, a she-wolf named Kua. Kua was a lot like Lennox… or what she thought Lennox had been like. Glitch wiped her eyes on her paw and tried to compose herself.
"Y-yes?" She asked shakily. Kua sat down next to her, huffing.
"Cut the act, you were crying." Kua said tersely. Glitch thought she was going to mock her, and tried to hide the tears. Realizing she had been harsh, Kua quickly added. "I mean, uh… what's wrong? Sorry I'm not good at this how-are-you-feeling stuff."
"I just want to make everyone happy… I always have." Glitch choked out, running a paw over the owl talon necklace, remembering her time at the Personality Pack. She continued, her voice breaking. "For once, I thought maybe I could get a happy ending. But Lennox said I'm too different… that I'm not the same. I just… don't understand."
Kua frowned. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 'Too different. Not the same.' Relationships are about overcoming the differences, dealing with change, and helping build one another up." The adolescent growled. "I'll wager he just doesn't want to dedicate his time. Leaving his mate when she needed him most— I'll show him!"
Something about Kua's words resonated with Glitch. It made sense though. People changed, and if you wanted a relationship to last— if you truly treasured it— you worked through it. But Lennox was too selfish to overcome it.
"Kua, I can't take my pups with me." She whispered softly. "I can't stay here, I have to leave. I'm a traveler…"
Kua nodded solemnly. "I understand. I'll take care of them, I promise."
She had performed and sung with these wolves, and she knew that it would be safe for them to be raised here. She trusted them… well, most of them. She did her best to try to speak to Lennox, but he never seemed to listen.
Glitch later gave birth to four pups, and it was then she found her happiness. But it was temporary, and she knew it. River mewled, as if to remind Glitch they had to go. Looking back, she saw Kua give her an affirming nod. Mustering up her courage, Glitch slunk into the night.