She studies the ways of things that creep and crawl, fearing neither the bite of the spider nor the sting of the bee.
Made it to B-Team at 3 years 7 months old.
4th generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Mate: Iktomi
Parents: Cicada Song and Saaraiah
Sister: Ruby
Aunts and Uncles: Jolc, Isabel, Black Cougar (grandpups), Dusty (son is auburn points stud), Turkey, Carmel 339, Thunder (first storm cougar in the game), Dark Brown 395, Vanilla, Selene, Cougar, Lichen-Fern, Silver Wraith, S'mores (grandpups), Cassian, Poplar
Second Cousins: Iftekharul, Sphere of Storms (grandpups), Omens Foretold, Arukas, Keep, Shingo (grandpups), Marcel, Autumn (grandpups), Savory (grandpups)
Nieces and nephiews: Weir, Mountark, Thunderbird(this is getting hilarious), Paprika, Hawk, Pecan, Alue (grandpups)
First cousin once removed: Saaduq
Cougar lines: Wren, Bursac, 🍁 Banjax
Birth stats better than parent's: Yes. Death stats better than parent's: Yes. Death level better than parent's: Same.