Daughter of Sunny Valkyrie, niece of Jayda and Romany Valkyrie and granddaughter of Vixen Valkyrie. The family began with original pupsitter Skadi. Pictured wearing the ceremonial crown, which is worn for the first week of being alpha. Autumn became alpha during the great cold, 2 days after the Coigreach event began.
LORE NOTE!! To access the first part of Autumn Valkyrie's lore, visit dynasty and click Katja Tyr-Runas page.
Autumn got up at dawn, as she had planned, and washed the ceremonial blood from her pelt. Now it was time to meet Maeve, she felt really nervous. She hadn't a clue what to expect, save from they considered Katja an ally. Breaking the news would make sense, surely. She shook her pelt off and sighed, trying to push the loud, crowding thought's and speculations to the back of her mind. The sun was breaking through the clouds, the mist lay low on the wet ground. The sky was a delicious sight of morning. Autumn set off from the forest for the prairie. It was a quiet journey. She passed a couple of squirrels and a raven that flew away when she got close but that was all. It was the great cold, she supposed.
As she drew near the plains of the prairie she saw a figure. Despite her nerves, her tail wagged a bit. Maeve had shown up, and Autumn had kept her word. She hoped it was the right wolf. As she got closer she saw a slim, small female with a dark coat and pale eyes. She looked tired.
"Maeve?" She questioned the she wolf. There was a pause "no... " She finally replied. Autumn panicked. She had got the wrong one. She couldn't see anywolf else, anywhere. As she looked in every direction in panic the soft voice broke her nervous search "Where is Katja Tyr-Runa?" Autumn stopped, looking at her again. The other wolf looked her up and down, and, noticing the crown, apologized. " I am sorry for your loss. You're.. you're her heir?"
"Who are you" Autumn said, ignoring the question "Katja sent me to find Maeve"
" Well that's just it" she replied " we can't find Maeve. She disappeared too. I've come in her stead, I'm Sirona, my Pack's herbalist" Autumn suddenly remembered a mention of a herbalist introduction by Katja. "Sorry.. " she hung her head " I've been so worried. Katja died. She hasn't gone missing, I suppose i owe you that. What happened to Maeve? Where did you last see her?" Sirona looked at the ground again, sighing. "She went back out looking for Lowen, her mate. It's all she's done since he disappeared, only this time, she didn't come home. We've looked everywhere, we knew this might come, with her going off at all hours alone"
Autumn didn't really know what to do. These weren't usual alpha challenges, especially for a newly crowned. "How can I help, then" she asked. Sironas ears pricked up. It seemed she didn't have the same faith in her as she did in Katja. "Well, an elder in my pack wanted to meet with Katja Tyr-Runa today, regarding all this. If she entrusted you to this job then I'm sure he will accept you. Join me?" She smiled. Autumn returned it. "Lead the way. I'm autumn Valkyrie, of the Valkyrie line"
They walked for what seemed like forever southwest. Little was said. "Sirona" Autumn said, a worried look on her face "where are you stationed? My pack needs me, I have to inspect the herbs, observe, meet with the scouts once they-"
"I'm familiar with the lead role" Sirona turned and smiled at autumn " I'm the herbalist in my pack. Did you not leave your second in command in charge?" Autumn paused. She hadn't.
Scars are all from explore. Foxes did the lower ones, the face was a cougar in Taiga and nose from an eagle and osprey. Scar medium eye is new, an eagle in coniferous forest. Eyeless was a white tail buck in swamp. Most recent was her side by another cougar in the rainforest.
5 days before retirement at almost 8, Autumn lost her last eye to a moose Bull in the Tundra. After a long, successful rein she removed her crown and accepted extra care from the pack. She would be damned if it would stop her exploring-thats what noses were for.