Original bloodline. Relomia is the first of her line because her soul was once housed in the celestial body of a star. When her curiosity wandered beyond her galaxy's limits, she fell from grace as a shooting meteor and her consciousness bound with a wild wolf. Now tethered to a mortal body, Relomia finds herself often discovering the boundaries of ones' existence. She has gathered other wolves of similar descent and forged bonds with them; the body of a wolf is close to that of a star. Some members of her pack, which she has named Blighted Starborn, are orphans from their own mortal families, and have found friendship amongst these extraordinary wolves with shining eyes. She suspects some of her pack members to be either star souls like herself, or descendents of star souls, but has no way to prove this, as the stars refuse to speak to her. Relomia knows the language of the skies, but they have closed themselves to her and her pack, and as such she cannot decipher her pack's future. Sometimes, the youngest members of her pack think she's insane for telling them she came from the stars. But they all entertain her theories, seeing how luminescent her yellow eyes are in even the daytime.Ā