Leo (G2)
Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 6 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Obnoxious |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 180 |
Pups Bred | 19 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Lily (0.12%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Medium III |
Eyes | Ice |
Skin | Bistre |
Nose | Gray |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | White Paws (81%) |
Slot 2 | White Mask (51%) |
Slot 3 | White Marbled Unders (88%) |
Slot 4 | White Back Heavy Patch (63%) |
Slot 5 | White Inverted Agouti (82%) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | Black Inuit Unders (12%) |
Slot 8 | White Dilution (59%) |
Slot 9 | White Cross (50%) |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
58 | 92 | 93 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
52 | 59 | 354 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Prairie |
Personality changed from sullen (stoic) - obnoxious (aggressive) very fitting
Leo (G2) shoves their face into yours, talking loudly about their recent escapades. (Classic Leo)
Leo (G2) has left you a gift. You can tell it's from them since it's all dirty, smelly, and partially destroyed. You pretend to be grateful, but it's not easy to hide your true feelings.
Leo (G2) is testing out their howling voice right in the middle of the pack. They seem oblivious to the pained expressions of the pack around them.
-Stat Gains & Designs-
Future look1: Wardrobe link
Future look 2: Wardrobe link (In case I can't get a fluffy auburn or black mane)
Birth stats: 354
11 1/2 months: (I forgot to document the puptraining boost too-)
Lvl 1 (Adult): 397
Lvl 5: 433
Lvl 10 (I forgot)
Lvl 15: 742
Lvl 20: 1057
Astrology Sign:
♌ (July 23 - August 22, 2023)
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male (He/Him)
In lion form: 13.1 feet long, 148 inches tall (121 cm), 664 lbs (301 kg).
In cat form: 3.1 feet long, 18 inches tall (45 cm), 664 lbs (301 kg).
In humanoid form A: 6 foot 7 inches tall (204 cm), 664 lbs (301 kg).
In humanoid form B: 7 foot 5 inches tall (228 cm), 664 lbs (301 kg).
In lion form, Leo is unnaturally large for a lion. He's a leucistic white lion with pale skin, blue eyes, and a large white mane that has a slight poof to it. Other than that, he has all the features of a typical African Lion.
In cat form, Leo looks like a shaved persian cat. The fur around his neck to his chest and the tip of his tail all have long, puffy fur. The rest of his coat is short. He retains his leucistic appearance with all white fur, blue eyes, and pale skin. He's a little larger than the average maine coon, but it's not too noticeable.
In humanoid form A, Leo is a tall man with short white hair and a white beard. He has a muscular build and six-pack abs. Leo retains his blue eyes and he has light peach skin. He takes on the appearance of a middle aged man and has a few noticeable wrinkles on his forehead. Other than his completely white hair, there is nothing unusual about his appearance.
In humanoid form B, Leo has short white fur that completely covers his body. Like in all other forms, he has pale skin and icy blue eyes. Unlike humanoid form A, Leo has the head, mane, tail, and front paws of a lion. His paws are more similarly shaped to human hands, however, but still have pawpads and retractable claws.
Leo is pretty cocky and obnoxious. He likes to boast his superior physical strength over the other Zodiacs, and uses his muscles to woo mortal females. Leo is looked down upon for his playboy attitude and short temper, but he acts like he doesn't care what others think of him. Whenever Leo isn't actively trying to seduce women, he enjoys partying in humanoid A form or lazing around in his lion or cat form. Despite how unlikable he can be at times, Leo still shows sympathy for others and loathes both poachers and loggers.
Can shapeshift into a lion form, cat form, canine form, and two different humanoid forms. Leo's lion form is actually similar in size to that of a barbary lion. Even then, his height is taller than the average barbary. Leo's humanoid A form is the most perfect out of all the Zodiacs, which means he can freely interact with humans without worry of raising suspicion. All of his other forms have noticeable flaws, however.
Has the ability to access the mortal realm (Earth), and can access the pocket dimension where the rest of the zodiacs reside in via a portal he can summon at will.
