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Family of Beryl

This wolf is adopted!

This wolf was adopted by...

Biological Family Tree

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI):
Instances of Inbreeding:

Paternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents
Maternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents

Living Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack
Silver girl Headshot Silver girl Glaucous Glaucous Diva pack
Purple nose Headshot Purple nose Khaki Ashen Diva pack
Aztar Headshot Aztar Birch Pumice The Night-Stalkers
Blackthorn Headshot Blackthorn Black Pumice The Night-Stalkers
Blue Headshot Blue Blue Beryl Diva pack
Chestnut Headshot Chestnut Chestnut Red Diva pack
Honeydew Headshot Honeydew Honeydew Birch Diva pack
Beryl Headshot Beryl Beryl Blue Diva pack
Blue eyes Headshot Blue eyes Steele Pink lines Diva pack
Blue Headshot Blue Blue Diorite Diva pack

Living Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack

Deceased Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Blue Caramel Diva pack
New Runt Puppy Headshot New Runt Puppy Honeydew Birch Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Skarn Gray Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Red Sell/R&C - wis/smt Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Khaki Cream darker 1 Diva pack
New Runt Puppy Headshot New Runt Puppy Dark Brown Dravite Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Malachite Blue eyes Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Birch Blue eyes Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Howlite Sell/R&C - wis/smt Diva pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Khaki New Befriended Wolf Diva pack

Deceased Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack