Phlox is a long-term member of the pack and a very lovable asshole. Her special brand of really-smart-person-with-no-common-sense is that she accidentally does very nice things without intending to, which causes it to be adored by many despite not actually liking them at all. This especially includes pups; small pups adore Phlox and she does not have a single clue why. It's also "friends" with Sedge and Grayling (she does, in fact, actually care for them, but would never admit it). Phlox is the token rational friend in their trio, and frequently advises Sedge on leadership decisions. She is the only person whose stupid questions Phlox will (begrudgingly) answer. It's gonna be like pulling claws when Sedge someday realizes Phlox needs to pass on her knowledge to someone and has to force it to take on an apprentice who will indubitably ask some pretty dumb questions.