Eykata -Â
The prickly daughter of Lundgren and Saber, Eykata left her pack as an adolescent and wandered the territory beyond the grasslands. During her travels she became a wandering warrior, a ronin amongst wolves as she continued searching for her purpose in life. She was one of the best fighters in the area and she was no longer afraid of big cats or bears. As she continued on her quest, however, she soon discovered that the lack of other wolves to call her friends was beginning to wear on her. In her later adulthood she became complacent until she came across a young wolf in the mountains. Palisade was just a greenhorn with anxious paws and an uncertain gaze. The choice not to run the whelp turned out to be the right one as she was soon recruited in the young she-wolf's pack. It was there that Eykata slowly gained respect for the other wolf, deciding that she could confide and trust in the leadership skills that she possessed. In turn, Eykata acted as her guide in terms of martial affairs. As battled scarred and cranky as she was, she proved to be Delphine Arcane's prime strategist and later pupsitter to help teach the youngsters how it's done. Now as an an elder, she's since retained only her pupsitter role but still offers her advice to the alpha from time to time. She's also been keeping a sharp eye on the pups. Having no surviving pups of her own, she's found herself mothering the orphaned or abandoned pups that have joined the pack and has taken a shine to two of them, Ryoma and Oryo. The former for his aptitude in battle strategy and Oryo for her natural charm with the younger pups. Through them, she sees hope and has nudged Ryoma towards Segret in hopes that he'll learn his ways and become the next great scout of Delphine Arcane. With her seventh year upon her, Eykata looks forward to the last leg of her life and hopes to welcome death like an old friend after all this time.Â