In lion form and both humanoid forms, Leo is unnaturally strong. He's deemed as one of the strongest Zodiac signs in terms of physical strength and he is feared by a few of them because of his destructive nature on top of his power. His strength is suppressed in his cat form, however.
Leo is one of three constellations with the ability to star kiss animals. This ability can immortalize an animal and transform them into a star; usually joining the constellation of the being that star kissed them. However, they may join a different constellation of their choice. All constellations agreed that this ability is strictly reserved for suffering animals who won't be able to last another day.
Can breathe blue fire, which is the (literal) hottest colour of fire on Earth. His flames can burn as hot as 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1648 degrees Celsius. He can freely engulf his body in his own flames without being harmed, and can engulf his paws (or hands) in flames at will. Leo's fire is very destructive, so Cancer constantly stalks him from the shadows to make sure he never uses it in the mortal realm ever since the incident of 19XX.
-Other Details-
An immortal being that spends most of his time on Earth chilling with lionesses in the savanna, or chasing after bitches of both kinds in America.
Leo has a burning hatred for Cancer and strongly dislikes Virgo, Pisces, Aries and Capricorn. He claims that all of them are annoying, especially Virgo and Aries. He calls them nagging like they are his parents trying to scold him. He dislikes Pisces and Capricorn because they're "shrimps that got in his way".
Leo has gotten into physical fights with all five of those Zodiacs. His fight with Aries resulted in his death thanks to the ram's fire. His fight with Capricorn and Pisces permanently disfigured the two of them. Leo has also gotten into many nasty battles with Cancer that lead to the two severely injured, but both are evenly matched in terms of strength so all their battles have ended in draws.
Leo goes out of his way to avoid Taurus at all costs. The constellations have noted that he fears the bull more than Scorpio, who almost stung him in a battle to rescue Libra. We all know how painful it is to get stung by Scorpio. The effects of her venom are seen as worse than death, even to immortal beings.
Despite his vulgar nature, Leo has a fanbase of both wolves and lions. It doesn't matter if they're male, female, or other. Leo enjoys spending time with his admirers. He even has his own pride of lions both in Africa, and a large pack of wolfy worshippers in North America.
Leo is best friends with Libra and the two will go almost everywhere together. They especially spend a lot of their time in their cat forms being pampered by humans or roaming the African savanna. Libra is the one who convinced Leo to start using his star kiss ability after she opened up his eyes to all the injustice and cruelty in the mortal realm. Leo only uses his star kiss ability on baby animals with lethal body mutations. The first animal he star kissed was a little lion cub born with cyclopia. Him and Libra took pity on it, so he star kissed the cub with its mother's permission. There, he traveled with it and other deformed animals across different continents before he ultimately released them into the sky to live among the stars and constellations. Most of the felidae and panthera animals he starkissed ended up joining his constellation, which made Leo the 12th largest constellation in the sky out of the 88.
Names for pups:
Theta Leonis (Reserved for any TIII)
Gamma Leonis
Regulus A (First litter and from a T2 mother-)(Reserved for any non muted TIII hehe)
Lambda Leonis (Reserved for any TIII)
Wolf 359 (The irony-)
CW Leonis
Gliese 436
K2-18 (Reserved for any TIII)
AD Leonis
Rho Leonis (Reserved for any TIII)
Iota Leonis (Reserved for any TIII)
HD 100777
DP Leonis
Sigma Leonis (Reserved for any TIII, preferably a male clone)
Kappa Leonis
TX Leporis (Reserved for any TIII)
Tau Leonis
Upsilon Leonis
(#) Leonis
(#) Leo
Prologue: A Fishy Business
Chapter 1: Fawn Bull
Chapter 2: Gemini's Hideout
Previous Chapter 3: Stones and Liars
Previous Chapter 4: Forest Fiend
Previous Chapter 5: A Change of Pace
You and your new immortal companions are traveling up the rough terrain of the mountains. Sagittarius the horse seems to be having lots of trouble, while Scorpio seems to climb the cliffs with ease. You help guide Sagittarius and Pisces through the safer routes while Scorpio remains far ahead of the three of you. You've been traveling for a few hours now, and the sun was already starting to set. Its golden rays bathe the land and the mountainside as you continue to climb higher.
