The first to pass on from Ferret's original band of misfit wolves. Slate was a chaser for the pack, known as Fenris at the time, in honor of the Norse god of wolves. Slate was chasing down a large moose bull, a target Cinder had wanted to find for a long time. Slate was at the back of the chasing group, but as Dauber and Sunny lagged behind, Slate charged ahead, chasing the moose into a stony corner. Slate held the Moose bull there until Dauber and Sunny caught up and assisted. The trio of brave huntresses fought the moose until Angus, their finisher, finally arrived. Angus tried his hardest to secure the kill, but couldn't find an opening behind the moose's antlers, and the chasers were only getting more tired. Slate noticed the other chaser's fatigue, and leaped at the moose. The moose made it's move, and Slate was thrown to the ground. The moose made a run for it, and the wolves quickly moved out of the way. The four remaining wolves in the hunting group carried Slate to the pack's newly designated graveyard- a flower field in the mountains.