Banshee, oldest wolf in the pack and retired Herbalist.
She had spent most of her life alone and away from packs due to her aggressive behavior, but she came across Vahluin and Natiya one day with a small injury. The two young wolves refused to let her be and brought her back to their den. Natiya had done her best with the limited knowledge she had on herbs, Banshee mocked the girl which lead to a verbal fight that banshee found, comforting. it had been a long time since she had a conversation with anyone, let alone anyone with as fiery as a tempter as her.
While recovering Banshee helped the two sort out any hunting issues at the time, and while she watched the pack grow, she decided to remain. this little rag tag group of wolves had won her over. She became the packs first herbalist and enjoys teasing those who come to her aid.
knowing she was getting up there in years, she found a wolf in the pack willing and wanting to learn to be a herbalist. She trained sparrow who picked it up very quickly. Banshee quickly got to enjoy her retirement and rest of her life in peace in the pack. Enjoying the time with her daughter and grandpups