- AP Slaughter M 349 F/Any joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +5 Scouting Proficiency and +1 strength.
- AP Slaughter M 349 Any gained +4 stalking proficiency points (new total: 4) from observing the hunt. +2 smarts (new total: 69)
Chasing & Escaping
During the lesson: AP Morningmist F 476 S had a feather attached to the end of her tail, and raced through a clearing with AP Slaughter M 349 Any close behind. He couldn't quite catch her yet, but he got close enough to feel the feather tickle his nose before AP Morningmist F 476 S pulled farther ahead.
During the lesson: /// Liver F 683 Any brought a massive branch today and asked all participants to grab onto it with their jaws and hang as long as possible. It looked hilarious as they walked around the den like this for a long while, but AP Slaughter M 349 Any determinedly kept his jaw shut and ignored the giggles of the other pups.