Eventually, you reach a point in the mountains where the path is rocky and jagged- gradually climbing upwards to a higher part of mountain. Scorpio easily climbs this wall, but you doubt Sagittarius can. "Leo's den is at the top of that ledge. You go on without me, I'll be fine." The golden buckskin horse pushes you and Pisces forward to the jagged hill. With a bit of struggle, you and Pisces begin climbing up. Seeing that you and the rugged coyote were being "too slow", Scorpio climbs back down to push you two up the hill. "You guys need to work on your muscles. Even a turtle can walk up this hill faster than you two," Scorpio said in an impatient tone, which irritates you.
After climbing up the ledge, you immediately spot something strange waiting for the three of you. A large, white creature with icy blue eyes stood by the entrance of a cave in the mountainside. It looked somewhat like a mountain lion, but was much larger, more muscular, and had shorter fur around most of its body. It has long, fluffy fur around its neck and a slim tail that ends in a fluffy tuft. You nervously glace at Pisces who was beside you. Her eye was open, staring at the creature like you were with a blank expression. Suddenly, her expression turned to fury as she lunged forward at the large feline. It lets out a low, thundering roar which makes you freeze in fear. You've never heard a sound like it before. It definitely didn't sound like the roar of a mountain lion, or even a bear.
Just as Pisces is about to strike the beast, you see blue flames come from its massive paws and the corners of its mouth. The beast opens its jaws, revealing large teeth. They look like the size of bear teeth! In the blink of an eye, you notice Pisces got shoved away before she could reach the beast. Scorpio was now in her place as the beast pinned her on her side. "Why are you protecting that runt? Why are you in my territory?!" A loud, deep-ish masculine voice spoke. "Leo- we came to ask for your help!" Scorpio's voice sounds shrill and pained. That is when you see smoke coming from the spots where Leo's paws are on her. Are the flames that hot that it's buring her fur that quick? Leo quickly backs off, but he looks between Scorpio and Pisces with a suspicious glance. "Need my help for what? I don't just help others for free." He flexes his claws, not even looking at Scorpio. He sounds pretty disinterested in the idea of helping you all. Why Scorpio wanted this Zodiac for help is a mystery to you.
"Leo! This is serious!" Scorpio got back on her paws, snarling at the large feline. "Cancer captured Aquarius, and you're one of the only constellations who match her in raw power!" Leo perked his head up at this. "Cancer, you say?" He got up with a determined look on his face. "Well you'd better have my back. It's the least you could do, especially after what you did to Libra." Leo let out a low, rumbling growl. There are a lot of things you don't know about these Zodiacs, huh? The whole time during their conversation, Pisces was watching with a hateful look on her face. You don't exactly like Leo, either, but something must've happened between the two that sparked such a hatred for Leo in Pisces.
The three of you start to head back down the steep, rocky hill. Leo and Scorpio walk ahead of you like they hike here everyday. You're sure Leo does since he lives here, but not so much Scorpio. Sagittarius bounds up to the four with a hopeful look on his face. "Leo! Are you here to help us?" Sagittarius looks at Leo like he knows he will say yes. "Yeah, whatever," Leo rolls his eyes, brushing past the horse. "Don't ask me for favors again. Next time, the answer will be no." Leo side glances at Scorpio who returns the sullen look. "Now can we look for Virgo?" Pisces pipes up, looking over at Scorpio. She nods in response, and you see Pisces with a beaming expression. "Then what are you all waiting for? Let's go!" She quickly dashes forward, descending down the mountain. Maybe Virgo is a friend of that fluffy coyote? That would explain her newfound energy to help you and Scorpio.
The four of you quickly follow after Pisces, on your way to recruit a new Zodiac to your rescue mission. "The journey will be long, but Virgo will be very useful," Scorpio tells you as you all dash down the mountain. "Rainforest here we come!" Pisces howls in excitement. Although you don't like the thought of constantly running between biomes, at least everyone else is in good spirit. That's the most important part of this journey.